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It has been one of the closest guarded secrets of Canterlot's royalty. Deep in a specially constructed dungeon, surrounded by warding spells and powerful magic barriers, exists an enigma. Within a cage that could only be described as something out of a nightmare, it waits and watches all of Equestria. A creature that cannot age, is immune to disease, does not thirst nor hunger, and resists all injury. But, it also holds secrets and knowledge that could safeguard the kingdom. Its powers are frightening, but it is civil enough for debate when patience permits.

Princess Celestia has sought counsel with the creature before, enduring it making deal after deal for its services. The Princess walks a fine line when dealing with it, knowing full well anything could give it an advantage despite its imprisonment. She has had to go back on her word in these dealings, and from this a deep animosity between them has been born. It is a necessary evil as she is convinced this is a being capable of untold evil far and above anything Equestria has ever dreamed of. So long as it remains within the confines of its cell, her kingdom is made safe. So much magic has been woven to ensure that, there is little chance of escape.

So long as the magic holds, there is no danger. So long as the cage remains strong, the nameless creature stays enthralled in his cavernous dwelling. If that were to change--if the magic failed--not even the wisest could say. But one thing is assured, it does not bode well for Equestria.

Chapters (14)

Princess Celestia orders the invasion of Earth. Things don't go as planned.

Chapters (1)

In Equestria, humans serve the ruling pony class. Their lack of magic makes it near impossible to survive on their own, and so they depend on their rulers to protect and help them, and put a roof over their heads. But on Earth, and in many other solar systems, their strength is the pinnacle of hope, as they assist those they can in their frantic search for the ones who came before.

Near the edge of the humans' empire, The USSF Monarch stumbles upon Pony kind on Tango 126, one of the many targets during their hunt for the Precursors. Their curiosity is peaked, and John Punch, a high ranking Elite, is sent in disguised as one of the many Human occupants on the planet, to learn of their culture, and the Precursors' presence on this planet.

Now the respected veteran must face the social challenges of being thrust into a gender reversed, pony dominated society.

Chapters (7)

It's been close to two-hundred years since the Cold War between the Solar Empire, New Lunar Republic, and Human Alliance started. Now, the spark that will send the world into the fires of war has just been lit. Learn the Origins of this conflict, and about each respectful Faction.
The world is about to change, and the Actions of a single commander will change the course of the war.
That Commander is You.
Choose wisely

Chapters (4)

The only human in Equestria has an awkward time in a bar. Mostly due to the massive language barrier.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle has been on Earth, and human, for nearly two weeks. It wasn’t planned, but the human girl that she stays with is at least very helpful. As her stay lengthens and the difficulty of returning to Equestria seems more and more strenuous, she tries to take it easy and research the humans and their customs. Even though she is no longer a unicorn at the moment, her pastimes and favorite hobbies remain the same. Studying always eases her mind, so a look into human mating rituals should be very interesting and therapeutic, right?

This ‘one-shot’ story is an offshoot of Merlos The Mad’s story, ‘A Twilight Landing’. It takes place eleven days into the story, just after chapter thirteen. If you read this story by itself, the jokes will still make sense. This may also be considered canon.

Cover art graciously provided by go4moo!

Additional chapters a definite possibility.

Chapters (1)

When a human arrives in Ponyville, Applejack takes her in. She slowly begins to realize why she wants to protect this girl.
Wow! I want to thank everyone who has given the time to read the story and all the wonderful comments! Thank you all so much! You don't know how much all your comments, likes, and favorites means to me!

Okay I should probably clarify, that even though I wrote girl, that she is an adult. And not adopted.

Chapters (1)

No one has seen Sunset Shimmer in a week after the Fall Formal. Principal Celestia is getting worried. She doesn't really know much about Sunset Shimmer, but she is aware that she is alone in this world. When Celestia finds Sunset it is worse than she knew. Now, Celestia moves to heal the heart of the girl from another world. It is to be a difficult and hard fought battle against Sunset's own perception of self.

Can Sunset turn her life around from the downward spiral that it is in? Or is she right to believe that she is only a demon and deserves only the worst in life? Sunset's journey to forgiving herself starts with allowing her mentor's alternate into her life, but does she deserve to have the chance to disappoint two Celestias?

Now being edited by devas and The Albinocorn

Featured! August 18th 2014! For all of 10 minutes! Still counts!
Freatured again! September 15 2014! For a much longer time! Last time I update this bit though.

Chapters (4)

A Conversion Bureau Story

Whether it be clothed in a velvet glove, or by the iron hoof it covered, Princess Celestia forced ponification onto mankind, allowing no choice for the species. Only a scant hundred million escaped her law, out of a total of seven billion, whether it be by their own hand, the hoof of an unfortunate pony, or the three million who managed to escape to space in pods that would never make landfall even in the off-chance they would encounter a viable planet. She was confident that all of the apes that had ruined this planet of Earth were either surely dead, or her little ponies.

Millennia later, she would receive a strange visitor from the stars, one that held an agenda that she didn't agree with, but that she herself had given precedence for.

Chapters (1)

Equestria is expanding unstoppably. The Conversion Bureaus are working at peak capacity. It looks absolutely certain that Celestia will replace humanity with ponies.

But then one niggling flaw appears in her plan. You see, humanity's religions, while dismissed by Celestia as just more evidence of human barbarism, are correct in at least one respect. Humanity has a loving father, and what Celestia is doing makes Him angry. So angry in fact, He's going to do what He hasn't done since ancient times: smite.

Seems like Exodus is being reenacted, and guess who's playing Pharoah?

Chapters (11)