• Member Since 8th Jun, 2015


Jackie Fing Weeks, the man who can't stay with one name at all! Haha!

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Some say, Fire is a harbinger of light and the source of light itself. Some say it is a tool of destruction and death. Like two side of the same coin, fire is both of these things. The Pyromanecer was a simple yet humble pegasus who wanted to show everyone the beauty of fire, but also the danger of it. He always hated getting into trouble. But getting into trouble was in his nature. That and unintentionally was causing harm.

Art done by G-Haze

Chapters (3)

Dan never thought that he would ever see his favorite villain in video-game history. Next thing he knows, he's the very being he admires! But life may not be that easy as he appears in an unfamiliar land. What adventures will he begin in this new land? Only time will tell. But Dan knows one thing for sure. He is Alduin, terror of the skies!

Hey everyone Prince_Zodiac here. I keep seeing these displaced stories all over the place and decided I would try my hand at it. Hope you like it!


Oh, and this story is now

Chapters (52)

I don't know how long I have been asleep. It feels like ages. I can't remember who I once was but I know its not who I am now.

The Sun, Moon, Love, Chaos, and Harmony have avatars. I guess I am the World's.

I don't remember who I was but I know who I am.

I have had many names Neltharion the Earth-Warder, The Black Scourge, The Cataclysm, The World itself Given form, but you may call me....


A displaced tale. Co-written with CrossRedstone.

Chapters 1-2 Edited by m2pt5/Emtu, Chapter 3 and 12 Edited by Word Worthy

Note: Actual Deathwing is used

Chapters (11)

It all started ordinarily enough. Go out for the weekend with some friends attend a masquerade try to meet some chicks. That all goes away when the door to my hotel room doesn't lead out into the hall.

Now I'm stuck turned into an anthropomorphic raccoon with all the skills of a master thief and no way home.

(Writing this when I get bored or stuck writing my other story.)

Chapters (3)

The sequel to Wayward Courier. Read that first, or you'll get lost.

Two months after his first visit to Equestria, Thomas has returned. And this time, he's not alone!
Now the ponies have to deal with not only him, but a depressed snarky ex-Scribe and a Brotherhood Ghoul with her own list of incredible achievements and emotional baggage.
However, things aren't well in Equestria, as they quickly find out...

All major details relating to Season 3 are non-canon to this fic.

Chapters (39)

The overlord is a powerful figure. He commands entire legions of devious and menacing imps who obey his commands without question. His age old deal with Beelzebub having granted him untold power, there's just one problem.

He's already conquered earth.

So when he gets his glowing red eyes on Equestria he travels there immediately.

Things could've gone better.

Featured on the 5/1/2015
Even though it was a fleeting moment, and lasted about five minuted, we did it, and I am so happy for it. Thank you to everybody who favourited and liked and decided to keep reading it!

Chapters (21)

After a mishap involving the Transportalponder, the Courier finds himself in a place he doesn't recognize. With no way back and nothing else to do, he decides that wandering into the nearest town is the best option. Being the Courier, things aren't that simple...

A Fallout: New Vegas/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover

The style alternates between omnipresent third-person and the Courier recounting his tale to... Well, take a guess.

Chapters (30)

From the pages of Hellboy, Lobster Johnson has stopped another Nazi attempt to bring down America. The leather clad crusader of justice didn't acount for the disasterous results that would follow. Bieng sucked into a world beyond his regoniction, the Lobster must withstand the multiple blows to his sanity, the creatures and beasts of the Everfree forest, and the endless pursuit of the Equestrian Solar Empire. Follow Lobster Johnson on his escapade throughout the land of Equestria. Taste the claw!

Chapters (4)

Just after the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam, Edward, or known as Courier 6, left the NCR, the BOS, the Boomers, and others to have their celebration of their victory, until a unknown portal caught him by surprise and gotten sucked in. Landing in Equestria, Edward turned into a pony and was lost and lonely until he meets 6 small, colorful ponies who he became friends with. He then starts to defends Equestria when Canterlot was being invaded by Changlings. He then finds his purpose to stay in his new home, but will he ever return to the Mojave Wasteland to see his old friends? Until the answer is revealed, he stays to defend the innocent and the weak against any and all evil that threatening them. He learned that no matter how far you go, and no matter if the land is peaceful, chaos always follows because WAR, WAR NEVER CHANGES.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to A Blind Delight

FEATURED! 05/19/2015 at 5:32 AM!
Brought back from the dead and Featured 01/18/2020
Thrice now.

Season 2 of A Blind Delight is here. Trevor is back after his victory in the tournament and is ready to settle down with his new marefriend Cloudkicker. but during a little excursion to a club Trevor makes the worst mistake of his life. He runs away from Ponyville to find a way to rid him of the problem he should have dealt with when it wasn't that big of a problem.

Darkness takes hold of Equestria without anyone noticing the signs of his return. The signs are all there for the shadow's of a king are beginning to take shape. Who will be able to stop this threat that dared rear it's ugly head? Will Trevor ever be rid of Shade? Stay tuned for more ABD Season 2.

((Same thing as last time folks.))

((Contains anthro ponies if you don't like it then don't read I'm not gonna look at you any differently than I already do... I love you guys sometimes))

((Final note I do not mean to offend anyone by writing this and making the main character blind. Again I mean no offense to anyone you know who may be blind. This is strictly a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously as truth. Respect disabilities and understand that they never wanted them to begin with. That is all and please enjoy the story for what it is worth.))

Chapters (17)