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Episode 1 (Chapters 1 to 20)
Episode 1 Cover Art created by white-tigress-12158 on deviantArt
“A young man witnessed a strange storm, but seeing that no one else was as intrigued as him, he shrugged it off and continued his life, but after getting into a fight, he was rushed to the nearest hospital.
After regaining his consciousness, he suddenly found himself in Equestria as an earth pony, where things aren't really the same as in the series.
With a voice that kept echoing inside his head, he embarks on a quest to return home and be reunited with his beloved family, as he tries not to get too involved in the chaotic war of the unicorns against the pegasi.”

Episode 2 (Chapters 21 to 81)
Episode 2 Cover Art created by GenericDrawfag on deviantArt
“After learning that the human world is somehow affected by the unnatural phenomenon that Equestria was also suffering of, Gold Blitz, the young man who turned into an earth pony, will now embark on a journey to try and fix it so his family will have a better world to live on.
With Spike's assistance, the duo will embark on a quest to bring back the world he once knew.”

Episode 3 (Chapters 82 to 95)
“After discovering the dimensional portal located on Mount Comet, a group of human scientists began their experiments, which resulted to catastrophic events where monsters from the world of ponies were transported to the human world.
Jay, the human who turns into an earth pony known as Gold Blitz in the pony world, will now try his best to save his world from the looming darkness.”

Episode 4 (Chapters 96 to 115)
“After learning that Jay is in trouble, Spike sets out on a quest towards the Crystal Kingdom to retrieve the ancient item that could help him, with the help of the three young mares that calls themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
What lies ahead of their path, they do not know. However, they are determined to accomplish their mission, no matter what it takes.”

Episode 5 (Chapters 116 to 148)
Episode 5 Cover Art created by white-tigress-12158 on deviantArt
“After recovering from Sombra's curse, Jay must now go back to the island and retrieve the Crystal Heart to stop Sombra from conquering more cities in his world. However, he wasn't sure if he could do it. After all, he's just one ordinary human.
Thankfully, he has his brothers to help him, and Rainbow Dash, and other ponies' assistance from the other world.”

/Author's Notes/
- Everything in this story, even the locations and names in the 'human world', is pure fiction.
- First person point of view. Sometimes the story switches to a third person PoV.
- Current cover art created by white-tigress-12158 on deviantArt.

Chapters (151)

Spike is called upon Time Smith The Time Traveler, Tick, to travel into his friends future and past. He learns secrets about his friends and how life in the future changes dramatically with one small decision. Will Spike wish he never met Tick or enjoy life like he always did?

Chapters (12)

There was a question... and Spike wanted the answer. The curiosity of it was gnawing at his little dragon brain like gerbils in a vat of candy corn. In desperation, he turns to Cadence for help, and she's more than happy to assist.

After all, it's just a simple question. What's the worst that could happen?

(Takes place prior to Season 1. Rated for scattered innuendo.)

Chapters (1)

Spike is distraught. The love of his life remains constantly out of his reach. His attempts at romance crash and burn like the Horsenburg airship. As the gala draws near, he enlists Blueblood to help in wooing Rarity once and for all. Little do they know that another mare already has her eye on Spike, not to mention a plan to snatch him up first. -Heart to Heart Sequel-

Chapters (3)

Spike gets wings... somehow, Rainbow Dash helps him fly like a pro. LET THE CHEESINESS ENSUE! Like most of you can tell, it is a SpikeDash story. I told myself i wouldn't resort to writing Romance, but hey let's give it a shot shall we?

Thank this guy for the awesome photo! http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Wings-356901596

Chapters (6)

With the recent premiere of the Equestria Girls movie in Equestria, everyone is overjoyed at its success. Except for Spike, who doesn't like that fact he was the only character to be a dog instead of a human in the movie. Which leads to him calling upon a revolution for change on Equestria. Yeah... things blow out of proportion really fast.

Thanks to Bass21, Linkerman, and LDSocrates for pre-reading it! And thanks to jlm123hi for making the cover image!

Chapters (1)

When Spike asked Twilight to help him create The Noble Dragon Code, he hoped a lot of things would happen.

Getting worshipped as a god by legions of theologically-inclined dragons wasn't really one of them but, hey, whattcha gonna do? Them's the breaks, kiddo.

Chapters (5)

"So I walk up on high,/And I step to the edge,/To see my world below./And I laugh at myself,/While the tears roll down,/'Cause it's the world I know./Oh it's the world I know." -Collective Soul, ‘The World I Know’

Applebloom turns seventeen years old. Eager to become a grown pony, her strong desire to help out around the farm takes hold. However, she is quick to realize that she might not be as ready to grow up as she thought when she begins to have odd feelings for a small purple dragon. Will she be able to fully blossom into the mare she wants to become?

Chapters (7)

One day, Spike gets a bad case of the flu and is stuck in bed. To help him cope with his sickness, Twilight Sparkle provides him with a storybook of one of her favorite fairy tales. Spike reads the story and eventually falls asleep. Upon waking up, the little dragon finds himself in a different place, where he meets a beautiful princess who soon falls victim to a curse placed upon her by a powerful sorceress. Now, Spike must help lift the curse by seeking out the princess's true love and help him to defeat the witch. But will it be enough to get him back home to Ponyville?

Chapters (3)

Twilight has been summoned to Canterlot for important training as a princess, but she is unable to bring Spike along. Unfortunately, her closest friends are unable to watch him, so she turns to her newest friend Trixie. However, will Spike be uncomfortable around her or will he be able to look past her previous actions and consider making her a friend?

Chapters (5)