Vinyl or Octavia Stories 131 stories
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Vinyl Scratch makes an interesting new type of confectionery, Marshcellos, and they take the world by storm. Though for some reason Octavia isn't very happy about it.

I don't actually know why I wrote this so feel free to ignore it.

Chapters (1)

Three years and Vinyl Scratch still feels the pain. Wanting to make it better, she would do anything to get back her Tavi. Even if she has to give up dubstep

Chapters (4)

Vinyl is a musician. A pretty good one too, no matter what those who don't appreciate her style say. But after two days of trying to put together something new, she has come up with nothing but a lot of crumpled up paper and a buzzing headache from all the cider she's drank.

Octavia is a musician. A pretty good one, no matter what those who don't appreciate her style say. And after two days of watching Vinyl drink cider and stay in the same room, she has to do something to help her friend.

Chapters (1)

After the Royal Wedding, the musical duo return, but something is eating up Octavia and she can't hold it back anymore.

NOTE! This takes in the same "universe" as Star Dust.
Proof-Read: Kooshster
Picture: fearingFun

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, there were ponies. They were much like the ponies we know. These ponies, however, had discovered the magic of music, and some knew it very well.

Octavia Melody Philharmonica is one of these ponies. One evening, she travelled to the foot of Mount Canter to practise in peace. However, she was followed by a Vinyl Scratch, who decided to agitate Octavia further by challenging her to a duel.

Music ensues.

Chapters (1)

Octavia is really happy with her relationship with Lyra but when Vinyl appears in the restaurant where she is about to propose Octavia realises that this will be much harder than she thought.

Chapters (1)

Octavia is treated to a night out at the expense of her best friend Vinyl Scratch. But when Vinyl's true intentions for how the night was supposed to end come out. Octavia must make a life changing decision

Chapters (1)

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A look at the domestic life of one of Canterlot's most celebrated power couples in the early morning hours of their fourth anniversary.

Not-quite-a-day after the events of this story, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody Don't Get to Eat Their Flan

A hearty thank you to my Patreon patrons Singularity Dream, ocalhoun, and Littlecolt!

Chapters (3)

Vinyl Scratch's Hearth's Warming wishes come true.

If you have any objections with the story, just share them with me and I'll do my best to resolve your issue!

Chapters (1)

Octavia moves to Ponyville, meets Vinyl Scratch and gets a record from her, then things start to unfold. If you read it please review it.

Chapters (1)