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It's Christmastime at Canterlot High. After an assignment of Sunset is found by Fluttershy and the others, they'll do whatever it takes to make sure Sunset has a great Christmas. SunsetXFluttershy

(Co-written with Pikatwig from Fanfiction).

Chapters (10)

Ponies wanted Celestia away, because in their minds, she wasn't able to protect them anymore. They forced her to give up the Sun to the Unicorns, taking away most of her powers, and then they threw her out of Canterlot.

Now, a year later, they called her back to Canterlot. Why? What could they possibly want from her?

One shot AU in which the first two seasons happened, but without the presence of the Mane 6 (First attempt at real Pony Fic)...

Chapters (1)

My response to EQD's Writer's Training Ground prompt #6: "Author, Equestria is in peril! Assemble a team of one Mane Cast member and their foil with attitude!"

It has been two and a half years since the events of Equestria Girls, and the portal to the human world is open again. Twilight receives an urgent letter from Princess Cadence asking her to come to the Crystal Empire immediately. Somepony has come through the portal, somepony who knows Twilight personally and is asking for her help to save Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Adam is a good friend of Princess Cadance, and has been for the past year.

But when the Crystal Princess finds her request for snuggles denied, her mind breaks and she quickly kidnaps him for nefarious reasons.

He never stood a chance.

Uploaded at 10.20 AM. Written in about twenty minutes for April Fools, Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle returned to Equestria, Sunset Shimmer stayed behind to learn of friendship and take responsibility for her actions. But no-pony and no-one should have to learn about such things without a teacher.

Anyway, I have a long and meandering plan. We'll see how this goes. Updates may be sporadic as I write in short sprints not long marathons, but my projects tend the be marathon like. It should get finished. Sometime.
Also I'm not going to tell you this twice, run, far away, I'm a horrid writer and this will warp your mind.
Trigger warnings: EQGverse, Burning Skyway's bad writing.

Chapters (5)

Trixie is a show mare with a past she doesn't care for, the same can be sad for Sunset Shimmer. After a few drink at a local tavern. They found that they had a common dislike of Twilight, which led them to drink some more. Not feeling able to do much. They head back to a room in the tavern. Waking up to each other was not what they had in mind. The events that follow are of those who are just not able to see how someone else feels.

Edited by: TheShadow

Chapters (1)

{Parody of what could have happened in my story, Night-Light of Friendship}

The Battle changed the way the people at CHS looked at each other. They were all closer and better friends than before; even Sunset was slowly being accepted once again as another regular student.

Something had been... Off, about Sunset though. She was still friendly, but she refused to attend another sleepover at Pinkie's house. Or anyone's house.

Just what exactly is she hiding?

(Popular story on 10/13/15!! Thank you guys so much!!)

Chapters (3)

Ever since you have arrived in Equestria, you have been an outcast. Not because of your personality or looks... well it's mostly because of your looks. Ponies here tend to be a lot more Xenophobic than you first thought. But now, you have had it.

And yes, there will be a bit of OOC in this story.

Chapters (1)

When peace loving equines declare war against humanity, they get more than they bargained for as large formations of bombers fly across the Equestrian skies; easily flying through the shield the ponies had constructed around there "great" country and decimating their cities and towns.

One-shot, Anti-TCB story so if you don't like reading ponies getting blown up by 750 pound bombs this isn't the story for you.

Chapters (2)

Celestia may be going crazy...

And how shall these "negotiations" through e-mail turn out?

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Chapters (2)