Twilight Stories 434 stories
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It's Twilight's first date with her new marefriend. After consulting Dating for Dummies, she decides it would be best if she personally cooked them dinner.

There's just one problem: Twilight can't cook. At all. But a cookbook and a bit of improvisation should be enough to make up for that, right?

A personal thank you to Flint Sparks for pre-reading, as well as to the people on the Twilight's Library Skype chat. A few discussions were had about culinary failings, which inspired the dishes in this story.

Now part of Twilight's Library!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy couldn't contain herself while eating Twilight's pie, and now there's a huge mess for them to clean up. Who knew eating pie could be so messy!

And then Spike needed bleach to clean it up.

Pre-read by Flint Sparks. Help with the description provided by Noble Thought.

Reading by Mixer Loop!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle after the disastrous attempt at completing Starswirls Spell in the first half of Magical Mystery Cure. Decides that she's going to say buck it, and finish up some old spell of her own. By violating magic, physics, and nature. Twilight and the Mane 6 truly discover a new form of magic, and the power of friendship. Much to the consternation of Celestia and amusement of Luna.


Chapters (1)

Do you need to know what texture an apple's skin has to be in order to be sure that it's ripe? There's an app. for that! Ever wondered how many apples it would take to fill the cement foundation of a skating rink? There's an app. for that too! Ever felt like having an adoracute hologram with orange freckles that you could summon at any moment to chat with you in a charming country accent? Well...

When Twilight Sparkle donates a bunch of crystalline "smart-watches" to the citizens of Ponyville, she unwittingly includes a free download of a holographic Applejack with each prototype. Now the entire town is enamored with utilizing their helpful little neighborhood apple pony. The only thing is... would the real Applejack approve of all this?

Cover art by Fozzywig

Chapters (1)

When Twilight's latest spell goes predictably awry, she ends up swapping bodies with all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. At the same time.

Written for the Body Swap Writing Contest

Chapters (1)

While attempting a transfiguration spell, Twilight accidentally transforms herself into a porcupine, and decides to send a letter to Celestia for help. She wasn't expecting Pinkie to show up.

Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

ONESHOT: There can be horrific events in our lives, some we will never forget. Today, Mr. and Mrs. Cake will have a moment like that, when they buy a Starbits coffee machine, and a certain hyper pink pony wants to try it out...

Elslowmo and Nasse-Seta get credit for the cover image, it just felt right for this story.

If you enjoyed this, check out the sequel Ponyville Discovers Coffee. Here's the link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/39039/Ponyville-Discovers-Coffee

Chapters (1)

In the middle of the night, Rainbow Dash breaks down Twilight's door and invites her to a hockey game. Twilight soon finds out she's in for more than she bargained for.

Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

Love is much like a river. Its power rings true not in the calm and serene of its waters, but in the perilous and daunting rapids.

Now, after a night of heated words, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie will have to face the torrent in their relationship.

Edited and proofread by Key Tapper and Cookie Monstar. Go check them out! This story wouldn't be what it is without their help.

Chapters (1)