• Member Since 13th Sep, 2014


(Nay-vee-ka) Welcome to my corner of the multiverse. Please leave your Blunderbusses by the door.

One-Shots, Unread, And Unsorted 1123 stories
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Estimated Reading: 28 weeks


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Twilight goes downstairs for a midnight snack during a bout of insomnia and steps right over the edge of her own accepted reality into something inexplicable.

Chapters (1)

Luna has some rather strong opinions regarding punishment inside Equestria. These come to a head when Tempest Shadow's fate is to be decided.

My Little Pony: The Movie spoilers

Thanks to Tired Old Man for his input and Nova Quill/Firimil for her input and edits!

Luna vector by speedox12.

Chapters (1)

Now what do you do?

When you've been gone for more than a thousand years, you have a lot to catch up on. You may even owe a ton of apologies. Heroes old and new must deal with the consequences of their choices, each in their own ways.

And before they settle down in the new realm, the Pillars will become acquainted with the Spirit of Chaos himself.

Chapters (13)

Anon's life has been simple since he appeared in Equestria. However, one night, everything changes as he finds a child unlike any other on his doorstep. Does he have what it takes to take care of her? With the help of his friends, he might have a fighting chance.

(Thanks to PeerImagination for editing!)
Art by Mimicpony

Chapters (25)

When Fluttershy went to bed, she was a normal mare. When she woke up, she could see numbers floating over everypony's heads. They were timers, each one counting down to some unknown event. Most ponies had timers that wouldn't end for years, some for many decades. But everypony had different numbers.

So why does Rainbow Dash's timer end in three hours?

Editing provided by TheMaskedFerret and SolidFire.
Cover art by HopefulSparks!
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI!

Chapters (1)

Daybreaker: the monster in Celestia's heart, and the age-long mystery of her life. Her friend and tormentor, her companion and foe. Fanatically devoted to their future, yet desiring one horrific to Celestia.

It is growing stronger.

Chapters (1)

With an age-old threat poised to devastate Equestria, the Princesses gather to use a spell left behind by the great Star Swirl the Bearded in order to ensure their victory.

Now all four have become an entirely new being, with her own thoughts and feelings. And in order for the Princesses to return, she will have to die.

Chapters (1)

In the EQG Holiday Special, Sunset figured out that Anon-a-Miss was actually Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.
But what if things happened differently?
What if Sunset never figured out who Anon-a-Miss really was?
What if her friends refused to listen after her little chat with Twilight?
For those who haven't seen it, the comic can be read here:

Chapters (14)

After being abandoned by her friends after a Mystable user by the name of Anon-a-Miss starts spreading rumors and personal secrets. Sunset is left alone in her darkest moment, left with nowhere else to turn to she decides to end everything. until a certain trio decide to step in.
Can friendships be saved or are they meant to stay Broken?
Heavily inspired by the holiday special 2014 and the stories by the talented Small Muffin and Dainn
Anon-a-Miss By Dainn
In a time of need by Small Muffin

Chapters (9)