Vinyl or Octavia Stories 131 stories
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I have been writing random short stories for a long time, long before I started fanfics, and so now I'm converting some of them to fanfics, while adding freshly written ones as well. There is no overlapping story, no central themes, this is just a collection of stories I've been bouncing around. I hope this makes somepony laugh!

Chapters (2)

Four mares, one Xbox, this wont end well.
( Couldn't find owner of picture message me if its yours :P ) This is my first story on FIMFiction try not to judge too much.
EDIT: HUGE thanks to Benny Brohoof for going through and finding the grammatical mistakes I'd made. (There were a lot. )

Chapters (1)

Octavia is in jail and waiting to be bailed out. The good news is she has a friend who is willing to come bail her out. The bad news is that the prim and proper Octavia is not going to get out without a little teasing.

Chapters (1)

Octavia sat in her kitchen, enjoying a cup of tea and the afternoon sunlight. Then, Vinyl Scratch had a question.

Reading by Scribbler

Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (1)

It is quite possibly the most challenging performance Octavia has ever had to prepare for, and a certain DJ seems intent on making her mess up.

VinylTavia friendshipping.

Credit where credit's due: This story probably wouldn't have an awesome cover if I hadn't seen it at the most hilarious VinylTavia story I know. And the story itself would probably only be half as good (or twice as bad), if not non-existent, had I never read this story about violins and fur dye.

Chapters (1)

It's been three months since Vinyl was forced to move out of Octavia's house.
The cellist couldn't handle the constant arguments that were filling their daily lives together.
Octavia's friends and family support her decision to get away from the DJ by offering all the help she needs.... even a bit too much....

Octavia still gets angry whenever Vinyl Scratch, or anything related to her (like her wub-powered dishwasher) is ever mentioned in a conversation. She wants her friends and family to stop pestering her about it for that part of her life is done.....
..... Or is it?

Just a silly idea I got while cycling back home two days ago.... What's the correlation between the theme of the story and cycling?
Honestly, I'm still searching... :applejackunsure:

Anyway, Second real PONY Fiction. and WITHOUT the AU tag THIS TIME!!!! :pinkiegasp:

Chapters (1)

Ponyville knows that Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch are ultimate lovers of pranks and fun times galore, their passion for it rivaling Pinkie's. The two of them alone could cause damage as is. But together? There would never be a good outcome for what they do. Now the two have decided to give Derpy stolen, experimented muffins, and the goofy mailmare started acting weird. Even weirder than usual. Now, they need the help of the other ponies to fix the terrible mistake that they made.

Chapters (1)

Music is what brings everypony together. It is the glue that can bring even the most opposite ponies together. It doesn't always take talent, just the sheer will to do it and to want to make the world have a good time. If you came to read a story about that, GOOD LUCK READING THIS! You're in the wrong neighborhood!

Octavia has decided that an upcoming Battle of the Bands could be her chance to finally strut her stuff and receive a wish from Celestia. But she can't do it alone. With the help of the midnight DJ Vinyl Scratch and the hand-obsessed mare Lyra, they will bring forth a musical adventure...that you will never hear because this is a word document. But, if you want to see the whacky journey these mare's will take, stick around!


Here we go on Writing Grounds 8! I've decided to give my comedy side another shot and as of current, I think it went well. Always leave constructive criticism and stay classy ;)

Chapters (1)

Vinyl doesn't like stuffy things. A concert that Octavia would want to go to would be one of those stuffy things she could live without. So, it only makes sense that she wouldn't want to go. Still, Octi is her best friend, and best friends do things for each other all of the time.

Chapters (1)