• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

Favourites 786 stories
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Total Words: 28,474,159
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23596 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

When Twilight discovers an invisibility spell, she decides to use it for pranking her friends. However, she soon finds out some interesting news that one of her good friends, Rainbow Dash, might be interested in her as more than friends. But can Twilight accept this news, or will she rebuke the rainbow maned mare? What chain of events will this set off?

Edited by The Abyss

My amazing cover art was drawn by Graphic~Lee!

An extensive re-edit will be happening soon. Expect a re-working of the ending, if it stays the same.

Chapters (18)

Rainbow Dash is happily reading the latest Daring Do novel, only to be interrupted just before the last chapter by the untimely arrival of Pinkie. Undeterred by the interruption the two decide to read it together. Dash discovers then, that sharing your passion with a friend can lead to something more...
Now with audio version here by the awesome guys of Reading Rainboom.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Fires of Friendship

Applejack is bitter about her lineage among the wealthy and sophisticated Oranges of Manehattan, who apparently abandoned her simple country family. Rarity is desperate to fit in with the urbane elites of the fashion world, even if it means disparaging and rejecting the Ponyville home she loves. On a trip to the big city for Equestria's famous Fashion Week, Applejack will teach Rarity to be honest and true to herself, and Rarity will show Applejack that a little generosity and forgiveness go a long way. Together, they will learn that each has exactly what the other needs to be complete.

This story is in the same continuity as "The Fires of Friendship," and I suppose it is a sequel of sorts, though there is no need to read that story first. More than anything, this story is birthday present for a dear friend, and a fun celebration of her favorite ship.

The cover art (also a birthday present for our mutual chum) is provided courtesy of superstar art sorcerer WizardWannabe.

Chapters (1)

Sequel to The Return of Princess Nightmare Moon! After having made a full medical recovery Princess Nightmare Moon tries her hoof at wooing one of her subjects, Nurse Bandaid. Meanwhile, Chrysalis returns to feed on Celestia, still vying for the position of godhood. (Coverart by Mewaponny!)

Chapters (26)

After finding her assistant missing again during her court duties, Twilight finds Spike with none other then Fluttershy and learns that the two have been a couple for a while. After overcoming her shock, she is told the story of how the two, unexpectedly, found comfort in each others embrace...

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle is intent on just finishing this accursed piece if it takes her all day. She will stop at nothing to ensure that she gets this absolutely perfect.

This requires solitude, peace and dedicated focus!

Pinkie decides that's boring and wants to help save Twilight from herself. Hilarity and awkward misunderstandings ensue as an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

Chapters (1)

The sun is big and beautiful and bright. It warms you up, and it makes you smile. But the sun can also exhaust you. And if you stare directly into the sun, if you get all caught up in its beauty and forget to look away, it can blind you.

Pinkie Pie is Fluttershy’s sun.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Bringing Up Blueblood

Sequel to My Little Alicorn and Bringing Up Blueblood.

It has been almost a year since Luna first uncovered the Arcanus E Draconus and used its dark powers to turn her sister into a filly. Since then, she has become more popular than ever, to the point where the Filly Scouts have invited her to officiate their Jamboree, which is being held in Ponyville this year. At the same time, Celestia wishes to reach closure with the infernal tome, as well as escape from her own growing concerns over her future in Equestria.

Little does Luna know that another force is in Ponyville, looking for revenge. And it might just settle for vengeance by proximity...

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to My Little Alicorn

After the events of "My Little Alicorn," everything seemed to be back to normal...except for one pony. Prince Blueblood is now trapped as a colt, his title, possessions and birthright stripped for his crimes. Before Princess Celestia will return him to normal, however, he must prove himself by attending Magic Kindergarten. Even worse, his current situation has attracted the vengeful gaze of two ponies he has offended in the past: the Captain of the Royal Guard and the Moon Princess.

Will Blueblood rise above his past self and emerge a better pony? Or will he sink back into his old depravity, and be stuck a colt for the long term?

Note: This is a sequel to "My Little Alicorn," so you might want to check that out first.

Chapters (14)

After an accident robs them of their parents, Rarity writes Sweetie Belle a letter laying bare a secret kept all the little unicorn's life.

"It's fascinating the level of depth this story takes. Just the part alone about why Rarity represents generosity is enough to bring tears to even the toughest critics. This is an amazing story in every way. Mature in some of its themes and true to life, yet not graphic or exploitive, 'Dear Sweetie Belle' is a must for My Little Pony fans who need a great, sad story to tide them over."
-Obake, Pony Fiction Archive

Beautiful cover-art by AcrylicDawn

A fantastic bit of fan-art from my dear friend Kaitlyn Warner.

A live reading by the Doom Pie Network Right Here

Chapters (1)