• Member Since 8th Jun, 2015


Jackie Fing Weeks, the man who can't stay with one name at all! Haha!

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Beasts roam the streets of Yharnam. The hunters dream gives refuge to chosen hunters. An old hunter watches over the dream. Now, it is Equestria that needs to be watched over.

Gehrman was many things. Some deemed him a hero, others a teacher and friend. Good thing Equestria is full of friendship.

Some knowledge of Bloodborne is advised.

Takes place after season two.

Edited by the awesome editor: XIII Hearts.

I own nothing.

Chapters (31)

I wake up in a field outside in a field, near a forest. However, I don't remember falling asleep. I can't remember a large part of my memories, and I'm talking entire months, not days or weeks. I remember my entire life from the day I was born to my graduation as a year 11 student a couple weeks ago. But there's still large parts that I'm missing. I must find my way back home and get my memories back, but what's this about a fight that I'm destined to be part of? And why do I look like an olden-day samurai?


Right, this is my late New Year's gift to you guys. Sorry bout that. Anyway, this is my second fanfic, constructive criticism is appreciated. Also, yes I realise that the whole 'amnesia' thing is overused from what I've seen among this site but bare with me here okay? Finally, story is set before the season 3 finale so EG will be included, and there will be slight, very slight crossovers with a couple of anime (mostly of Bleach). Hope you guys enjoy it.

This story is fan-based and I own nothing. All references and My little pony: Friendship is Magic belong to their respective owners.

Chapters (4)

Commander Thorn was just another clone out of millions. He was strong, he would never back up for a fight, and he would give his life for the Republic... Unfortunately that last thing became reality.

While on a mission to escort senator Amidala while she would begin negotiations with the Banking Clan, Separatist forces landed in the neutral-zone and began attacking Commander Thorn and his squad.

They were no match for the Droid forces and were all killed.

5 shots in the chest was all it took to put Commander Thorn down.

But what if his journey as a Clone isn’t over? What if this is just the beginning of something new?

Let's see how everypony will react to this Clone Commander.

He's got his blasters, he's got his armor, the only thing he doesn’t have is a way home.

but he will find a way home, of that he is certain.

Chapters (31)

The citizens of Equestria are no strangers to the strange and unusual, especially when it comes to the Everfree Forest. So when the most dangerous creatures start mysteriously dying no one thinks it's unusual. In fact some believe there's someone or something protecting them. The ones who do call it 'the guardian' and speculate as to what it is. But all it is, is just a human who watches over Ponyville's inhabitants who wander in to the forest, and keeps hidden to protect himself. However everything changes when he meets an injured little filly named Applebloom.

Proofread by Regreme

Note: This is NOT a Sniper Elite crossover.

An Anthro HiE story, remember it's your choice to read this. Don't like it? It's your fault. But constructive criticism is welcome.

Chapters (5)

Paladin Knight Vaughn of the Brotherhood of Steel from the Capital Wasteland was sent on a lone mission to investigate the strange occurrences around Fort Constantine, but when he arrives, a portal opens up and fell to the land of Equestria. How will he get back home? Will he ever return? That remains to be seen....

(Warning: The MLP characters are humanized but with some traits, such as pesasi having wings and the unicorns, while not having a horn, use magic with their hands. Also is from Fallout 3 but with the Fallout 4 style, such as the power armors actually being mech suits and such, and a few other types of crossovers.) NOW CANCELED FOR REVISIONED

Chapters (10)

When several ponies find themselves taken far out of harm's way, when they would have been severely harmed or even dead otherwise,—and when other, more secretive and suspect ponies are found eviscerated, or go missing, it becomes evident that something strange and otherwordly has its watchful eye perched on Ponyville and the surrounding areas. . . .

And no one has the slightest clue who, what, where, when, why or how.

- - -

Note(s): This story was started a while ago and many things have changed. Some aspects of the story are hindered because of this; broken images, changes in formatting, etc. Let me know if you see anything and I will work to change it.

Also: no, he is not me, he is not Zee Captain, and he is most certainly not the Pyro.

Chapters (21)

Taptaptap "Is this thing on?" More tapping "Come on, work you piece of sh- what? It's already on? Why the fuck didn't you say so!?" Cue breaking noises.

Johnny isn't really as stable as he used to be. Once upon a time he was a nice kid, bright as a button and thought nothing was better than hanging out with his friends. After being locked in stone for a few centuries with only the memories of the dead to think of, that changed. Now he just follows the urges that made him a killer in the first place, but he'll still have his fun along the way.

He can barely even remember his name, what with everyone calling him Freddy or the Nightmare. He will remember though, and he will have his fun with the-

"Cliché, retarded horse fuckers that shoved me in a fucking statue for fucking ages! Fuck yo-!"

Shhhhhh. You don't get fourth wall powers until like chapter ten or so. Good boy. Now then, read at your own risk and make sure to enjoy the ride because his one is bumpy!

Warning: May contain excessive offensive language and gore, as is expected when using good ol' Freddy, proceed at own risk.

Chapters (16)

When deep miners discover a strange portal that they assume to be dwarven made, they activate it, thinking there are riches to be had. Only thing is, it does not turn out so well for one dwarf in particular.
When the Orcs and Goblins send fighters and looters. Dwarves send their fighters. When Orcs and Goblins invade with a massive horde, they send a handful of Berserkers to the front line while the shield dwarves defend. But not to defend from the Orc's or Goblins, no, they defend their city from the dwarven berserkers who might lose themselves in a blood rage.

Featured 9/26/14, and a few other times before, I just never really saw it until now. Ha. :D

Saw a lot of human in Equestia fics, and a couple Orks, Haven't seen a dwarf yet. Or maybe its old and I keep missing it. Oh well. *shrugs* Takes place in the alternate universe I made during a string of unfortunate events. while writing.
Tis a Mix of all dwarven lore that I care about, with my own twists.

Chapters (30)

WARNING: Contains spoilers to Borderlands 2, read at your own risk!

After the defeat of Handsome Jack, Gaige can't help but feel left out, as her team still can't take her seriously, except Kreig, but thats another story. One day Gaige finally finishes the third arm for D374-TP so that she can give him high fives, however, after an unexpected result, Gaige, D374-TP and Krieg arrive at Equestria. Will they be able to live in harmony? Or will Kreig light himself on fire, Like.. a lot?

Updates whenever I feel like it. Otherwise your gonna have a baaad time!

Cover at made by blueyoshimenacem on Deviant Art Link: http://blueyoshimenace.deviantart.com/art/Gaige-and-Krieg-375149788

Chapters (4)

(A crossovermainly with TF2, Killing Floor 2, The DC Universe, and Romantically Apocalyptic. However, if you have a suggestion: make it! You just might see a cameo of your favorite gas-masker. See below for future crossovers.)

A breach has been made in the walls of reality, creating a door to all of space and eternity. This, of course, could be problematic. The Princesses are doing the best they can to hold the hole shut, but the bigger, hungrier things are pushing back. And the smallest entities are managing to crawl through anyway, like bugs between atoms. Several of these things pop through intentionally, and with the—alleged—intention to help; masked aliens. And they all just might be stark raving mad.

Part crossover, part self-insert, part trollfic and part Lovecraft, this just may be the best—or worst—MLP fanfic ever written. Why not be a part of it?

Note(s): The name has nothing to do with the punk band. Though they're not bad, go check them out.

Future Crossovers Include:
Warhammer 40,000
Doctor Who

Chapters (3)