Pinkie Pie Stories 174 stories
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Pinkie Pie loves working at Sugarcube Corner. But while she enjoys her jobs, there are some moments and some ponies that make her wish she just stayed in bed instead.

Join Pinkie Pie as she deals with the everyday trials and tribulations that comes with working at Sugarcube Corner!

Chapters (9)

Limestone is insistent that Pinkie stays away from her and Marble as they spend their PSSSD in Ponyville this year. It’s not easy when it’s where she lives.

Chapters (2)

In her latest attempt to take over Canterlot, Chrysalis has foalnapped Pinkie Pie and is holding her hostage in the changeling hive.
Yet this pony is different. Most ponies end up weeping in their cells, begging and pleading for release. In contrast, Pinkie Pie just doesn't stay still.
Or stay in her cell.
Or stay quiet.

Written for the October Crack Ships, Inc. contest.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Swear On Camembert

Cheese Sandwich is having a hard time distinguishing between the Cheesy Sense sending him to throw parties all across Equestria, and some other mysterious force that keeps pulling him back towards Ponyville and its pink Permanent Party Pony. He's fighting it as hard as possible, but when his career literally bombs, he may have no choice but to give up---or give in. Either way, he has to ask Pinkie Pie for her help.

A Hearts and Hooves Day sequel to Swear on Camembert. Cover art by FillyBlue: used by permission.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Good Morning, Beautiful

Everything’s changed between Pinkie and Cheese since last night, or maybe not —he still isn’t sure. One thing hasn’t changed, though: the Cheesy Sense that pushes him to throw parties all over Equestria and make ponies happy wherever he goes. Will their common destiny as party ponies pull them together, or pull them apart for good?

CheesePie: set immediately after the events in Good Morning, Beautiful.

Cover art by loll164: used by permission.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Goodbye, Boneless

Cheese Sandwich keeps a lot of his thoughts to himself when he's around Pinkie Pie. For a party pony, he's still awfully shy. But today he’s going to slip up, think out loud when he’s barely awake, and say a lot more than he meant to.

Pinkie Pie is always happy to see her friend Cheesie. And this time, it’s not party pony business; it’s a really real visit just to see her! He’s so much fun to play with, and he thinks the nicest things about her, but she wishes he’d say some of them. Listening in is starting to get awkward.

This is a sequel to "Goodbye, Boneless." Technically, if you're trying to read in sequence, it also falls after "Flash and Trend Steal All Your Waffles." CheesePie, of course.

Chapters (3)

Life's gotten boring for the pink mare. Not even endless rave partying can get her out of the pit of boredom. In fact, sane life as a whole has gotten boring.

Logically, she goes insane from boredom. Not only that, but she vows for an eternal day.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has mystified Discord for a long time. How is it that she can regularly break the laws of physics, be everywhere at once, and never run out of energy? In many ways, she reminds him of his own abilities. That gets him thinking about things, and a lightbulb goes off in his head.

This brainstorming gives Discord a rather interesting theory, one he's eager to find out if it's correct. If so, it would delight him to no end. Of course, he has to put his theory to the test, in the way only a draconequus can.

It might be a good idea to pray for Pinkie's safety right about now.

Edited with the help of Salnalus.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie is bored out of her mind. Antics ensue as she visits everypony in hopes of entertainment, but they're all too busy to entertain her.

Chapters (1)

Twilight stumbles upon another secret room of Pinkie Pie's, but this one isn't for party planning.

In fact, it's for something completely terrifying.

Chapters (1)