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Spike wakes up on the side of an unfamiliar road, with only a confusing memory of the night before and a very unspecific note in his hand. Following the road, he finds himself in the town of Dragonsville, a rural town in the direct center of the country of Serpentia, land of love, tolerance, and harmony. Upon entering the town, he comes face-to-face with the most confusing group of dragons he's ever met: Pinkie Pie, the baker; Rainbow Dash, the stunt flyer; Applejack, the farmer; Rarity, the designer; Fluttershy, the animal enthusiast; Twilight Sparkle, the librarian; and Spike, the #1 assistant, who also happens to be a unicorn, a species most rare in this land.

And so begin the most incredible two weeks of Spike's life...

Featuring Brand New Cover Art by Ms. Pia-Sama!
MLP: FIM Characters, Settings, etc. © Hasbro & Lauren Faust

Chapters (24)

Big Macintosh was a simple apple farmer pony. He has a family who cares about him, a respected name in the Ponyville community, and enjoys his work tilling and caring for his beloved apple trees.

But when he's thrown into jail under false charges, he begins to think about the freedom he'd taken for granted. Suddenly, a strange package appears within his cell, containing tools for his escape and a strangely cryptic note that forces him to reevaluate his lot in life.

After; he comes across a strange and foreign stallion who teaches him the ways of freedom and liberty in a way that changes the young pony's life forever.

Freedom, Choice, Independence, and Liberty.

To some, these words are taken for granted, believing themselves entitled to the ideas simply because they draw breath. But what happens when you stop and think about them? What course of action does your mind take when your mind dwells upon these words?

And more importantly, what are you willing to sacrifice to preserve them?

(Special thanks to codejunkie for assisting in the editing of earlier chapters.)

Chapters (267)

Spike has had it. It's not his fault the library is a shambles. In fact, he tried his very best to save it.

And now he's supposed to take the blame? Not this time! Until Twilight starts to fully appreciate his worth, Spike goes on strike!

He will not falter! He will not give in! He will stand his ground!
...if at the end of it all there is still some ground left to stand on.

Chapters (6)

Nothing's wrong with me, I know it. I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in all of Equestria. There isn't anything out there that I can't do, except apparently find a pony of my own.

Even the Gala let me down.

But I have a feeling that everything is going to change soon. I don't know what it is, but I just know that somepony is going to sweep me off my feet...

(Prequel to this story )


Chapters (10)

Spike doesn't know how long he's been running - he just knows he can't stop. He doesn't know why the ponies keep hunting him - he just knows they won't stop. From the sky, from the earth, from the water and all the between places, the ponies emerge with their tricks and their ambushes and their unrelenting hunger. He's just the appetizer in a banquet that never ends.

Thanks to a certain crazy person who would like to remain anonymous, this story now has a cover that actually looks good! You can find the commissioned artist, SapphireGamgee, over at Deviantart. Just, uh, be careful when you're browsing the 'More from Deviantart' section. Things get really weird, really fast. I blame myself for this.

Chapters (19)

We all know our beloved dragon, Spike. He is kind, helpful and never complains about unfair working conditions. He helps where he can and tries to live a happy life while being Twilights' number one assistant.

What if Spike wasn't that? What if he would be a sarcastic and cynical flank-hole? What if he had enough of the way Twilight handled him? What if he leaves Twilight and searches for his own life?

Well, let's see how this plays out.

Now with a sequel.

Dated pre-coronation, and will not take the changes of it into consideration.

Chapters (12)

Spike lived the last three years in the Everfree Forest together with his zebra teacher. After a long time of thinking, he realized that he didn’t belong here and began to long for a place he could call home.

He then begins to travel across the world in order to find a new home. In his journey, he will find the most unusual creatures, friends, and lands. Maybe he will also find a place he belonged to.

Sequel to I'm Getting Underpaid For This.
It is not necessary to read the first story to understand this one.

Chapters (5)

Something I just couldn't get off my mind until I wrote it down. Be warned: the ponies in these battles really go off on each other. Almost exactly like it is in "Epic Rap Battles of History", except with less cursing. There's plenty of verbal bashing, though.

Vinyl Scratch is the DJ for most of these battles, and will be doing the all-caps commentary (except for the ones she's in, of course). OC tag because of slight self-insert.

I've heard that this story is better when read with someone else. You know, with each person doing one half of the rap battle? :derpytongue2:

List of Rap Battles (as per request)
#1: Twilight Sparkle vs. Rainbow Dash
#2: Pinkie Pie vs. Rarity
#3: Spa Sisters vs. Flim Flam Brothers
#4: Octavia vs. Vinyl Scratch
#5: Angel vs. Gummy
#6: Derpy Hooves (Ditzy Doo?) vs. Lyra Heartstrings
#7: Princess Luna vs. Discord
#8: Scootaloo vs. Pipsqueak
#9: Fluttershy vs. Screwball
#10: Apple Bloom vs. Diamond Tiara
#11: Trixie vs. Featherweight
#12: Silver Spoon vs. Spike
#13: Sweetie Belle vs. Queen Chrysalis
#14: Applejack vs. Carrot Top
#15: Bon-Bon vs. Lyra Heartstrings
#16: Twilight Sparkle vs. Rainbow Dash (rematch!)
#17: Big Macintosh vs. Shining Armor
#18: Iron Will vs. Photo Finish
#19: Gilda vs. Prince Blueblood
#20: Nightmare Moon vs. the Doctor (Doctor Whooves)
#21: Princess Celestia vs. Princess Luna
#22: Snips and Snails vs. Twist and Ruby Pinch
#23: Braeburn vs. Soarin'
#24: Zecora vs. Cheerilee
#25: Winona vs. Opalescence
#26: Derpy Hooves vs. Pinkie Pie
#27: Spitfire vs. Daring Do
#28: Princess Cadence vs. Queen Chrysalis
#29: Babs Seed vs. Lightning Dust
#30: Sunset Shimmer vs. Trixie *
#31: tba

Picture by Silversnow here on this site.

...should there be a 'sex' tag, considering some of the stuff brought up in the rap battles? :applejackunsure:

Chapters (75)

After being rejected by Rarity, Spike falls into a state of depression. There he becomes friends with an unlikely pony, Diamond Tiara. As they become better friends, Spike finds himself drawn to Diamond Tiara in more sinister ways.

Spike x Diamond Tiara ship. No foalcon.
Officially approved by the Diamond Cutters!

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to The Legend of Spike: Discord's Mask

Part two of "the Legend of Spike Series."

An ancient evil raises from its grave and comes to Ponyville. The health of the ponies start to decline as mysterious bite marks appear on their necks. Spike, the Mane Six, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders must figure out what is going on and how to stop it.

MLP: FIM belongs to Hasbro
Dracula was created by Bram Stoker

Chapters (21)