• Member Since 8th Jun, 2015


Jackie Fing Weeks, the man who can't stay with one name at all! Haha!

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Celestia had a vision, of two beings, one of darkness, one of light. They claimed that they would reclaim Equestria and return it to dust. The next day, a small creature appears, frightened, scared, and afraid of her very touch. A child. A child who may herald the end, or save Equestia from its demise.

Isaac has been in the basement as long as he can remember. So many times has he descended through this purgatory of death and murder, god and demons, so many things that hurt, burned and killed.
Then one day it stopped. A secret room that opened the chest he had known so long, and he was free. He could leave the Basement.
He didn't see anything else that followed him out.
He didn't expect the world to have changed so much in his absence.
And he never could've imagined they'd all be ponies.

And ponies never imagined that simple children could ever save them from the forces of evil.

Holy Hell! This got featured! (1/8/16)

A-again? Thank you! (1/22/16)

IAmNotSmartest.omfg has stopped responding. Close the program? (2/12/16) >No >Hell no >Back the %#$@ off


And again? I though Friday the 13th was supposed to be an unlucky day! (5/13/16)

*Incoherent stuttering* (5/30/16)

Character list will be updated as necessary, those not immediately listed are:
- King Sombra
- Twilight
- Spike

Characters from the Binding of Isaac are under Other, as you'd expect.
Correct me if I get an item's effect or description wrong!
Correct me if I get grammar or spelling incorrect, I'll fix them as I'm aware of them!

Cover art is by me.

Huge thank you to TrueGentleman, who has taken it upon him to aid me in the editing of this story! (Stopped as of 18 onward)

Appreciation for HydraLightning, proofreader from CH3+.

And a special thanks to awesomesauce4 for inspiring me to start on this! Here's their story!
|The Unbinding|

Chapters (22)

After the events of the season 5 finale; everything seems to be getting better for Starlight Glimmer. That is until the best law officer from Mega City One, Judge Joseph Dredd, comes to arrest her for the crime of time traveling without a permit. Will Twilight be able to stop him? Will Starlight avoid her sentence? Will Dredd ever stop scowling? Find out now or be prepared to answer for your crimes criminal scum!

Crossover of MLP season 5 finale and the Judge Dredd universe, specifically the Judge Dredd comics.

Dredd depicted in this story is mostly based off of the comics, though I do love the 2012 'Dredd' film (but don't worry, it's not based off that film. I just wanted to use the amazing picture of him scowling).

Chapters (1)

Red Vs Blue Xover!

Church, the Alpha, was fairly sure he would die when he went to confront the Meta. Dead or not, he didn't expect to wake up in a forest, and not as a horse. A horse with a horn, wings, modified armor, and mounted firearms- but still a horse. Because he refused to call himself a pony, no matter what the locals said or how much Tex teased him! Now he just has to try to save his fractured mind. The AIs, luckily or not, are there to help him as they explore this new world.

Meanwhile, his loud and painful(for him) entrance into their world has brought a great amount of attention to the mysterious being that is now wandering through Equestria. The ponies best tread carefully. After all, the Alpha's "pack" can be protective.

May be Harem/Marem/Herd.

PS The Dark tag is mainly for Alpha Church's canon back story.

Chapters (3)

In a world where ponies and humans coexist in what can hardly be classified as harmony, Canterlot's daily regime is interrupted when one of these controversial creatures falls out of the sky and, to his surprise, doesn't die. This man seems to be the same as the rest, and calls himself "George Trestale". However, through a complete accident, George discovers he's developed magical abilities far beyond anything he could imagine. Unfortunately for him, almost none of them work correctly, and on top of that, he has no idea who he is or where he came from.

Thinking himself to be a god, and wanted by Celestia on the sole pretense of being human, our main character is tasked with running from the authorities, finding out what sort of power he's supposed to have, and most importantly, discovering who on earth he even is. Such begins the story of George Trestale, the unluckiest "god" in Equestria.

Rated Teen for some violence and language.

~ Edit From the Future! ~
This was my first remotely successful story, and as a result it's not exactly all that good, nor is it representative of my current writing ability. You can of course read it if you want, just expect things to be somewhat sloppily executed.

Chapters (28)

My name is Aran, and I have lived in Equestria for almost a year now. I don't remember how I arrived to Equestria, but I can never forget what happened when I arrived. Vivisection, the betrayal of trust, and speciesism. This is my story of how the so-called paradise was turned into a prison with only one way out.

Editor: Isaac3924
Editor: Zyrian
Art-cover: Sonson-Sensei

Chapters (14)


"My lady once wrote in her very personal and very secret diary that I have problems appreciating personal space. I beg to differ on that sentiment." - A Butler commenting on Professional Discretion -

I'm a Butler. My friends, the imaginary ones at least, call me Butler. My job, looking after my lady, can be...challenging at times, but rewarding. Lately the job's become a little more difficult, especially after my lady's sister returned from the moon and the parliament decided to try and pass an entire bill just to be able to legally get rid of me. But managing the chaos is part of the job description, even if it means I must secretly become my lady's knight captain of her personal bodyguards in order to keep my job. Though even I could never have anticipated having to train knights cunningly disguised as maids to stay one step ahead of the nobles. Ah, the things I do for my princess.

Featured 9 - 12 August 2014. Many many thanks to everyone who kindly made this possible! You guys have doubled the fun!

Now featuring the editing talents of our resident editor Dumbgamer99. Be sure to thank him by checking out his page and giving him a follow!

Butler tag kindly made by undead003. Many thanks! (You'll find it actually works if you click on it.)

Cover Art: This picture totally contains ninjas. You just can't see them, cause they're that good.

Chapters (10)

Not every MLP universe is as cuddly as the original. Whether it's the invading aliens, the slave-driving ponies, the powers I barely control, or the technology I only sort of know how to use, you've got a recipe for disaster. At least I've got one friend in this place, even if she's a pint sized horse who's even crazier than I am. I just hope I can come up with enough ideas to save our butts before something else decides to try to kill us. Or enslave me and throw her in jail. Whichever comes first.

Displaced, crosses over with "X-COM, Enemy Unknown" and "Your Human and You." Tags will be added as they become relevant.

Chapters (7)

If you were a god, what would you represent? In Connors case, he would like nothing more than to be the god of insanity. A "mad god" if you will.

But after discovering an ancient, sealed passageway to Equestria in a nearby park, Connor get's his wish to become Equestrias god of insanity, Mad Mind.

But after days of living in Equestria, he soon learns that being a god-prince is not exactly all fun and games.

Even if you are a mad god-prince.

(This is my first fic: any and all criticism welcome)

Chapters (15)

My name is James. I'm your typical student: I sleep. I do my homework, all that jazz.

But, I mostly love to game. Gaming is my passion.
I have played a wide variety of video games throughout my lifetime. Some, I hate. Some I love. Some I haven't even played yet.

So, when I'm offered to have a chance to become a person in some foreign world, wielding the power of every video game I've ever played, I jumped at the chance.

...What the hell did I get myself into?

(My first, true HiE fic! All criticism welcome!)

Chapters (2)

Featured on 13/09/2013 THANK YOU ALL!!!

"You either die a Hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the Villain."

Jasper William Montgomery, he just turned twenty and is absolutely bored with life. He's not suicidal, depressed, or a drug user with a penchant for drinking, he's just bored. Everything one can do in life, parties, going clubbing, video games, even computers don't really appeal to him. One thing that keeps him sane is watching shows from his youth and the occasional entertaining film. Due to a friends attempt to make him feel better he ends up watching all three seasons of My Little Pony and pretty much laughs at the fictional world. Being labeled a cynic and pretty much given up on by his friends, Jasper is alone. Until he's teleported away to Equestria by an observing Celestia.

TVTropes- http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/Villainous

(Cover image courtesy of UsagiFriday, thank you!)

Chapters (24)