Pinkie Pie Stories 174 stories
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Pinkie Pie sees and hears things that others can't. Her friends chalk up her weird behavior as just one of the eccentric pony's many quirks. But what happens when Pinkie's wild hallucinations get the better of her?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is invited by Pinkie Pie to come over to Sugarcube Corner, but it all goes horribly, horribly wrong. A one-shot that also serves as something of a writing exercise (and a fun change of pace, to boot).

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash Pinkie promised she'd help Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube corner if she ever needed it. However she'd didn't realize she'd be roped into baking, which is what happens when Pinkie comes to call.

Something short and silly that popped into my head.
Not my first fiction or fan fiction piece, but it is my first FiM fanfiction. Any resemblance to any other fics is purely coincidental, I haven't bothered to check if anyone else has written any fic like this.

Also, lame title is lame, I'm sorry.

Chapters (1)

Some sentiments are not limited to a particular time and place, but move freely between every reality, and occasionally tap you on the shoulder. When this happens to a normally chipper pony, it shakes her sense of security.

Forewarning: the pacing and narrative quirks are intentional. If you prefer more traditional storytelling, I can only hope this doesn't turn you away.

Chapters (1)

In a quest to find new friends, Pinkie Pie discovers a lonely and depressed rock. She proceeds to stare at it – for hours. In the rain. And talk to it. (Boy, does she ever talk to it. Fortunately, the rock is a good listener.)

It's a touching story of friendships, rain, and a possible case of pneumonia (with a touch of insanity). If you have been dying to read a story about Pinkie staring at a rock and talking to it for hours, this story is for you. It has it all: after all, it has Pinkie, and it has the rock. What more could you possibly want?

Chapters (1)

Minty, Pinkie Pie's ex-girlfriend from college, comes by Ponyville to reconnect with her old friend. Pinkie is oddly less than pleased - in fact, she seems outright hostile. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo have the misfortune get caught in the middle of the bad blood between the two ponies and have to ask, what's got Pinkie so angry at her ex?

Rated T for Teen for horses saying bad words.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has always dreamed to fly, but being born an earth pony, she's never been able to. Rainbow Dash wants to find a way for Pinkie Pie to experience the amazing feeling of flight without hurting her.

quick one-shot

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash loses her temper and yells at Pinkie Pie, driving the talkative party pony to make a drastic promise. Now, it falls to Rainbow Dash to fix the mess she's made, lest Pinkie lose a vital part of herself forever...

A Pinkie x Dash friendshipping fic, playing at the style of an episode from the show.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie doesn't exactly have a high opinion of Gilda after what happened last time the griffon visited Ponyville—it was nothing but a trainwreck of bullying, thieving, being insufferably mean, and of course, topping it all off by committing the cardinal sin of ruining a party. The only thing that went right was when Rainbow Dash finally kicked her out. Good riddance.

Ponies (and griffons) don't always stay the same forever, though. Eventually the time comes to set aside past feelings and take a fresh look at things... especially when it would mean so much to another friend. Could it be worth giving her a second shot?

Chapters (1)