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His world collapsed. Everything he knew, believed and loved, everything he was, disappeared, swallowed by darkness of his own doing. This agony continued until a light dispersed the shadows, along with what was left of him. Knowing that leaving this world would be a fitting punishment for his crimes, he was ready to accept whatever was to come. However, by a cruel joke of the Universe, a twist of fate, or just a pure coincidence, he was given another chance, to redeem himself, to fix what was destroyed... Maybe even find a true love?


Her world was simple, filled with love for her friends and various creatures that always longed to be with her. While content with how peaceful her life was, one incident and a meeting changed the outlook she had. This one stallion helped her when she was in dire need, and now she wanted to repay his kindness, despite her initial fear of him, and unaware of him slowly becoming a constant to both her thoughts and her heart.


This is my very first story for "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" fandom. English isn't my native anguage, I'm not a shipper of any kind (I accept practically all pairings if they make sense to me), therefore my only request to readers is that you give this story a chance. I'm open-minded for constructive critique and will gladly answer any technical questions, should those arise.

Disclaimer: I do not own MLP:FiM or any character presentented in this story and I don't have any financial or material benefits from writing it.

The concept of Sombra's past and the crystal cutie mark on the cover belongs to StasySolitude. Vector of Fluttershy's cutie mark was made by Hawk9mm, and the background was made by Tollaner.

The story was inspired by this video: A tale of one shadow

The cover was put together by me!

Chapters (4)

Everything can have a soft side and changelings aren't so different. Well, if you took their memories away from them and gave them an unusually new setting.

(This is my first story, YAY! So please be kind, I'm always open for criticism though.)

Chapters (2)

(First-Person, Reader X Chrome Pony)

So, you wake up to find you're in your iPod. Not to mention, your web browser is kinda cute. Now what?

An idea I couldn't get out of my head. Thank SwiperTheFox. But be warned, I'm pretty sure most of his stuff airs on the dangerous side of fanfiction.

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash is many things. Mainly awesome. But romantic, certainly not. Of all the ponies who would attempt a forbidden romance, nopony would have thought she would.

Now she finds herself head over hooves in love with a mortal enemy of the country. On top of that, she has to face the one group of ponies she's terrified of rejecting her new found romance: her best friends.

[Tales of the Carnageverse]

Note: This story was created as a prompt from the RD Random Shipping Game. The game required you to roll a dice and depending on the number, you would then write a 100-500 word ship with a corresponding character. I got number 13 which was a male changeling. The rest of the story is a continuation from the prompt.

Cover Art: The Maiah

Editors: DemonRykuKyuubi, mikemeiers, Cerulean Starlight.

Chapters (18)

a wolf defies the pack when they begin conducting raids on ponies all over equestria. Will he face the wrath of the pack? Or will he join a new one of ponies? Special thanks to Starvampiress13 on deviantart for allowing me to use her amazing wolf lineart to help create the character of Shasta. Also thanks to The Offspring for creating the song: You're gonna go far, kid, which I listened to all the time while writing this... I love that song.


Chapters (7)

Kobolds have a knack for cowardice and sadism. But not Tak.

Tak disagreed with how his race acted and yearned for something more out of life. After finding a book about a certain daring pegasus who had a thirst for adventure, Tak dreams of having his own adventures. Armed with his favorite spear, a makeshift bag and a determined soul, he abandons his clan and ventures forth into the unknown.

However, when he runs into a mischievous orange filly, a motherly pegasus and their friends, he soon finds himself caught up in something far bigger than he could ever imagine.

Thanks to my pre-reader and editor Vexy go give some of his work a look!

Cover art by me, background found on Google.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to A Shadow’s Grave

CJ is knocked out and dragged from his home where he is forced to make a decision he does not want to make. With his new found strength, he is about to realize just how important his decision really is, and if he makes the right choice.

Threequel to A Shadow's Grave.

For each person who decides to leave a downvote, I would love to know why in the comments as feedback.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Where the grass is green, and the girls are... PONIES? (Chapters Revised)

In this story Chris wakes up to find he has been dead for almost a year, and what his death has done to the ponies of Ponyville, join him as he attempts to undo what damage he did and try and take control of an evil force that surfaces during this story.

2021 Edit: Please be merciful these stories are a product of their time and my inexperience in writing, that said please enjoy what you can anyway! :heart:

Chapters (47)

This story may look short, But it has a sequel that is over 50 chapters long and this is story 1 of 3 in the series! I hope you enjoy! Rate fairly and I always love comments!

P.S The quality gets increasingly better by a dramatic amount as you go through the chapters.

2021 Edit: Please be merciful these stories are a product of their time and my inexperience in writing, that said please enjoy what you can anyway! :heart:

My name is Chris James, and I just turned 19 and I am coming home from a party with my family, here are a few things about me. I am a closet brony, I am a very nice guy, I love animals and I can adjust to things rather fast. But when my trip takes a wild turn (and I mean that literally) I find myself put in a very strange predicament.

Chapters (10)

Nax was a simple Changeling soldier, born and bred for war. But when left broken and alone in the wake of the Battle of Canterlot, Nax unwittingly finds himself cast into a role he could never have imagined and set on a path that will lead him not only to a new life in Ponyville, but to the rediscovery of a secret that could shift the balance of power in Equus forever.

But as Nax relishes in his newfound peace, forces in Equestria and beyond conspire for power, glory, and blood. And when both Nax’s old world and new worlds come to a crossroad of prejudice and hate, he’ll be forced to make a perilous choice. A choice that could lead all his friends, both pony and changeling alike, down a dangerous new road.

Will he be a harbinger of war, or a paragon of peace?

Rated Teen for Language, Violence, Brief scenes of torture and/or war

Chapters (4)