• Member Since 8th Jun, 2015


Jackie Fing Weeks, the man who can't stay with one name at all! Haha!

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The U.S Recon sniper, one of the most deadly and stealthy forces of nature on the planet. However, when one of these shadow warriors ends up in Equestria, how will he be able to adapt and survive in a new environment fulled with ponies, monsters, and even a splinter cell group of terrorist plotting an attack on Equestria. All while lurking in the shadows and becoming a lethal phantom. Only he is capable of stopping the extremists plan to cause utter chaos.

He controls the trigger of fate.

Chapters (5)

Warning before reading I recommend you have a good understanding of dark souls 1 and 2 lore. Other wise you won't understand much of this.

I am sir Alonne and I was just slain by a undead who bested me at sword play. I died a honorable death and now I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies and I am public enemy number 1. Now I have to survive and prove myself as a friend!

Editor: roker12

Chapters (26)

Fantastic, I finally get to visit my favorite cast of awesome talking ponies to have one small thing keeping me from enjoying it to its fullest. I CAN"T FREAKING INTERACT WITH ANYTHING. I guess being a ghost in Equestria isn't the worst thing that could have happened, at least I can shadow my favorite ponies and see what going on in their lives. Heh, I guess I've become the ultimate stalker, I do miss having someone to talk to that wasn't me, myself or I though.

Set before the events of season three.

Rated teen for now for safety, rating may change later on based on where the story goes. Characters will be added later if they get added to the story.

Chapters (23)

Barrett Biggs, also known as "Bad Luck Biggs" wanted nothing more than to escape his reclusive life. When he discovered a chance to fulfill his wildest dream, he believed that his bad luck had finally ended. However, when he ends up in the exact opposite of the world he expected, he realizes that life just isn't that generous. Now, surrounded by six effeminate stallions and no way home, Barrett must attempt to make the most of his new life. May Solaris have mercy on his soul. Which of course, he won’t.

Satire on harem anime, complete with fun tropes and nonsensical torture of the main character for everyone's enjoyment.

Collab with An Empty Shell, Vewpoint Robin and The Great Lord Inquisitor

Chapters (16)

The Adeptus Astartes, great defenders of mankind. Unless they're just some guy who's been thrust into being one due to the whims of fate and some sort of extra-dimensional being. Especially so when that guy is weird, possibly likes classical literature a bit too much, and might be a little insane.

A displaced story and my first story that I've shared anywhere, so please be gentle with your scathing comments.

Warhammer 40k/MLP crossover. all copyrights to their respective owners, Games Workshop and Hasbro.

Chapters (12)

I believe introductions are in order:
I am or rather was Leon Ghost, a great engineer and family man with my loving wife Jasmine and my three kids, two sons and a daughter, but I'll give more detail on them in another time. I somehow ended up in another world, likely another universe entirely after buying an Eliacube replica from a strange looking merchant at comic con. I have become the character I was dress as which was Nox from Wakfu, but these days I am known as Nox(imilien) Chronos. I have been trapped in a time stasis for exactly 1126 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, etc....being a wielder of time gives you a ridiculous ability to near perfectly keep track of any time. I was trapped because of these xenophobic ponies and their idiotic, hothead, paranoid, xenophobic rulers.
These ponies are also foolish, they believe me to be frozen forever and set me up like a trophy in a garden. How I was trapped is a story to be told at a later time. Soon I will be released and I will find my family, and I swear on the name of Xelor that I WILL be free and NO ONE will stop me this time. I went easy on them the first time trying to be the good guy or neutral guy by taking only enough wakfu so they wouldn't suffer any ill side effects.....I am a patience and fair man and they are really pushing my merciful limit.

Credit to Qweeli for the over art

Chapters (4)

When a resident evil merchant offers a great deal on an item beyond authentic, do not accept. Terrible things happen, strange and terrible things happen. All I will say is that the insight to this mess is almost worth it, almost.

Chapters (2)

Discord was thought to have finally come to the side of harmony and light, but it turns out to be quite the opposite. He betrayed the land of Equestria--a land which has forgiven him twice--for a second time. He has now released all of Equestria's greatest foes against his most formidable adversaries, the Elements of Harmony.

The land was flooded with smoke, and great fires that ravage all in its path. The treacherous Chrysalis aims to control the land and oppress the ponies into nothing but mindless servants for her hungry children, while brutes like Tirek aim to gain as much power as possible. In the mean time Discord just sits back and watches with a gleeful, menacing, and malicious smile.

Luckily for Equestria, they just got a new hero.

Chapters (1)

Tirek has escaped once more and has amassed enough power to lay waste to Equestria and imprison the girls to bear witness to his destructive campaign. From the hopeless situation, with Equestria on the brink of destruction, a strange hero emerges to save the day.

(One Shot. Might make more)

Chapters (1)

An powerful pony has been wondering Equestria looking for a purpose in his life. He wishes to help ponies but they will only fear or hate him. Will the Rider still want to help everypony? Or will he give up and leave them to die in thier time of need. Ponies will die, tempers will flair, Will this supernatural being sacrifice his life for his friends? One begs the answer, friend or foe?
Find out in the crossover story, Ghost Pony Rider!

Chapters (14)