• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015


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Read It Later 359 stories
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Total Words: 22,800,825
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



  • Featured 23597 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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Pinkamina battles Death incarnate, trying to prevent the deaths of others using the cryptic powers of the Pinkie Sense. Meanwhile the Royal Sisters frown upon her messing with the fabrics of fate, and her stallion Lickity Split has been eyeing the wedding bells lately. Who is under Death's hood?

Chapters (13)

Twilight Sparkle's first love is learning, and always will be. But to her surprise, not everything that can be learned can be found in one of her books.

(Cover art by ~fajeh.)

Chapters (6)

While Pinkie is walking around Ponyville with Sombra, who she is tasked to watch over until he is reformed, she sees a pony has recently moved into Ponyville without her previous knowledge. So, Pinkie does the only thing she sees fit- she greets the pony with a crazy amount of confetti and cake batter. In doing so, she ruins his clothes and has to take him shopping at Carousel Boutique.

This is a spin-off of RainbowBob's Feeling Pinkie Mean, the first SombraPie story to grace this site. Give proper credit where needed and go favorite his series, and a follow wouldn't hurt, either.

Sequel: The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie

Proofreading: Authora97~

(New) coverart by: SnowCrystal802(fimfic)(deviantart)

Other fanart found here!

Now with an audio reading!

Chapters (1)

Octavia was always one for planning ahead. Whether it be dinner that night or her career years away, she always had an idea of how to get there. The right amount of practice, the proper performance to the right pony, and she could see her life progressing exactly as it should.

However, suddenly turning into an alicorn kind of put a damper on her plans.

Story thirteen in my Twidash Challenge: Secondary Pairing (Quite Obviously)

Chapters (14)

Octavia has finally been promoted to first chair, unfortunately for her, that chair is in the new (and as of yet unformed) Royal Ponyville Orchestra. Now, the best cellist in Equestria (Her words) is being sent to the cultural gulag of Ponyville (Also her words) to form and lead the Royal Ponyville Orchestra to greatness (Princess Luna's words).

Now has a sequel, Princess Luna's Academy of the Arts and Sciences.

And an online reading.

Credit goes to jlm123hi for arranging the cover art
Vectors used:
The stage

Bonus: Have some fan art made by GamingMelody I found when I accidentally typed my username into Deviant Art's search tool instead of logging in. It's cool someone liked my words enough to draw them, and I hope anyone who does so in the future will send me a link so I can plug them in whatever way I can.

Chapters (30)

A journal-style fanfiction of how I would react if I fell into Equestria with no prior knowledge of the show or its inhabitants, and remained as a human. I tried to be as honest with myself as possible, and thought of my own train of thought when I had first discovered the show. These journals primarily chronicle my bumblings about Ponyville, and my desire to get home.

Chapters (13)

Up until her heart was stolen from the pages of romantic musical overture, Octavia had given little thought to her ever falling in love.

Up until he was, by chance, introduced to Octavia, Sketchy Sounds would never have thought it possible that he'd meet the mare of his dreams.

Both were proven wrong though, and it has now been some time since that fateful day. As they embark on a new journey along the path life lays out before them, the future is filled with new challenges and events that will change how they see the world around them.

Their friends, too, will be faced with changes and trials that will mould them anew.

This is a tale of the everyday, and how destiny can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary in the blink of an eye.

This is a tale of friends and family, of laughter and loss, of love and of life.

This is a tale of who we are, and where we are going.

This... is Sketchy Salad Serenata.

(This is a direct sequel to Sketchy Salad Symphony. Reading of the former is not necessary, but highly recommended.)

Chapters (21)

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. The Zebra Tribal Confederation faces complete defeat as War Wings cast shadows upon their sovereign soil. A desperate plan is born to change the winds. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.
War and Romance as these two lovers dance. The fate of two nations teeters on the brink.
We now have a Wiki Entry!

Executive Editor Ignis
Character Cast Portraits Included.

Reagle Hawkmor
The Griffin Kingdom’s Warrior Prince who has won many ‘clean’ victories earning celebrity even beyond his position. Honorable to a fault, he may find the politics of Griffin Imperial Court hold different values.
Zaza Zakar
Among the last of the infamous Zebra Zerkers, she like her brethren feel no pain in combat. Given a special mission the fate of her people will depend on her success or failure. Her feelings outside the physical though perhaps might be more challenging.
A banished criminal, he became a spy to redeem himself. Having travelled the continent he has many connections.
She is an Ibex with battle scars that would have killed lesser fighters. A songstress, her singing soothes the war weary souls of soldiers. She owns the “Fighting-gale” a seedy water hole.
Ironbeak Ironclaw
Reagle’s cousin, he lives in the shadow of greater Griffins. Meek and weak he does little upon his own initiative. He is heir to Ironclaw the secondary house of the Griffin Kingdoms. While none fear him, all respect his lieutenant.
Dori Bloodtalon
A female Griffin Commander, she attained her rank by skill, will, and kill. Self-appointed heir of House Bloodtalon, none of her brothers or even her father dare oppose her.
Leader of the elite unit called the Ravens, she is Lord Ironclaw’s adopted daughter. Whereas Ironbeak was a disappointment, Banshee is the exemplar to his expectations. The tone she carries forth into battle is indifferent. It is rumored that she lacks the capacity to feel.


Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to The Witching Hour

Midnight Storm has had one heck of a year. She's gone from being a wandering outcast to a respected and liked member of the community of Ponyville, a captain of a secret guard created by Celestia herself, and even a mother.

That was last year.
This year she'll have to deal with chaos entities, rogue dragons, and her past. And that's all just before Nightmare Night!

Follow Midnight and her friends and family as they chart their way through one life changing event after another in part 2 of The Witching Hour!

Cover Image by Valkyrie Girl

Chapters (24)

The Manehatten Maulers Star Hoofball player Marty Ball mysteriously threw one of the most important games of the season against the Canterlot Alicorns. Hours later, he's found dead in his locker room. Private comes to investigate but soon finds trouble in a new foe, the new Chief of Police Gunry Insight, who's determined to make sure Private stays out of cases. Secret deals, cutthroat coaches, and a lost child all dot this case. Just how far is one willing to go to get what they want?

Chapters (5)