• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


Likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle, Spider-Man, Guns, The Walking Dead, Math, James Bond 007, Grand Theft Auto V, Legos, and Jurassic Park

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Equestria is under threat. A group calling itself 'Unicornia' has made itself known, and their intent is to dethrone Celestia and Luna, and return Equestria to its rightful bearers: the three tribes that originally founded it.

Some fight for power, some for justice, some simply to defend their beloved land, where Celestia had failed in recent events. Their reasons bring them together, but the fight will not be easy. Friendships will be formed and tested, and lies will lead to bloodshed and severed ties that can never be reformed.

Trixie Lulamoon fights in the present. Queen Platinum fought in the past. Both of them had unwavering resolve, but where one had fallen, will the other succeed?

Credit to Emkay for the Princess Platinum vector used in the coverart, and to Spaceponies for the Trixie vector.

Note: As much of this story was planned out (and some started) before Season 5, the fic itself will take part before Season 5 of the show and as such may disregard some canon.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Daughter of the Phoenix

It's been fours years since Solstice had met her mother, Sunset Shimmer. She tries to forget everything that happened in the past, but it still haunts her to this day. Will she be strong enough to face the trials that may arise? Or will she crumble and fall to the evil that threatens her?

Many thanks to my Editor: Shrink Laureate

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer, twice savior of Canterlot High who earned her wings by using the combined magic of the Earth elements of harmony to save the world from Twilight Sparkle (you know... the one with the glasses). She's offered to help Twilight's (you know.. the alicorn Princess of Friendship) new student learn about friendship while the whole crew embarks on a trip to the Crystal Empire. This should be a fairly relaxing and stress free trip. Right? RIGHT?!

It should go without saying, but MAJOR spoilers to the season 6 premier.

Sunset vector by mighty355. Other cover art stuff by Novel Idea!

Chapters (22)

So where does Sunset Shimmer live? That's what her friends have been asking and it's about time they got some answers.

Based on my own headcanon on where Sunset lives.

Edited/Proofread by PixelReality. Thank you for all the help!

Chapters (1)

"Hey, you used to be Celestia's student, right? Did you know Sunset Shimmer?"

Chapters (1)

Lavender Bliss thought that her friendship with Sunset Shimmer would last forever. But a car accident takes her friend away and she falls into a state of depression and resents friendship.

But when she goes to her new school, Canterlot High, she comes face to face with her dead friend. Except.. This is someone else entirely. This is not her Sunset Shimmer. She is so different in how she acts and how she treats Lavender. Soon she is taken into a world where another world exists, where she may actually consider friendship again.

But friendship only ends in pain and suffering. It is not magical, it is not something that lasts forever. Not ever this Sunset Shimmer can convince her that friendship is worthwhile.

This story was edited by The Fairy Editor and Nonagon.

This story takes place after The Friendship Games and I thought of it while watching Sci-Twi and Twilight Sparkle at that last scene.

Chapters (4)

During class, Sunset Shimmer receives a strange note from Twilight Sparkle.

After she decodes the message, Sunset must decide how to proceed.

Chapters (1)

Twilight thought that everything would be fine after she got transferred to Canterlot High, that she would be able to surpass every problem with the help of her friends, that she would be happy. She was wrong, for the new enemy was herself.

Today she woke up in pain, as every single day.

Chapters (1)

An anthology of short stories centered on the kids of Canterlot High.
Note: Focuses on characters introduced in the Equestria Girls series.

Cover art by ddd1983

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Seven Girls, Nine Hundred Forty Three Miles, and One Minivan.

In a former life, Vice-Principal Luna took the world by storm as the heavy metal queen known as Nightmare Moon!

But what will happen when Rainbow Dash discovers her long-held secret?

(More hijinks in the Equestria Girls sandbox, if you haven't noticed).

Chapters (5)