• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


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Favourites 352 stories
  • Favourites 352 stories - 77 unread chapters
    Created by Sober
    - March, 2015
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Total Words: 15,908,701
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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Based on a true story. Kinda. Not really.
A man named Jason previously led a rather melancholy life before he died violently. No surprise there. But as he wakes up in Equestria and is thrown into a foreign body, he is forced to survive with the guise of a changeling. Taking place shortly after the failed changeling invasion of Canterlot, how can he keep from being revealed by new security measures, and blend into this new world, while making use of the most unlikely of allies? But of course, avoiding ponies only turns out to be the easy part when trouble has a habit of reading its ugly head. Really though, what could go wrong?

Props to the ever epic Zubafa for his cover art.

Chapters (52)

When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.

*6-16-2017 Edit, added Rainbow Dash tag because it triggered knighty.*

Chapters (1)

"I was too late again. Nothing ever comes easily for me, does it?"

A Night Fury dragon who believes she is worthless and dangerous, is offered her heart's desire. Seizing the opportunity, she finds herself in the magical land of Equestria. But one cannot flee from one's conscience, and past mistakes weigh heavily.

And it would appear that dragons are no more welcome in Equestria than at home.

Special thanks to Enderstorm for the amazing artwork.

Chapters (12)

Vanilla Torte lives an unassuming life outside of Canterlot, never thinking much about the huge city above.

Then something lands with a thunderous crash in his garden.

Chapters (13)

Hi there, my name's Abel, I'm the new changeling on the block.
Been living in Ponyville for three years. Been here a year before Twilight and managed to make a name for myself as a darn good accountant that goes by the name of Balanced Books.
Even got along with each of the Bearers pretty well. Well enough that Twilight decided to invite me along for her brother's wedding.
Getting past that shield the first time wasn't fun. Figuring out the plot behind the wedding, also not fun.
Did I happen to mention that any and all changelings who are NOT a part of Chrysalis' Hive Mind have a VERY good reason to hate her? Me moreso than most?
Yeah, that was torture.
Now all I have to do is explain to the bucking princessess about my true nature and pray to, well, them, that I'll be allowed to return to my life as Books.
Wish me luck, my interrogator is here.
Cover art provided by jjamess10

Chapters (30)

Shining Armor awakens one night to find a baby pony/changeling on his doorstep. A baby that is apparently his as well as Chrysalis's. Can he keep Cadance in the dark? Can Twilight help him? Is the queen changeling herself going to make an appearance? How many OCs will there be? Will everypony be in character? Who will cameo? And most importantly, was he technically cheating?

Read and find out.

Sequels contain spoilers. As in you will spoil the twist if you even look at the sequel.

I see you scrolling down. Stop that.

Editors: All of you!
Oh and SmilingKittens

Chapters (11)

There is a world where Life and Death govern all imaginable realms. A world where Watchers guard over their planets and the creatures that roam them. In this world, a young soul goes on a journey to a place he never thought existed, after cutting an untold deal with Death.

Equestria, a place of magical creatures and mysteries, offers him a new chance at life. A chance he will have to pay dearly for. This is the written story of his adventures, some of the sorrows and victories of his life as he goes through great challenges and fights his inner darkness.

At the end of this journey, one begs the question: What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil side through great effort and sacrifice?

Tagged with Human for the prologue.

Follows show's cannon up until end of Season 2.

Now a published book!
And it's own TvTopes page!

Spanish translation: Here

First chapter published January 2012
Marked as Complete on 31st August 2014
Published (printed) on 25th November 2014

PM me for the full digital version of the now-printed book! (includes text PDF, full cover and fan art)

Chapters (37)

What does a Princess do when she is immortal, ruler of a kingdom and utterly alone? When there is no one to call your own or friend to turn to. This is the problem facing Princess Celestia. She has no real friends except her younger sister Luna. When that isn't enough, one event will change her life forever. Come join Celestia as she finds what she is longing for in the most unlikely of places.

Chapters (4)

In response to threats of a griffon attack on Equestria, Twilight responds with a letter detailing just why such actions would prove unfavorable for them.

Chapters (2)

[2nd Person Perspective]

"Look out for number one."

That was the way of life back in Clopton. A city where survival was a daily battle.

Having made a few too many enemies, you move to Ponyville with only a bag of bits, the tools of your trade, and a couple jackets to cover the scars you've accumulated in the past. You don't trust anypony as far as you can throw them, but can you mesh well enough into the little country town to support yourself?

It'd probably be easier without that colorful maned pegasus bothering you.

Chapters (10)