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The wedding was a disaster, but the changelings were defeated. The only real price paid was a mare's trust in her friends and family. Now she will seek out a new path in life, teaming up with an exile and a music loving DJ, the group will forge a new destiny in life.

Chapters (8)

Hello my friend. It's good to see you. Come in, come in, sit and let us chat. Time for me is very short and there is something I must confess. Sit and listen, one final tale before I depart the world; a tale of revenge.

((Cover art done by xXMarkingXx

Now with two audio readings by CreepyPastaSalad & Akash Thereader))

Chapters (1)

Sunset convinces Twilight to spend a Christmas with her and the girls in their world so she could get a taste of what it's like while accidentally showing her one of the best parts of the holiday.
Featured on 12/17/14! *Dash voice* Aw yeah!

Chapters (1)

Poor Twilight Sparkle... she never realized how foolish Celestia was...

Co-Written by Nonagon and Lunacorva

Now with Dramatic Reading by DRWolf!

Chapters (1)

Fearing the consequences of her actions in the bipedal world, Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria and moves to Ponyville where Twilight Sparkle can keep an eye on her. Sunset Shimmer, bored and beaten, casts about for something to distract her, but soon the feelings growing inside her for Ponyville's princess can no longer be ignored. Nervously, with a little help and encouragement, Sunset begins to open her long-frozen heart to Twilight Sparkle, but when the shadows of Sunset's past threaten to destroy any chance of her happiness in the present, Sunset and Twilight may have to risk everything they have and defy cosmic forces older than Equestria in order to seize their fragile chance at happiness.

Cover art by Wadusher0

Many thanks to pre-reader The Albinocorn, but don't blame him for any errors you might find in the first chapter, because he only became pre-reader after I posted chapter 1

Chapters (17)

"What's a Warpig?"

An innocent question from a innocent filly brings back a flood of memories Celestia would have preferred to keep buried.

Rated Teen and tagged Gore for violence.

Edited by Magicman7997 and Evanescyan

Now with a dramatic reading by Goombasa

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia is a proud mentor to an extraordinary filly.

That very filly has read all there was in the vast libraries of Canterlot, and is bored to death during lectures at the School for the Gifted Unicorns where she attends. She’s also destined to bear the Element of Magic, and one day, perhaps, even take Celestia’s place on the throne. She may have some rough edges, true, but Celestia is going to teach her the magic of friendship and the values that are important in life.

If only Sunset Shimmer could stop sabotaging her efforts wherever they go.

Reviewed by Corejo and Csquared08 here! Also by PresentPerfect here! Check out Tales of the Sun to get this story in print!

Chapters (5)

((Mostly unrelated and random one-shots of varying lengths))

Some things, like kissing, hugging, and smiling, translate well in any world. Other things, like hand holding, nuzzling, and cuddling, however, can have different meanings in different civilizations.

Twilight Sparkle is determined to take advantage of this, or at least that's how it seems to poor Sunset Shimmer...

((Oh yes. It's time for the SunLight! May also contain: Fluff, kissing, cliches, coming out stories, and other fun things.))

Chapters (6)

Dark Tag is for Black Comedy and slightly morbid situations!

A young man wakes up in Equestria as a very adorable Alicorn colt, gets forcibly adopted by Luna, and tries to find his way home. It's a shame that a certain Night Princess won't let him.

Rated Teen for suggestive scenes and the occasional bit of colorful language.

Cover art done by the wonderful Shadow Bolt.

Chapters (15)

Random Alert! Don't take this story seriously!

Welcome everyone!

Ever wondered what would happen if Ponies took over the world with cuddles?

Ever wondered what Celestia and Tobias got up too after the chronicle ended, or maybe even Richard and Chrissy in-between the Acts?

Then this should probably satisfy all of those desires. So if you're here to read about warm, soft, loving, tender and affectionate snuggly goodness, then you've come to the right fic!

Enjoy, and stay snuggly!

Requests are accepted. Some chapters will contain some dark elements, but not enough to warrent a tag

Chapters (1)