• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


Likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle, Spider-Man, Guns, The Walking Dead, Math, James Bond 007, Grand Theft Auto V, Legos, and Jurassic Park

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This story is a sequel to Seven Girls, Nine Hundred Forty Three Miles, and One Minivan.

In a former life, Vice-Principal Luna took the world by storm as the heavy metal queen known as Nightmare Moon!

But what will happen when Rainbow Dash discovers her long-held secret?

(More hijinks in the Equestria Girls sandbox, if you haven't noticed).

Chapters (5)

It started with a Nightmare: a corrupted monarch, a desperate sister, and a fragmented kingdom left in their wake. Saddled with the burden of protecting Equestria alone, Celestia chose to be strong enough not to. Instead, she found another way: three mortal ponies, the most magically gifted of their generation, to stand by her side as defenders of the realm.

For a thousand years, they've been everything Equestria needed them to be. Scholars, guardians, warriors, heroes—or, as Celestia prefers to call them, Angels. And if their inaugural achievements are any indication, her latest nominees for that illustrious order might just be the best ones yet.

Provided, of course, they don't blow up half the kingdom proving it.

An alternate universe retelling of the events of Friendship is Magic. A non-zero number of changelings were harmed in the making of said account.

Special thanks to CouchCrusader and totallynotabrony for their editing assistance.

Chapters (4)

After losing her powers at the Battle of the Bands, Adagio had separated herself from the Sirens and had spent the last several years adjusting to living as a regular individual in the human world. Attending the local community college for the new semester, she runs into Sunset Shimmer.

Written by: Lady Froey
Edited by: Madeline L-Equine, eLLen and gardrek
Cover art by: SILVERTRASH

Chapters (12)

One day, Twilight Sparkle discovers something amazing about her friend Sunset Shimmer.

She's a magical talking pony!

This requires investigation! Science! Possibly a full-body physical!

Or maybe Twilight will just ask her what's up with that.

Rated Teen for frank discussions about... y'know.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and her friends have apparently gone to the dark side. With the Bearers of the Elements declaring war against Equestria and with old foes appearing from the depths, Celestia has her hoofs full defending Equestria.

That leaves Cadance with a desperate plan to stop the spread of darkness. She will dive head-first into the magic mirror to get help from the counterparts of the Elements of Harmony. Unexpected allies will be gained, and new friends and enemies will be made.

Ancient history will be discovered, dark secrets will be lifted, and a powerful force will awake. Through all of this, one can only wonder if Harmony is everything it seems... Or if it is all just destiny...

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Runaway Bodyguard

(See chapter list. New content having to do with notice below.)

There is a REMASTERED version. Please read that instead of this (the original published) version if you just finished the prequel.

Starlight Glimmer's past and future collide in Canterlot a few years before the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration. Still bruised by the loss of Sunburst, runaway Starlight Glimmer tries to forget her recent past at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns but the crimes of that past and Celestia's original protégé, Sunset Shimmer, make that difficult. What happens will change Equestria forever.

Prequel published 3/19/21. Sunset Shimmer Goes to Hell is a sequel (mostly) to this novel from Sunset Shimmer's point of view. The Forgiving Lesson is a sequel to The Crystalling and this novel.

Image (c)2016 by Riakoh-Illust, commissioned for this story. (Click source to see final artwork.)

¡Muchas gracias! to DoContra for his heroic work as a pre-reader.

Chapters (36)

It was just like any other night. The moon had been up for hours and the ponies rested peacefully in their beds. Celestia, on this normal night, decides to take a stroll around the quiet palace.

This seemingly routine walk changes everything for her as she finds one young unicorn thief trying to rob her.

And this thief, harnessing magical powers quite rare to normal unicorns, catches Celestia's attention.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Heir of the Sands

Over the course of the past two years, magic has been ebbing its way into the Human World. The incident at the Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, the First Journey into the Mysterious Beyond, and especially since the Friendship Games has this become more apparent with the Crusaders and Maximals being able to Pony Up and the Predacon Attack at school. Something is going up, and as graduation approaches for the Humane Seven, everyone is getting ready for the next bit of trouble.

And rear its ugly head trouble does again. Chrysalis and Sombra prepare their own army of super soldiers and Tirek prepares to take a visit to their beloved town. Will the secret be kept, or will this be the cause for a war that will determine the fate of the world? Can the Rainbooms and their allies end this threat as they have many a time? Join me as we explore the conclusion to the "Other Visits" Saga.


Promoted: 3/20/2016

Recommended Reads

The New Timeline: The Edge, Technomagic War

The Advent of Godzilla (The New Timeline Chapters)

Equestria Girls (Jongojiverse)

A Maximal Crusader

Crossover Tag reference to characters such as Sadira (Aladdin) and Heka (Mummies Alive), may be removed based on opinion. More tags may be added as the story goes on.

Chapters (19)

a.k.a "Sunset Shimmer Show Stealer" a.k.a. "You won't believe where they'll go next! Chapter 11 will SHOCK you!"

Years have passed since Starlight Glimmer's reformation. Since then, she's made many friends, gained valuable contacts, and earned serious respect as Princess Twilight Sparkle's personal student—not to mention her extensive research into friendship and destiny magic.

But at a certain point, enough becomes too much, and Starlight can't take it any more. So, she decides to set off on an indefinitely long sabbatical, out into the world beyond Equestria's borders. Along the way, she will come across new faces and new lands, and only two things are certain: that it will be nothing quite like she's ever experienced, and that Twilight Sparkle will be at least a thousand miles away.

A collection of vignettes and short stories detailing Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer's random travels. Updated irregularly.

Chapters (13)

Set in the Equestria Girls universe!

When Twilight Sparkle (the scientist one, not the otherdimensional pony princess) predicts an oncoming magical calamity, it's up to Sunset Shimmer and her friends to stop it!

Now, they've got just two days to cover hundreds and hundreds of miles to get to exactly where the dimensional incursion is going to take place.

Good thing it's Spring Break. Road Trip!

Chapters (8)