• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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Captain Alex "Blitz" Noah, the commander of the M1 Abrams "Retribution II", is accidentally teleported to another dimension with his crew and tank while testing experimental shielding devices. The crew unsure of what has happened find themselves in a colourful world full of ponies?! This is my first fic so if you find any errors please show me and I'll fix them.
Suggestions and any constructive criticism is welcome.

Chapters (14)

While on a routine mission the Enterprise is called to check out an anomaly in deep space.
However, through a chain of events, that are completely not Kirk's fault, he and a red shirt fall into the anomaly and awake in Equestria. As ponies.
Can Kirk handle being in a land of ponies and magic? How will he fulfill his contractual obligations to some how rip his uniform shirt? Will Ensign Ricky live to tell the tale? What is Harcourt Fenton Mudd scheming about while in the brig? What is Sulu doing in his off time? Why am I asking you this? And most importantly, can the crew of the Enterprise bring them back, or even survive without Kirk?

Cross over with classic Star Trek
This story takes place a week after the counter clock incident from Star Trek The Animated Series,
And between seasons Two and Three of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Chapters (4)

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force.

This is the Oath the Code of the Je'daii. This is what I believe this is what I will teach Equestria.

My name is Grand Master Socrates meaning knowledge and wisdom well it is now.You see I was just some ordinary guy that went to a con dressed as a force Wielder. Something happened now I am in Equestria but this is not the Equestria I know for the inhabitants are not ponies or anthro they are human.
Now that I am here I have all the knowledge and power of a Je'daii Master and I intend to teach the force sensitive of this world the ways of the Je'daii. But first I must find those who could help me, unfortunately, two of them happen to be named Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.
Please tell me why these two have to be force sensitive.

(Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Chrysalis are simi major characters they will appear in the story every now and then one at a time or all together, Zacora will also show up every now and again.)

Chapters (12)

Okay just stop and think my daughter and I were, at home then there was an explosion.

I can hear my little girl crying, I swear if I find out who did this God won't be able to protect them.

Smoke everywhere before we pass out and succumb to death, there's a bright flash of light then complete darkness.

We wake up just outside of the town of Ponyville I am a little confused but not my daughter she couldn't be happier.

I get it we're in Equestria. (my daughter's favorite show I know this, I've watched it with her) But why is she a Unicorn and most importantly why the hell am I a damn Alicorn?


This guy is not a GARY STU because he needs to learn to fly and use magic.


And besides his daughter will be better at most magic than him.

The sex rating is more due to foul language from the father but there might be some sexual innuendos between characters. There will be some slight gore.

Chapters (10)

A Marine, after mysteriously losing his memory and being transported to Equestria, must find out what is going on and how to get home.

The very first story I published here remastered. It received a lot of dislikes because of, (But not limited to) Short length, Format, and lots of other things. Will be updating a chapter at a time. Promise that it won't suck too bad.

I would also like to thank ElectroHaiso for helping me with the story.

Chapters (5)

Corporal Burns and his squad had been in it since the attack on Pearl Harbor. On patrol in Germany one day during the closing months of the war, an unlucky encounter ends up taking them to a new world, populated by ponies. They try to settle down, finding close friends among the populates of their new home. But, when a familiar, ruthless enemy find themselves in the same place, the 'Four Horsemen' and their sergeant must take up the call to arms once more. Luckily, they aren't alone.

Sorry folks-Story has been cancelled for reasons in my latest blog post.

Chapters (12)

This is my first fic, so be brutally honest. :3

This is based of of the attack on Pearl Harbor seventy years ago to this date, and I thought I'd make a little something up.

Thanks to Molotov Cocktail for being such a great pre-reader.


Our young protagonist is a simple petty officer in The Equestrian Navy, and he just hopes he can get some rest and relaxation on the Sunday, December seventh that they had the day off on in the sunny harbor at Oahu.

That doesn't happen, as diplomatic relations between The United States of Equestria and the Japonyse go to sh*t, war ensues.

Now he is fighting for his life in a War that shoudln't have happened after the last one nearly thirty years ago.

Chapters (2)

The defense of Luxemburg. It was supposed to be an easy mission, but it turned hazardous. The siege had lasted hours unyielding the Americans were, but their tanks easy targets for my men's Tiger. Though we were running out of ammo. After a we withheld a Sherman assault the Americans snuck behind us and tossed grenades into our tank. After that I woke up in this odd world where horses rule supreme and everyone one of them thinks i'm some sort of legend, a savior perhaps. Never the less I will carry out my mission against all who threaten Germany. Heil Hitler!

This is more of my way of getting out of writers block than an actual story, though I did come up with the story while playing World Of Tanks and watching old SS documentary's. So yeah. I probably will rarely update this but still it'll probably still be here capturing dust.

Chapters (3)

Two ordinary FDNY Emt's working their regular shift fall upon a strange call that they are confused at. their current predicament being this call is out of their jurisdiction, but they respond to it anyway but upon responding they become apart of the biggest rescue of their career.

Chapters (1)

Disclaimer: If any of you people dislike this story just because it doesn't have the M1-A2 Abrams but instead the T-90MS, just stick around a little longer. This idea will be explained in the story.

My name is Captain Robert Shaffer. I'm the commander of my tank and it's crew, Sandstorm. Me and the rest of my convoy were dispatched on a mission that took us deep into the Sahara Desert. It was nothing but sand that I saw, I couldn't see more than five feet in front of me. We had been sent out into the fray to search for a shipment that crashed carrying important cargo. Little did I know, my demise would be sooner than I thought... But after what is supposed to kill me and my men, we find ourselves trapped in a hostile and unforgiving new world.

I just want to give a shout out to our brave United States military soldiers who face the fiercest situations, knowing every day could be there last, to keep us our freedom. May they have our full respect and gratefulness.

This isn't a crossover with anything, just another military in Equestria. Constructive criticism is wanted, but nice compliments are also appreciated.

Chapters (3)