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Eight years has passed since the famous Phoenix Wright, cleared the name of the Pegasus Pony Rainbow Dash After being forced into Equestria... and gained nothing but old evidence, an embarrassing picture, and less respect from his friends... so much for that new sports car. Nevertheless, A lot has happened in those eight years, and Phoenix has made new friends on the way.

Chapters (5)

In a bizarre case of "Royal Abduction", Princess Luna is stolen away by her princess friends and forced to 'enjoy' herself at the beach. Whether she likes it or not. But, with Luna's sharp senses of deduction, she will certainly find out how her 'friends' spend their time on the beach. Whether they want her to or not.

Humanized characters.

Chapters (1)

To the highly skilled operative code-named Naked Snake, today was not that good of a day. On top of being sent to kill his former mentor in order to prevent the Cold War from going nuclear, he had gotten captured, and lost his eye. While he did manage to escape, there was still much he had to do in order to complete his mission.
Still, even being tortured by someone with inexplicable lightning powers was somewhat preferable to finding himself outside of not only the mission area, but his world as he knew it...

Chapters (7)

Twilight has discovered a new spell to use in tandem with the Elements of Harmony. Its intent is to reveal more of the mysteries behind the artifacts. Yet once the spell is cast will the mane six be able to deal with the consequences? What will they learn when they come face to face with the very virtues they claim to embody? The Mane six will have to face their greatest challenge yet. The Elements of Harmony themselves.

(Cover art done by CSIMadmax)

(Featured on 1/6/2014)

(Also big thanks to Coppercore for help editing my ramblings!)

Chapters (6)

The Mane-iac has a reason, a method to her madness, and one that will shock the Mane Si-er, the Power Ponies to their core.

Because it's not exactly evil, and aren't we all crazy when we're in love?

Chapters (1)

“I did my obligation. And now my son must complete his. But not in the world we are from. Here, he must do what others will fail. I have no fear in him failing this task that not even gods could succeed in, I fear what he will lose at the end of the road. Friends, family, love?"

"But I will succeed. War, death, life, family... nothing will stop me from saving everything. Its what I must do, because only I can. Everything is in this gamble. Lose it all, or lose a little to save everything else! But what will I lose?"

This is a cross over of the Assassin's Creed games (if you couldn't tell). And is based after the (Connor's, not Desmond's) events in Assassin's Creed 3.

Any ANYTHING that's in this story that I did not create belongs to their rightful owners and creators. This is a fanfic for entertainment of others and myself in writing. NOT TO MAKE PROFIT!

Cover art done by me. (Wish I did a better with the lines though. Still, some cover art is better then none.)

Special thanks to Fat1thatyoulove for being my proof reader/editor. (Chapter 4 - )

Also. I'm a novice writer. I have no plans on making this a major part of my life. I like coming up with stories, which is why I'm wright this.


Chapters (10)

A collection of stories that take a quick look into the daily lives of high school student Sunset Shimmer and her friends.

Set in the Equestria Girls world.

Chapters (28)

[2nd Person]

You are the son of a wealthy sports store owner. One day during your walks a heavy thunderstorm rolls in. You stumble into a ravine, finding two small creatures lost in a world not their own.

You take in the two small foals, and try to help them to the best of your abilities.

Shamelessly inspired by My Little Dashie... Please don't hurt me...
First thing I show the public, so... be harsh!

Oh man, why is this so embarrassing...

Image is copyrighted to MadMax http://fav.me/d4p0am0

Chapters (8)

All Carrot Top wanted was a vacation, but when the Tyrant Sun appears and lays siege to the industrial city of Stalliongrad, the simple carrot farmer finds herself in way over her head. Trapped far from home, with only a few friends beside her, Carrot Top must help marshal the city's defenses and keep the civilians safe--both from the implacable monster outside the walls, and the increasingly unstable chaos within them. Between dwindling supplies, a Discordian anarchist, insane sun cultists, and a city government that refuses to believe the walls could fall, the farmer will have to overcome a host of problems in order that the innocent ponies survive the coming disaster. But overcome them she must, because the coldest city in Equestria will otherwise go up in flames... and will take one million ponies with it.

Lunaverse story, set at the end of the 'Winter' portion of Season 2. Note that RDD has reserved judgement on whether or not this story is canonical.

Chapters (5)

The guest room in our house that's remained empty is finally filled this year. Apparently, there's a new student coming to my high school for a couple semesters. Something of an exchange student, I guess. I've met dozens of exchange students; quite a few come over from Taiwan and China, and even one from Vietnam. Except this guy's from another world. No, literally. He's from an alternate universe.

Oops, did I say "he?" I meant "she." And her name is Rainbow Dash.


This is an old idea, but it was basically an answer to TotallyNotABrony's challenge to write a fic about RD or another pony coming to your college and hanging out. I tweaked it for my old high school instead, as small high schools have stranger experiences, especially with the drama (By small, I mean a graduating class of thirty-four kids). Forgot to post it here.

Chapters (3)