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    Created by Sgtns
    - October, 2014
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Magic pervades the land of Equestria, aiding it’s inhabitants. Pegasus ponies are able to soar the skies with great speeds, moving the clouds and controlling the weather. Earth Ponies are more down to earth, having a natural connection to the land, making them the green hooves of the world with an enhanced strength capacity. Unicorns have direct control of the magic pervading Equestria, and it channels through their horns, making them better organized and able to do bigger tasks. Alicorns, who have the abilities of all three races, and use them to their fullest ability. No other species have ever been affected by this magic however, so only the pony races are affected, making many other species jealous of the ponies magic.

Everypony knows this, along with every other species on the planet. But what happens when a member of a brand new species comes to Equestria, and is also affected by this field. This new species isn’t affected like the Pegasi, Earth Ponies, the Unicorns, or even the Alicorns. This new species has survived for 200,000 years, using their greatest talent…

Their Minds.

Featured on 6/11/15. You guys are amazing!
Characters and Tags will be added as the story progresses.
Will have both slice of life and adventure themes, FIMfiction's tagging system doesn't let me tag both though.

Chapters (4)

January 15th, 2014. A veil of light spans across the United States of America. As the citizens stare in amazement at what is certainly a once in a lifetime phenomenon, the entire country is ripped physically out of its place on Earth and sent to a new world, a world known as Equus. Now with 312 million Humans and their country trapped in completely unknown territory with no way home, they must do what Humanity has done for centuries that has allowed it to become a force of nature. Adapt, Survive, and Overcome.

Editor/Adviser: Sneaky Breeze.
Editors: Washingtonian & AlphaFartOfDoom
Technical Adviser: ArtichokeLust
A big thanks to them for all the input and help they have given.

Chapters (2)

Twilight has discovered a new spell to use in tandem with the Elements of Harmony. Its intent is to reveal more of the mysteries behind the artifacts. Yet once the spell is cast will the mane six be able to deal with the consequences? What will they learn when they come face to face with the very virtues they claim to embody? The Mane six will have to face their greatest challenge yet. The Elements of Harmony themselves.

(Cover art done by CSIMadmax)

(Featured on 1/6/2014)

(Also big thanks to Coppercore for help editing my ramblings!)

Chapters (6)

When a video game programmer mysteriously enters Equestria, it doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. But the answer to the appearance may just be the precursor to the biggest disaster to befall Equestria since Discord.

Story Was Featured!


Chapters (14)

The Undead Curse certainly took its toll on the people of Lordran. With the mad Hollows running amok and the lords having all but abandoned them, only the mightiest warriors and determined souls had any chance of keeping their sanity. However, no one is invincible. They all met their ends, one by one. But something strange happened. Events beyond their control led them to the tranquil land of Equestria. These are the tales of what happened after. These Legends of Lordran all wake up to a land of peace and happiness, but they carry the scars of war. Can the brightness of Equestria overcome the darkness slowly eating away their sanity?

Chapters (5)

A regular human arrives in Equestria and to most it would be a dream come true. But this human knows pratically nothing about the ponies or their world. With no home to return to, he is forced to brave this new world. So he does what any human in his situation would do. He survives.

Rated teen for swearing, blood and how it gets kinda dark. Written after season two. Updated after season 4.

Chapters (34)

A sudden and powerful magical event consumes all of Ponyville in the space of a few moments, and when Twilight and her friends come to, they find the landscape around them quite different. And the world they discover, to be devoid of magic and inhabited by strange beings.

One of these beings is Asher Burgess, the oldest son of the family whose secluded, Colorado ranch has suddenly become the location of an entire town of alien creatures overnight. Their lives are changed forever as they find themselves the link between the ponies and their own nation.

Bewildered by this new world, things start getting more urgent as more of the Equestrian world arrives piece by piece, and not all of it is so friendly. Searching for answers, Asher, Twilight, and the rest of the gang stumble onto more questions, and uncover an amazing secret. One that could either save them all, or doom both worlds to annihilation.

(Set just after the events of season 3 finale. Diverges from there, movie has no effect.)

Graciously edited by Dream Seeker, Commander Fire Starter, Sharp Quill and Absurd Tomfoolery

P.S. A request if you will: When someone gives a "dislike," would ya'll mind commenting why? Especially if it has something to do with a writing skill.

Chapters (17)

I should be dead. The chances of me surviving the explosion were 999,999 to 1. But despite the overwhelming impossibility, I live. And yet, I live in a world that I cannot understand, that defies all of the scientific knowledge that I have spent my life accumulating. They tell me that friendship could be a form of magic. I can not believe them. But with nowhere else I can go, I must either make peace with these talking magical ponies...or be destroyed by them. But I know this. The Crystal Empire and those who dwell within it are not ready for the freeze I bring.

My name is Victor Fries. And I am in Equestria.

Mr. Freeze will be based on BtAS and Beyond version. And yes, almost all the chapter names will be terrible puns. This will be shorter than most my stories, but I still think it's just as good. Written after season three.

Chapters (21)

Clayton Carmine, the last of the Carmines, a fine soldier, a true Gear. Ever since he was old enough to understand the basics of the world he wanted to be a soldier, to serve a cause greater than himself. To protect the ones he loved. But what happens when the cause dissipates and there are no more loved ones? The Locust War took everything from Clayton. His home, his friends, his mother, his father, his brothers, his aunts, his uncles, his cousins, his nieces, and nephews. His entire family gone. But still he made that a cause, to avenge them. To fix everything that happened to them. But what happens, when he completed that goal?
This is my first time, so please, be gentle. Heheh, anyway, constructive criticism, and feedback that can improve my writings is truly appreciated. Also, if you do downvote the story please leave a comment saying why so I can learn from my mistakes.
This is a Gears of War 3 crossover.
All characters belong to their respective owners.
Takes place after the events of Gears of War 3 and after The Crystal Kingdom Episode.

Chapters (2)

The Dragonborn, a legendary warrior capable of absorbing a slain Dragon's soul, and knowledge, directly, forever killing it. The Last Dragonborn had defeated the first, stopped the plans of a Vampire cult, and built his own lakeside home, before finally slaying Alduin the World Eater and fulfilling his fate. Now, after all the challenges he has faced, the Dragonborn is sent to a realm where Friendship is Magic, and there is no mead. Finally, to cap things off, he kind of... well...
Became a Dragon.

Chapters (4)