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Rainbow Dash cares about her image. A lot.
So what happens when she has to return a book of a certain genre to the library and runs into Spike, whom she's just started to hang out with?

Created mainly for the SpikeDash competition started by Vexy.
Constructive criticism is welcome. If you're here to flame, please take the next door to the right.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Love Ya to the Core

Spike finds himself on a game show hosted by Discord where he has to choose between three mysterious bachelorettes, not realizing that this is a ploy to settle a love triangle he has not been aware of. Who will Spike choose?
Hearts might be broken and secrets might be spilled.
This is a "sort of" follow-up to "Bride of Discord." Not really a sequel, but is set in the same universe.

Cover Image by WolfSpirit1292, who also adapted this into a comic!

Chapters (1)

People like Button's mom. Some really, really like her. So it's no surprise a few fanart and stories are made in her favor. And now poor Button has to deal with the end result for some inexplainable reason. Hopefully he doesn't get mentally scarred for life!

Thanks to my editors Selbi and Trials, along with my pre-reader Skeeter The Lurker for all their help!

Chapters (1)

Don't you just hate it when you get something new and everyone wants to play with it at the exact same time? When Spike gets his claws on the latest Guitar Hero game, he finds his path to gaming freedom blocked by none other than the Mane Six. Will he overcome such a challenge and earn the right to melt his brain for a week?

Since I am unable to include lyrics, I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend listening to the songs provided via hyperlinks throughout the story as they will greatly aid in providing some much-needed context. Now edited to improve readability.

Chapters (1)

A teenage Apple Bloom feels the need to run away from home in order to find her place in the world. While running away she happens to run into Spike, who is running away as well, so the two eventually decide to go together. Now Apple Bloom has to figure out what is causing Spike to run away and try to help, while Spike had to try and find his own hope.

Gore tag for one bit in Chapter 6 and just to be safe.

Now edited by Luna-cy

Chapters (13)

Spike, banished from Ponyville for a crime he never committed, turned from his friends, he walks through the Everfree, were someone he never expected sent him on a new adventure and life.

He was called Spike, but now he will be the Dragon Assassin.

Note: kinda like an assassin's creed crossover

Assassin's creed belongs to Ubisoft
Mlp belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust

Chapters (15)

While having tea together, Celestia asks Twilight an important question that could change the meaning of their relationship forever. And create a pretty awkward silence as well.

Thanks to my editors Selbi and Hobbes for all their help!

Chapters (1)

This is a tale of a stranger seeking redemption.

Chapters (8)

It's almost Halloween, and the internet is lit up with people claiming to be turning into ponies. I'm not terribly concerned, though I'd like to smack the jerk who somehow infected every computer in the world with a virus that changed the calendars to gibberish.
It's not like it really matters to me. The economy still sucks. I still have to go to work all the same. I still have a fiance on the other side of the world and not enough funds for a place of our own. It's probably just a big viral publicity stunt anyway.

Scratch that, I'm apparently Spike now.

At least I still have thumbs.

And a penis. That's important too.

This story takes place in the PonyEarthVerse setting.

Chapters (3)

Christopher Boatner is a diplomat from Earth, in Equestria to interview Princess Twilight Sparkle to understand pony culture and customs better. Thing is, he's unprepared for what amounts to one of the biggest discoveries between humans and ponies ever. Bad puns. A lot of them. Along with general ignorance about the creepy nature of cutie marks. Will Chris be able to handle the multitude of horse puns? Read to find out!

A big thanks to my editors Kaidan and The 10th Doctor, along with my pre-readers Skeeter The Lurker and Mr101 for all their help!

Chapters (1)