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Spike never got a proper education, thanks to Twilight and Discord just never went. Now Twilight faces a disappointed Celestia and Discord faces the wrath of the Stare.

Chapters (2)

For Spike, losing his first baby tooth means he's one step closer to becoming an adult and the benefits that provides. For everypony else, it means getting a visit from the tooth fairy. Of course, Spike's old enough to realize that the tooth fairy isn't real...or is she?

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has lived alone for much of her life since her parents' passing, but no one, not even her closest friends, know of her most guarded secret. But this soon changes when a young dragon comes passing by the clubhouse one winter evening. Now, whether she likes it or not, Spike intends to do everything he can to help her. However as the temperature falls, the way these two friends see each other begins to change as well, but it is still unclear if it was indeed for the better.

Chapters (4)

Let's follow the tale of a dragon centuries old as he recounts the story of how he met his loving wife after being banished from his old, loving home

Chapters (4)

Spike, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Pound and Pumpkin Cake meet a strange zebra filly who lives in the Everfree Forest. After that day they all wake up with strange curses.

This is the a short story based off the same universe as my story Age Swap. You don't have to read it to know what's going on but it would help a lot.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Spike grew up and did everything together since forever. But following the events of Magical Mystery Cure, Twilight is now a princess. She grew up first. Spike realizes he needs to catch up, and so makes a choice to do the same.

All the while, there is a secret, one that involves Princess Celestia, our favorite little dragon, and a certain sense of heritage.

Chapters (2)

I am not very fond of the episode Spike at Your Service. Really because Spike was turned into a complete idiot. I wanted to write something that was more respectful to his character.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Dash's Spike

Love is a tricky subject. It isn't something that just affects one pony, or two, but everypony around them, It is something that affects everypony differently, too.

Spike and Rainbow are going to have to learn this the hard way.

How will their friends react to it the same. Will they all be happy for the new couple? Willthey try to break them apart?


Events from those stories have influenced this one. Some things might not make sense if you have not read these stories.

Chapters (13)

Spike tells of his feelings towards the Mane Six's treatment of him when they were growing up.

Chapters (2)

Spike, Derpy Hooves, and Discord are the oddballs of the ponies in Equestria; Spike is a baby dragon, Discord is the draconequus god of chaos, now reformed, and Derpy Hooves is the only pony who has problems with her eyes,but is still able to live her life as normal as she can, so why cant they be reveled? Why are they treated like outcasts? They soon see what's going on and decide to show everypony that they are not to be messed with. And they arent alone as they soon find help from some very dedicated allies.

Chapters (7)