Pinkie Pie Stories 174 stories
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Rainbow Dash ends up trying to bake a cake. As you'd imagine, things don't turn out all that well...


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Forest Trees and Morning Tea

Pinkie Pie lies awake in her bed, listening to the gentle roar of rain and claps of distant thunder outside. Unable to fall asleep, she makes use of her time by baking instead.

My tags: Relaxing/Descriptive

This is part of a series of similar-styled (but unrelated) stories. See also:

Forest Trees and Morning Tea (Fluttershy)
Dusty Books and Cozy Nooks (Twilight)
City Streets and Fancy Eats (Rarity)
Soaring Flight and Scenic Sights (Rainbow Dash)

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has the opportunity to taste, for the first time, one of Derpy's muffins. But it is not what she has expected. Indeed, they are more than good and she is quite displeased by that. Will Twilight be able to calm her friend before she goes on an absurd rampage and prevent any incoming disaster?

Chapters (1)

With Pinkie Pie's birthday coming up, her friends find themselves facing a bit of a dilemma about how to celebrate it. Fortunately, Cheese Sandwich just so happens to come back to town, and he's more than willing to take over the party planning.

Pinkie is quite thrilled to know her party pal is back in town, but soon she can't help but notice that Cheese seems to be acting rather strange around her.

Will Pinkie be able to figure out why Cheese seems to be acting so odd? And what's the real reason behind Cheese's return to Ponyville?

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie throws excellent parties. This is a fact of life, like Fluttershy being rather demure, or Rarity having a sense of style. But the fact is, Pinkie's parties cost bits, and her job at the bakery isn't supporting her passions anymore. So she dusts off her degree and opens a side business...

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to How to Kidnap a Princess

After their attempt to kidnap Princess Twilight landed them in Tartarus, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash decide to break out and regain their freedom.

Chapters (4)

Getting sick is no fun, and Pinkie Pie learns this the hard way when she comes down with a bad case of hay fever. It's nothing but bed rest and medicine for her.

Realizing they'll need somepony else to help foalsit their children, The Cakes prepare to turn to Pinkie's friends but to their surprise it's Rarity who volunteers.

Before long, Pound and Pumpkin Cake take a shine to their new foalsitter, much to Pinkie's dismay. It seems to her that she's being replaced.

It's up to Mr. and Mrs. Cake to help Pinkie realize just how much she means to them, and how nopony could ever take her place, no matter what.

(Proofread by Smity1038 on DeviantArt.)

Chapters (1)

Without knowledge of events taking place in Ponyville, a cheerful Pinkie-clone wanders out of town by simple chance – and stumbles straight into a traveling circus.

A few months later, she returns to Ponyville...

Can the grim conclusion of "Too Many Pinkie Pies" be led towards a happy ending?

"The lone pink pony happily bounced down the path, trying to catch the tiny blue butterfly with her hooves, not a care in the world. She'd left Ponyville behind a while ago – but obviously, the path would lead her right back to it. Either that, or it led to the water-mirror cave.

Not that she knew of any other places it could possibly lead to..."

Chapters (5)

Pinkie tries something out that she read about in the local paper, much to Applejack's chagrin.

So...yeah. Twilight's Library on 7/20/2014.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has an existential crisis while painting her room. This self-parody is dedicated to Professor Piggy, who once told me that I could write a story about Pinkie watching paint dry and weave it into an incredible psychological journey. Let's see if he was right.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Dramatic reading by MicTheMicrophoneZero.

Cover art by chaosdrop.

Chapters (1)