Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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Rainbow Dash has pulled a muscle in her wing. Not a big deal, until she tries to fly home on it in bad weather and nearly dies. Fluttershy saves her, carries her home, and takes care of her.

Flutterdash hurt-comfort/cuddlefic. Contains non-erotic sensuality and ponies talking about their feelings.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been feeling pressured by the demands of the Wonderbolts recently - it's really been getting to her.

Maybe Twilight can help.

TwiDash one-shot (also comfort snuggles!) :3

Chapters (1)

So Rainbow Dash decided to share the story of how she died saving Fluttershy's life. Her friends decided to humor her and listen along. As they hear the story they keep wondering why Rainbow Dash insists she has died. The ending tells them everything.

Picture used with permission and the artist name is ~BlackSonicShadow

Now with it's own some what sequel More hilarity here.

Chapters (1)

While reading a book late into the night, Fluttershy is interrupted by a loud series of noises outside of her cottage.

Upon her investigation, the timid mare stumbles across a drunk Rainbow Dash in a sad state of mind. When she opens up her home to her life-long friend, it is evident that there is something that Rainbow wants to tell her.

However, when she is told what is on the pegasus's mind, she is unsure how to react.

Special thanks to ShadyAwesomeness for proofreading!

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has a question for Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash wishes she had a good answer for her.

Gold medalist in the Writeoff Association's January 2018 contest, written for the prompt "Lie Me A River." Cover art by Xieril, used without permission.

Edited by AndrewRogue.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow is dealing with a few problems regarding her feelings towards Fluttershy. So Twilight suggests that perhaps a bit of therapy may help her come to terms with them.

My entry to the 3rd Flutterdash Writing Contest

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is the world's greatest flyer. Not only because she practices and trains so much she could wear out the Wonderbolts, but also because she has turned flying into her own personal therapy.

However, some feelings don't just go away on their own.

Some feelings, you can't outfly.

Chapters (3)

(Title: Horse/Pony of the Lanterns)
Rainbow Dash's recklessness has usually been getting her into trouble. Lately, the consequences of her impulsive decisions have finally started to catch up with her when her wing is broken and she can't afford treatment from Nurse Redheart. Rarity recommends to Twilight somepony who could be able to help with their situation and Twilight discovers a part of her friend's past.

Chapters (1)

It is astounding what one can accomplish over breakfast. Breaking the laws of reality wasn't quite what Rainbow Dash had in mind during this particular brunch. She wasn't really in the mood for a lecture on the matter, either, but Twilight was eager to provide one.

Warning for chaos, breakfast foods, and the general nonsense that comes with writing absolute madness.

Thank you to Cynewulf and Axolu for taking my silliness seriously. Very seriously.

Featured on 11/27! Thank you all so much!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow has been kind of hyper all day, and is more than restless in her bed. Unable to fall asleep, she deciedes to head outside and take a leisurely flight outside in the full moon. It's a wonderful time to let her mind wander...

Chapters (1)