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This story is a sequel to The Prince

Returning to the land of his birth as the human TD Powell, Antares must try to find a way home. But if he returns to Equestria, will it be the same one he knows? Will he be able to cope with the ever-changing world around him?

Edited wonderfully by Strike89 and roker12

Buy a print copy of the original story here!

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to TD the Alicorn Princess

Prince Antares, formerly the human TD Powell, has ascended to rule Equestria alongside Celestia and Luna to form the Equestrian Triumvirate. Taking his residency in Baltimare, Antares comes into his role as smoothly as he can, given the circumstances.

But not all is right with the world.

A warmongering king in the newly formed minotaur nation has just allied with the griffin empire, a country that recently gained a leader unfriendly to Equestria. Now Antares will face his first true test as an alicorn prince of Equestria. He must lead his peace loving ponies into the hells of war, and face an Equestria that will never be the same.

Edited wonderfully by Strike89

Buy a print copy of the original here!

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Prince

Five years have passed since the Equestrian victory against the invading minotaur army, and peace has returned to the land. The first annual memorial celebration has arrived in Canterlot, led by Prince Antares. However, in the midst of the celebration, Equestria is invaded by an army from far away, led by the powerful unicorn Tempest Shadow in the name of The Storm King.

Now on the run, Antares must reclaim his conquered nation, no matter the cost.

Buy a print copy of the original here!
Just as a brief point of interest: I loved the movie. This is not a fix fic any more than the first TD Alicorn story was a fix fic of the Season 3 finale. This is just an interesting idea I had.

Edited by Strike89 and roker12

Chapters (11)

TD, the human first seen in No, I am NOT a Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!! has been in Equestria for a little over a year now and he's just beginning to fully adjust to his life there. However, when he wakes up one morning to discover that five of the Mane Six have switched cutie marks, he endures a significant change when he helps them out.

He is less than pleased.

Edited wonderfully by Strike89

Buy a print copy here!

Chapters (48)

Five years ago, Nightmare Moon returned to Equestria and took it by storm. She imprisoned her sister in the moon, and Equestria fell into an Age of Darkness. She ruled with an iron hoof; her word became law. The Mare in the Moon became a grim reminder of what happened to those who opposed the new tyrant, and nopony dared oppose.

Except for one aspiring unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle, a mare shackled by the failures of her past, prowls the ruins of the old capital Canterlot, praying for a spell that can right what has been so horribly wronged. Buried beneath the rubble of the Royal Library, she finds a tome that might be the answer to her prayers.

A "Warrior of Sunlight"; surely he will be able to overthrow the wicked tyrant and restore Celestia to her rightful throne. Twilight can almost see the sun returning over the horizon. She just didn't expect this warrior to be so... jolly.

Set in Starlight's "alternate future" where Nightmare Moon reigns.

Audio reading by Skijarama

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to The Life and Times of an Alchemist Turned Pony

A tower sits in a plain, surrounded by nothing for miles. It is a faithful reconstruction to one that existed before.
Should one have permission to enter, they would find five doors besides the one they used to enter.
Should they ask and be allowed, they could find their way to the bedroom of the master of the tower.
And should they know exactly where to look, they would find his journal, and learn of what happened back in the old world...
The journal of Auric Fulcrum, and it would detail his adventures in Equestria before forming his new life in a new existence...

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Wanderings of a Non-Brony

After the six year journey around the planet in Wanderings of a Non-Brony, The human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in Equestria for good. He sees no choice but to settle down in Ponyville, ready to live the rest of his life as best as he can.

This is his life.

Edited by Marioland1 and Strike89

Chapters (56)

This story is a sequel to No, I Am Not A Brony, Get Me Outta Equestria!

After leaving Ponyville, the human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in even stranger territory than the land of the ponies. Will he find his way home? Or will he find out that he should have stayed in Ponyville under the watchful eyes of the Royal Sisters after all?

Edited by the amazing Jack Kellar and Marioland1

Special thanks to MyHobby for the cover art!!

Chapters (28)

I'd heard about the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic from my college roommate who is way too into the show. Disturbingly so, actually, but good gravy I would never watch the darned thing! What am I, five? I've got better things to do with my time than watch a silly little girl's show. However, that didn't stop... something from transporting me into the world of the show, so here I am... in Equestria... trying to get home. This is gonna be interesting.

Special thanks to GuyFace, Jack Kellar, Storm Shaker, Spiffy McSquee, and Goober Trooper for helping me with this one!

Chapters (26)

He is known by many titles. Three Dog calls him 'Mr. 101', some call him 'The Messiah', his fellow Brotherhood members calls him a Paladin, but to all, he is known as the 'Lone Wanderer'. He help destroy the Enclave and it's remnants, help free the slaves from both the Pitt and Paradise Falls, took control over an Alien Mothership with survivors, and more than he can even listed.

But now though, after stumbling through some portal, is now trapped in a world known as Equestria with only the gear on his back and wrist.

(It's Fallout 3, but with Fallout 4 style. Also, MLP characters will be humanized, but have their abilities. Like the Pegusi will still have their wings, Unicorns, while not having horns, still uses magic, etc)

(NOTE: I do NOT own either. MLP is own by Hasbro and the Fallout Franchise is own by Bethesda)

Chapters (5)