Vinyl or Octavia Stories 131 stories
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After the invention of radio, DJ-P0n3 (aka Vinyl Scratch) holds the first Equestrian talk show with her co-host Octavia. Octavia quickly finds out her superior is very eccentric, leading their broadcast to be constantly derailed, yet somehow remain popular. These episodes were recorded for historical significance and transcribed. These are the Vinyl Scratch Tapes.

[Update 1/25/13]: Fully updated to contain all of season 1 and 2, correcting a vast oversight on the part of the author. Sorry it took so long to update it fully on Fimfiction, guys.

Chapters (9)

Vinyl Scratch works nearly every night at Club Canturn pumping out music for entertainment. But what happens when she asks her roommate to simply wake her up at three.

Probably not what she was thinking.

Inspired by a not so similar situation that occurred while at a friends house.

image source:

Chapters (1)

Octavia loves cellos—that’s a fact. Octavia loves hot nights—that’s also a fact.

Vinyl has the best idea ever for Hearts and Hooves Day.

Edited by Aragon, Abcron, and Pearple Prose.

Audio Reading by CaptainBron3y

Chapters (1)

It pretty much is what the title says it is.
Vinyl Scratch isn't always tuff, strong and brave.
When a little, tiny bug shows up in her room, she'll definitely be the opposite.
And Octavia isn't too keen about this side of Vinyl.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl invites Tavi to her new bar, can she change the classical mare's music, by just having her listen to the beats of the music?
Something I chose to do on the side.

Chapters (1)

What starts out as a normal night at home for Octavia Melody turns into a reality from her wildest dreams.

This is my first published FIMfiction. I've been a lurker up to this point. I'm currently helping proof-read and edit (and sometimes, write entire sections of) my snoopy-doo's fic: In Service to the Princess..

I hope you like it, and I hope to post more soon!

All of the great Octavia/Vinyl fics here on helped to inspire this, and I hope it lives up to their legacy.

Edited and proof-read by OnyxTheGryphon

Chapters (1)

What do Vinyl and Neon do after a show?
Did anything happen at the show?
Will this affect Octavia? And if it does, how?
Is Vinyl the reason Octavia is in therapy?
Will all of these questions be answered in this story? ... maybe...

Pre-read by Strythio.

Chapters (1)

Octavia comes home to a dark house and finds the remains of a strange package. Before she can figure out what is going on, she is attacked by a caped figure. What has happened? And what will be the result?

Rated teen for a bloody nose and some biting.

Although not a direct sequel, this does reference Octavia Arrested.

Chapters (1)

It’s been a month since Vinyl Scratch proposed to Octavia, and things have gone well. Even meeting the parents, a few days back, didn’t explode in their faces, so things are looking great.
Of course, this is when everything goes terribly wrong one night at dinner with Tavi’s parents.
Perhaps wrong isn’t the most fitting word. Awkward would probably fit better.

Chapters (1)

Do I need to write more, who even reads this.
Vinyl makes her way home from a party, talks a bit, has fight with a door and talks with Octavia for a bit.
There's a small amount of romance-ish stuff. NO SEX but some adult kind of stuff.
It's kind of funny, I guess.
If you do read this comment the word apple so I can laugh at how much of a nerd you are. JK it's cool if you read this but for real comment apple. It can be like a club of some kind.
For some real information this took me about an hour to do, I'm not a good writer and I'd love to get some HELPFUL criticism.

Chapters (4)