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My mother and I, Tru Peterson, were happy until one DAY. After that DAY we were sad and not really sure were to go on from there. We never speak of that DAY, for we wish that that DAY never even happened. A few years after that DAY, something happened to the both of us. We were sent to a world full of colorful ponies and powerful villains. We have made some new friends in this world and we have also made some new enemies. So with the peace and quite that we have in this life, it has made me happy again as almost like that DAY never really did happen. I just hope this new life has done the same for my mother.

This is the first story I have ever written. I am doing this because I want to try and improve on my storytelling skills. With that said there will of course be errors, the pacing may be to slow or too fast at times, some characters may seem out of character and I maybe lacking some detail. If you see anything wrong or have an opinion on anything feel free to tell me all about it. I will do my best to fix everything. Also the cover image was made by me. :)

Thank you

Chapters (4)

All was going ordinarily well until Icelandic airspace was reached, that was when it all changed.

An unexpected volcanic eruption followed by dual engine failure and the sudden teleportation into Equestria all happen at once, the pilots of the Airbus A318 under the callsign Golf Echo Bravo are speechless, not only are they gone from earth, but they find themselves in a country inhabitated by mostly ponies. The stay was certainly unexpected, but now they face the reality they may never return home.

Back on earth, an international investigation team is scrambled between Iceland, France and the United Kingdom, however even they find themselves dumbstruck at the case initially. Progress is slow, but over time, interesting pieces begin showing up along the way.

The puzzle unravels slowly, as the adventure follows both an Equestrian & Earthly POV.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to No Nose Knows

It is recommended you read No Nose Knows first but it's not absolutely required.

Baked Bean was just a regular citizen of Equestria until one fateful day when he accidentally booped Princess Celestia's nose with his own and then found he was forced to marry her to fulfil the terms of an ancient law. Miraculously, Love has blossomed between the princess and the pauper, and the new Prince of Equestria is now looking forward to taking his place at the side of the Princess of the Sun.

But Baked Bean is still very much a novice in the realms of government and nobility, and he's in for quite the crash course between old foes, snobby ministers, and his own shortcomings...

But at least Luna tolerates him now.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

Proofread and Preread once again by Georg, Moon Fire, Zen and Ponies, and Sipioc!

And with much thanks to You-Know-Who for the cover art!

Chapters (42)

I don't want to be here anymore, I want to go home. How much longer until they find a way to send me back? Each passing day is agony and I can't take it anymore.

(Thanks to PeerImagination for editing!)

Chapters (1)

A strange creature appears in Equestria... in Celestia's moping room private study! Words are exchanged, and... oh dear, no, no little pony! Anything but that! Creature, you're not going to just stand there and let a pony cry?!

An entry for CategoricalGrant's cuddlefic contest.

Edit: Featured on the SFW featurebox? I'm flattered and flabbergasted! I'll take it!
You heard it here first, folks...this is almost better than porn naughty ponies. And SFW! And because it was so liked, have a sequel!

Chapters (1)

It's not something Anon thinks about a lot but one tough day in school is enough to bring up a question that's been bothering him for awhile.

(Thanks to PeerImagination for editing!)
Art by Nobody

Chapters (1)

Baked Bean is but one of the thousands of tourists in Canterlot, and he's looking for some inspiration to help launch his writing career. To this end, he pays a visit to the Royal Gardens, but while there he quickly and quite accidentally invokes a long-forgotten law that will completely upend his life and thrust him into the spotlight...

As Celestia's husband.

And all this because of noses.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

With an audio reading by Fire Hearth Studios!

Cover art graciously provided by the Right Most Awesome Backlash91!
Original cover art provided the Right Most Awesome Sipioc!

Proofreading and prereading services provided by Georg, Sipioc, and Moon Fire!

Fan Art for this story can be found right here!

A most worthy review by Cyonix!

Chapters (32)

Celestia has been working too hard, for far too long. Concerned for her well being, Luna sees no option but to have her sister kidnapped and carried off to a place where she will have no choice but to learn how to relax and take time for herself.

However, if Celestia can't learn that lesson she may find herself an eternal captive of the Cuddle Dungeon.

Cover art is from the amazing "Rarity's Secret" series by Longinius.

Much thanks to SandStorm and Coyotethetrickster for their editing and help
Featured! 10/2/2017

Chapters (5)

When a human from Earth, by an unknown set of circumstances, ends up in a world upon a separate path of history and evolution, not only must he survive the different species that call it home, but the change in which his species, humans, are seen and treated.

But as he moves day by day, he will find he will play a role in the future of the world of Equestria, one that will determine the fate of both ponies and humans.

((Inspired by MadMaxtheBlack))

Chapters (19)

Imagine my surprise when I see a winged unicorn in my kitchen that claims she's my mother.

Imagine her surprise when I threw my coffee mug at her.

Imagine my Dad's surprise when I was banished to the end of Time.

Okay, the last part didn't happen, Tempora is actually really nice, but you get what I mean.

Just roll with it, I guess?

Set in an Alternate Universe where nothing of canon makes much sense.

Based on an idea by Rainbow Dragon!

Edited mainly by FlameSwordedLink and now Grand Inquisitor.

Tag updated.

Future Chronicles now HERE
Kayla-verse linked here and in the story.

Chapters (46)