Vinyl or Octavia Stories 131 stories
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After Vinyl goes a little too far, Octavia makes a shocking claim about her music. Vinyl should really just ignore it and let it go.

Vinyl can't let anything go.

Chapters (1)

After another sucessful gig Octavia and her fellow band members head to a bar in Canterlot to relax and unwind.

However Octavia doesn't really get the chance to unwind when she start getting questions from her band mates, as well as her best friends Vinyl Scrath and Lyra Heartstrings.

One of those questions is why Octavia didn't seem surprised by Pinke Pie's antics at The Grand Galloping Galla and the truth is Octavia and Pinkie Pie are cousins.

So what does Octavia know about her hyperactive cousin that her musican friends don't already know, quite a lot actually!

(Note: This was written and published long before any knowledge of Pinkie Pie's family names was made known. Canon when first published in 2012.)

Chapters (1)

After Viynl Scratch's pranks go on for too long, Octavia must resort to the last thing possible to stop them. A battle of Wubs. (This is my first comedy so please give me suggestions or make comments)

Chapters (1)

Octavia wakes up one morning to find that she can’t play any of her instruments at all -- It’s almost like her cello wasn’t meant to be played with hooves in the first place! Together with Vinyl Scratch they must figure out what the hay is going on around here.

Or maybe they’ll just end up breaking Octavia's cello.

Art by AspergerGoodness.

Chapters (1)

A selection of short stories based on Vinyl and Octavia, from the Allegrezza fanon.

Chapters (3)

Vinyl's antics have sparked much interest from other ponies. They've all heard of her ridiculous stories, but nopony ever knew the truth behind it. Octavia, however, has always been a marginally honest mare. When they are pulled in for an interview by 'When Nature Attacks', everypony finally gets a taste of what it's like living with Equestria's craziest pony.

Chapters (1)

I heard a song from one of my favorite musicians, and I couldn't help but think of what Octavia and Vinyl would actually do if stranded on an island-
This is one of the funnest times I've ever had writing, and one of the few times I have no regrets on something I did
I enjoyed it, and I hope you do to.
Made in the spur of inspiration

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch's irresponsible and wasteful lifestyle has gotten on her house-mate Octavia's last nerve. That unicorn needs to be taught a lesson, and fast. But how do you make somepony who hasn't even taken care of her own trash before be taught to take chores, house upkeep, and the feelings of others seriously?
Give them a problem they can't ignore, that's how, and Sweetie Belle is the perfect filly for the job.

Inspired by a comic. I can't remember the name of it, though.

Chapters (3)

Story the First: Lyra and Octavia battle(?) because of an ancient prophesy(?)
Story the Second: Cheerilee makes poor decisions. Vinyl helps(?)

(Warning: Random, SFW)

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Chapters (2)