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Set about twenty years in the future. Spike and Rarity have been happily married and all was great in Equestria... until the unicorn's age began to show. While making her way back from Zecora's, a certain spirit of the night approaches the middle aged mare with a proposition to once again turn her into Nightmarity. As for Spike, how does one deal with their spouse coming home with a new body and sharing it with a millennium old evil.
*Haven't seen many fics featuring characters from the MLP:FIM comics.


A collaboration with GiantMako

A/N: This is a gallows dark romantic comedy. The cover art is not indicative of the story, just needed a really good image of Nightmare Rarity and Spike.

Chapters (5)

During an experiment with new magic. Princess Twilight Sparkle suddenly finds herself in a strange new world and in even stranger company.

Kai is your everyday guy. He wakes up, goes to work and then comes home again, a monotonous routine that is his everyday life. That is until a talking, purple horse appears in his apartment. Well… so much for monotonous routines.

The Princess has a secret or two though, perhaps a new friendship will help her forget some old ones?

Chapters (21)

When Applejack asked Fluttershy to help out with an animal problem on Sweet Apple Acres, she had NOT expected to be faced with an animal so big.

And red.

And energetic.

Chapters (1)

Dark Tag is for Black Comedy and slightly morbid situations!

A young man wakes up in Equestria as a very adorable Alicorn colt, gets forcibly adopted by Luna, and tries to find his way home. It's a shame that a certain Night Princess won't let him.

Rated Teen for suggestive scenes and the occasional bit of colorful language.

Cover art done by the wonderful Shadow Bolt.

Chapters (15)

Okay let's just go over everything that's happened so far. Dragged into a road trip, check. Dragged to a convention, check. Dragged through dimension. Wait what? Okay, universe. Stop! Seriously what did I do to deserve that last one! Stop throwing me into impossibly horrible situations! It was bad enough being world thrown, but public enemy number 1!? What did I ever do to you!?

Evidently, I must have done a lot. I have been trapped here with nothing but my wit and ingenuity, but I'm still alive and have at least one friend. I decided that it would be better make the most out of my new life, and see if I can live at all in this crazed world of Magic and Myths. Hopefully I won't screw up too badly. I fear what may come if I do. Though.... this is all starting to feel familiar. I'm having some difficulty remembering from where though.
Co-authored from chapter 22 and on with Shinigamisparda

Alt Cover Art
Story inspired by "F**k it, I'm having fun" by JimmytheGrape and everything else in the League of Humans acting Villainous.
Props to them! Cover art is not mine.
Edit**4/28/14**Technopathic is amazing and you should thank her greatly for working on new cover art for me. It's not done, but as she does it, I will continue to update my cover.
Edit***5/23/14*** NEW cover art is COMPLETE!
Edit****6/28/14**** Old cover art is back by popular demand

Chapters (26)

EDIT: I have created a group for anyone who would like to make similar fics.
Tiny Pony

This is based off the semi-popular Warhammer 40k fanfiction version called TinyHammer

What happens when you have teeny tiny ponies living in your bedroom?

How will they take being the size of your thumb?

How will you deal with the Changelings, Minotaurs, Griffons, Buffalos, and Dragons that came along for the ride?

How will Pinkie react to human sized cupcakes?
I don't own My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic or Warhammer 40k.
Please support the official releases.

Chapters (10)

Fluttershy discovers a weird creature that crash-landed in her yard. However, when the creature turns into a human before her very eyes, little does she know that she's in for a wild ride!

Chapters (2)

Button Mash just moved to Ponyville. He isn't very outgoing, and just prefers to stay inside playing video games all day. However, the Cutie Mark Crusaders notice he doesn't have a cutie mark, and decide to ask him to join their group.

Thank you so much to Silver Blade (http://www.fimfiction.net/user/silver+blade) and Foobwhisperer (http://www.fimfiction.net/user/foobwhisperer) for helping proofread and edit.
First attempt at writing fanfiction, so sorry if it sucks.

Chapters (2)

After the Doctor saved the world and got a new companion, Twilight Sparkle, he has been told she is moving. Her mother Twilight Velvet has a request for him. To go to check out the new school Twilight will be attending. But when he gets there he is thrown into a new adventure where he meets a strange Twilight, as well as an energy source in this school. Meeting old friends and helping bring together friends, the Doctor is in for an adventure even he has never done.

Chapters (4)

So I live in a small country known as Sweden, never heard of it? Let me give your mind some refreshments: We have the all known Falukorv, aka Sausage. the mighty and immortal (derp) Knugen, aka our king. and let's not forget the biggest thing we Swedes have to show for (except being one of the healthiest countries in the world.) IKEA, of course.
But enough of that, Sweden is a very small country, and thus do not get many conventions actually worth going to, but there were one close by-ish, and I decided to go all out with my outfit.
That's right, I went like Alice from Madness Returns, in the Heart Dress, with a functional Vorpal Blade.
Another story in the "League of Humans going insane Acting Villainous.", created by... uhh <Jimmy the Grape>. Don't remember whom but the whole thing kicked off with "Rise of Darth Vulcan." Loosely inspired by "Not Having any of this S###" by Technopathic and "F*** it i'm having fun" (The later by Jimmy the Grape.)
This genre was generally started by CrypticMetaphor, and then came Uberdeathninja and i'm not getting into this argument.
Mature rated because, well, she's Alice!
THEME SONG! : Shinedown ~ Her Name is Alice

Chapters (9)