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This story is a sequel to The Eagle Is Sealed

While Luna spends her time chatting with the three astronauts onboard Columbia on the three-day trip back to Earth, the humans still on the planet have to deal with the fallout her appearance has caused. Unfortunately for Charlie, that fallout starts for him as Soviet interest .

Now they're after him. He'll have to avoid, evade, and straight-up fight the full might the Soviet spy machine can bring to bear upon one man. Hopefully it'll be enough to keep him out of their clutches.

For if they can't have him, they'll do their best to make sure no one else can, either.

Featured (briefly) 9/23/14!

Sequel here!

Chapters (18)

The love lives of the fillies in the Ponyville Schoolyard are kicked into high gear by the arrival of a new colt who only wishes to be left alone. However, with everypony wanting to welcome him and be his friend, or give him a hard time for being a Blank Flank, he sees no other option than to counterattack the only way he knows how, passive aggressively.

Little could he have known that surprise kisses and group date invites are less effective at driving fillies away than it was back in his homeland, and he soon finds himself at the center of crush central with no way out. Sometimes, being a Winning Pony is a curse.

Former Proofreader: Letedwend

Chapters (5)

'Caught' has been edited slightly. Re-read and try to spot what's changed XD

The crime rate in Canterlot was hitting an all time high, which was perfect for a young thief like Chase.

Unfortunately his fellow thieves started getting caught. And everypony knows what happens when you get caught.

You're taken to Celestia and interrogated in ways so horrible, so demeaning that the one caught is never the same again.

Chase knows this and refuses to let it happen to him.

For even if he is caught, he knows in his heart that he will never give up his life of crime. And nopony, not even Celestia herself can change that...


This story is just a bit of fun that popped up in my mind. Mostly because I wanna write Celestia in a good way for once XD

No possessiveness, no darkness, just a gentle, motherly Celestia.

I'm not sure about the tags, so if I'm missing something then tell me XD

Chapters (3)

(Undergoing rewrites and edits expect chapters to be down for a while)

"Equestrians have everything. Water, food, love and land. They do not share and they do not accept no as an answer." What will they do when they get the biggest ''No'' they've seen in centuries from a human and his allies?

I take no credit for the cover and any Mlp characters those are owned by hasbro.(they sure are)

Chapters (3)

A 'Human in Equestria' story, but reversed.
And by that, I do not mean 'a pony in the human world'.
A human is in Equestria Equestria is in a human!

A quick one-shot. Hopefully it will entertain you a little.
It could have been made longer and more involved, but there wouldn't be much point to that.

Chinese Translation by forgivenlove

Chapters (1)

Jon Stewart needs to find a way to get more people to watch his show. To do this he welcomes a new series of guests from a far off land containing monsters, magic, and most importantly... ponies!
Join him on an adventure that has him matching wits with sentient mythical creatures ranging from god-like ponies to a fire breathing dragon! Each "Episode" marks a different MLP character getting a chance to travel to the human world for an interview on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Please feel free to leave a suggestion for who Jon should interview next.
Disclaimer: For proper context it is highly recommended to reach each chapter in order as many interviews allude to past guests and events.
A special thanks to Zeta040, Cantankerous, and Zervziel for proofreading several stories listed below.

List of Characters who have already appeared:
- Chapter 1: Spike
- Chapter 2: Derpy
- Chapter 3: Applejack
- Chapter 4: Ms. Cheerilee
- Chapter 5: Octavia
- Chapter 6: Zecora
- Chapter 7: Mayor Mare
- Chapter 8: Twilight
- Chapter 9: Trixie
- Chapter 10: DJ Pon3
- Chapter 11: Rainbow Dash
- Chapter 12: Iron Will
- Chapter 13: Fancy Pants
- Chapter 14: Queen Chrysalis
- Chapter 15: Luna
- Chapter 16: A Changeling
- Chapter 17: Rarity
- Chapter 18: Lyra and Bon Bon
- Chapter 19: The Cutie Mark Crusaders
- Chapter 20: Discord
- Chapter 21: Fluttershy

Chapters (107)

Nearly 3 years after being married, Sweetie Belle is almost ready to give birth to her and Button Mash's first child. Just how will the new-born parents handle their new challenge of life, being parents.

Chapters (4)

Zecora is murdered in the Everfree Forest, and the Pony on trial is... FLUTTERSHY!? Phoenix is sent, once again, into Equestria to defend the unicorn pony's friend. Along with a few of Phoenix's friends helping him on the way.


Hey guys, this story basically takes place six months after the events in Turnabout Storm. I had this idea in my head and decided to write and alternate sequel to see which of them you like better. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (2)

During his final moments, Mentor Assassin, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad begins to prepare his end after a long and hard life. As he starts to pass, the assassin is thrown in a land unknown to him. Startled by this discovery, Altair learns that he is in a place called Equestria, a foreign land inhabited by ponies as well as other creatures seeming impossible. Altair only questions his purpose in a land that hasn't known war in one thousand years.

Assassin's Creed and it's character belong Ubisoft

My Little Pony belong to Hasbro

Chapters (4)

Wallace and Gromit go to the moon for a picnic. They find a lonely pony, a lovestruck robot, and an incredibly cheesy life-lesson.

Rated E for Englishness.

Featured on Equestria Daily as of 22nd January 2014!

Saw some Wallace & Gromit pony art. Then this happened. Enjoy!
Thanks to Mr101 and Craine for pre-reading.

Chapters (1)