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A short sequel to my second most popular story "A Different Love for a Change... ling"

A month after peace came between ponies and changelings once again, Dragon Heart, along with Razor and Dusk return to to visit Ponyville and their new pony friends. What happening now, is Chrysalis sticking to her new commitment, and will Dragon Heart and Spike continue to be together?
All these questions and more will be answered!

Other characters who appear are Chrysalis, Celestia and a few others

(Now fully complete... FINALLY!)

Chapters (5)

Some would say that marriage should only be between two that love each other, but what if you feel anything but love for the one you are to be wed with? That you are only doing it not just for your country but for your mother. Join Spike as he replays in his mind how he is about to go from Princess Twilight's assistant, to a married drake and king of a whole race. This is my first pony fic and I like it Rough... by that I mean reviews <.<=>.>

Chapters (3)

While on his Honeymoon, Spike is informed that the evil Count Lucius, the former heartless ruler of the Dragons, will be returning upon the next eclipse. Realizing Equestria will be in danger, Spike and his Mares head out on an adventure to stop the Count and to learn about the mysterious Drago Fangtooth. Who is he and what connection does Spike have with him? Will Equestria be saved? Find out! (Rated Teen just in case)

Sequel to Casanova Spike

Chapters (8)

After Spike (begrudgingly) helps out Apple Bloom on the farm, she misinterprets his act of friendliness as an act of love. Apple Bloom quickly develops feelings for Spike, much to his chagrin, and begins going to great lengths to win his heart. How long will it be until Spike finally snaps?

Told in an episodic format. Meaning, it will be following an intro and three "acts."

Chapters (2)

Quite simple really, Celestia takes a moment to think about what she will do and what she must do in order to preserve her little scaly ball of love in the future, nevertheless, it all comes down to one simple and true answer.

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*One-Shot Momlestia Fic* if you don't like it skip it!

Chapters (2)

After being banished, Spike sets out to find out about both himself and his heritage. Though as he progress in his journey he will find out he is much more than he realize and deep within him a power unlike any other that he must learn to use to get the happiness he desires.

Slight crossovers with many different sources and characters.

Chapters (22)

Spike has always had feelings for his crush Rarity, one summer, however, it seems his love goes to certain other pony. Is it true love? Can Spike confess his feelings and accept that his once love for Rarity, is now directed towards another?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has always been complimented on her athleticism. What happens when she gets complemented for her looks, too, especially when said compliment comes from a certain purple dragon?

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Plush

"You know I'd do anything for you,/Stay the night but keep it undercover./I just wanna use your love tonight./I don't wanna lose your love tonight," -The Outfield, ‘Your Love’

A few days after admitting their feelings for each other, Spike and Sweetie Belle have started dating one another. Because both have yet to be in a relationship with anypony, they are inexperienced in the subject. Will things be alright or will their relationship be over as soon as it began?

Chapters (5)

Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk.

While on his walk, he was judged by an ancient alicorn, lodged with griffons, parlayed with air pirates, charmed a maiden of a mystical race, and dealt with the scourges of hate, fear, and racism while deliberately drawing the armies of myriad nations to the brink of global war.

Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk, and did all of this so that he could keep a promise to the one that meant the most to him... Twilight Sparkle.

In the first of three books, Pillars of the Sun (Chapters 1-15), Spike is devastated by Twilight's fate and grows more and more despondent as he attempts to understand what has happened to his dearest friend. A gentle nudge from a pony he trusts sends him looking for answers. When that nudge becomes a push he unravels ancient secrets... and risks losing himself before his attempt to rescue Twilight can even begin.

Chapters (14)