• Member Since 8th Jun, 2015


Jackie Fing Weeks, the man who can't stay with one name at all! Haha!

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A human is brought to Equestria by unknown forces and encounters a fabulous city full of snobs.
He then discovers he can absorb their power and use it for himself.
Tags will be added as the story progresses.
A special thank you, to my editor, Muranuse, for making this story worthwhile.

Chapters (3)

When I died, all I saw was darkness. But then, I heard familiar voices and soon realised that I had become Discord at the beginning of Return of Harmony. After breaking out, I decide to time travel to a year and a half before the first episode so I could see all of Equestria. Disguised as a traveling unicorn mare merchant, I set off to see the wonders of Equestria and make new friends at the towns I visit.

Anthro and Human tags are for later on in the story

Chapters (13)

(WARNING! Major spoilers to the first Left 4 Dead and the Sacrifice comic!)

William "Bill" Overbeck is a Vietnam War veteran and survivor of the Green Flu epidemic. Many things define Bill; skilled, perceptive, cautious, and dedicated. He was willing to sacrifice himself in Rayford, Georgia so his comrades can escape the danger of the infected by heading to the Florida Keyes.

There, in Rayford, Bill met his fate, and found his final resting place...

...or did he?

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Kurai the Forsaken

Seven years have gone by since the defeat of the First of the Dead, Gravelord Nito. Observing the dreams of the co-ruler's subjects, Luna comes by an odd door leading to a dream where she discovers something that gives her doubts on the events that transpired. Had it all been a fabrication? Or has a new hero emerged from the world of Lordran and settled in Equestria?

This is a Dark Souls crossover with MLP: FiM, before the whole Tirek incident. Most of the lore will be explained in this fic, but the basics you will simply find anywhere. For an in depth analysis of Dark Souls, watch this guy. VaatiVidya

Cover art made by the exceptionally talented chuylol14. Check him out if you get the chance.

Chapters (9)

Marcus has never been special. He's been average, at best. His whole life. When he wakes up in Equestria, he's told that he could finally be special. Be recognized, be famous, maybe. He begs to differ.
This story will contain explicit language. If that offends you, well then you can go fu do not read.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle has come across the impossible. A book she's never read before, with an odd plus-like shape emblazoned on the cover. What is this book, and what does it mean for Equestria?

Meanwhile, Isaac has been stuck in the basement for a long time - centuries? Millenia? But when he finally finds a way out, will he be able to adapt to the planet that's moved on without him?

Crossover with 'the Binding of Isaac : Rebirth', a game by Edmund McMillen.

Rated Teen, because somebody can't keep it polite.

Featured on 5/31/18!

Check out another great tBoI crossover, Binding of Isaac: Beyond by IAmNotSmartest!

Chapters (26)

This story contains 100% saturated sugar. Exposure may induce diabetes.

Once upon a time there were three filly sisters. They were a unicorn, a thestral and a changeling, but that was perfectly normal. They had also adopted a human for a father, which they thought was awesomely normal. Their lives seemed perfect, but their father felt there might be room for more; A mother's touch, perhaps? Enter the slightly accidental but otherwise perfect nannies, Luna, Cadence and Celestia...uh...Dark Side, Sweet Heart and Sunrise Splendour. Though the question remains; Will these three successfully infiltrate their little family and achieve their top secret mission bring the much-needed maternal touch, or will they end up a victim to the fillies' devious matchmaking schemes?

Well, it would have helped if the three nannies didn't lose their memories on their first day, for a start.

Written to the sound of BlackGryphon's Cutie Mark Crusader Theme Are We There Yet and Taking Off

Cover Art: I swear this began as me doodling a bowl of sugar.

Chapters (5)

"Ponykind must have run out of colours when they finally got to this pony. Everything from his mane to his ass was all seven colours of gloom and doom. He was so dark and brooding he probably ate glittery emos and shat vampire bats.” - Quote of the Week

1000 years the ponies have prayed for a saviour to deliver them, whether it was their long lost sun goddess Celestia, or even Nightmare Moon, maybe even the chaos lord Discord, anypony! After suffering under the yoke of a tyrant god for so long, they decided any saviour will do, even a dark demonic overlord. One unicorn sorceress finally decides to take matters into her own hooves. She sets out to the frozen ruins of a long lost Empire in the Crystal Mountains bearing a grand sacrifice of 1000 ponies in an attempt to summon the dark demonic overlord of the Crystal Empire.

When the dark ritual turned up a blank, the universe decides to shuffle in the next best thing. Will he rise up to the expectations of his newfound flock? He'd better, and quickly, for the tyrant god's inquisition is out to get him and the 1000 'blasphemers' involved in his summoning. With a nation to build and an evil tyrant god to fight, never has there been a taller order to fill. But it's alright, he's a dark demonic overlord, right? He quickly finds that with some smokes and mirrors and the help of 1000 very magical ponies, anyone can look the part, even an entirely magic-inert pizza delivery dude.

Now a long-haul fic! Many thanks to everyone who convinced me to make this a reality!

Many many thanks to the Editing team, Dumbgamer99, Not A Hat, and Brad The Brony. Be sure to thank them by checking out their pages!

Our lovable number one overdude assistant, Crystal Heart, now has a musical theme, aptly titled 'Dual Core A.I.', kindly provided by AdmiralTigerclaw! Epic now comes in an entirely new flavour! Many thanks!

Somebody kindly messaged me and told me I should announce here that the story was featured from 27 - 30th of April. I completely missed that but many thanks for making that possible, everyone!

Cover Art: Placeholder drawn by me. Will be a background for a full cover at some point.

Chapters (12)

When Humanity is on its last stand from the power of chaos. One man will rise up and defend his people, to whatever end.

Chapters (9)

One boy is brought to another world by a strange creature, and he doesn't enjoy his experience there

Chapters (1)