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  • Favourites 597 stories - 3330 unread chapters
    Created by Sgtns
    - October, 2014
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A young man with a love of military history and MLP:FIM finds himself dragged into Equestria as war threatens the pony nation.

I got the idea for this story from my Civil War book collection and Altoid's Blood and Guts and Ponies story, as it involves a human coming to Equestria to aid in its defense, partly by modernizing it's military and leading its forces on the battlefield.

Just a warning; the main character is Christian and pro-Union. Just to give people a heads up.

Chapters (100)

The elements of harmony must be sacrificed for the greater good of Equestria. Doing this as the mane six know will put the future at risk as there will be no way to protect them should another villian step in. What they don't see coming is what they will recieve from their sacrifce. However, getting use to these new allies may take a while.

With the exception of the first two chapters, each chapter will have its own story similar to how the show works, so don't expect too much of an overall story arc.

Chapters (11)

After fighting the Battle of the Blanks, Ruby and Mitta pass on to their afterlife, accepting that their time has ended. Finally at peace, Ruby and Mitta wake up to see something completely unexpected...Sunny Town. Not only is the town not an infested place of the undead but her former friends and murderers are there, greeting them with a friendly attitude. Distressed and confused, Ruby and Mitta attempt to make sense of the sight only to discover something even more wonderful...the family that she dreamed of having.

Soon questions will be answered about the new life that Ruby and Mitta have been given, the challenges that were faced when Konrad was discovered, how their love formed, how their family came to be, and how the Magic of Friendship prevented a terrible evil from destroying the town. This is the story of the Family of the Blanks.

*Note* Aftermath of the Blanks will take more precedence but I will do my best to update this as fast as possible. Won't be as long as my sequel but it will be long enough. Twilight, Celestia, and Luna tags mean they will make an appearance at some point but their parts will be very minor and not really having a bearing on the story.

Chapters (7)

Greetings weary traveler/bored reader. Let me regale you with my tale. The tale of a mere mortal, with nothing particularly special to his name, brought to a magical land of dragons, minotaurs, griffins, and of course ponies. But he came as no mere human. He came as the epic warrior, the manliest of swordsmen, that most dashing of multiverse travelers, the mighty Gilgamesh! What adventures will this powerful and magnificent warrior find in his travels? HELL IF I KNOW! LET'S STRAP IN AND SEE WHERE THIS GOES!

Looking for cover art if anyone's interested.

Crossovers with:
The life and times of Xante, Baron of the Frozen Wastelands, First among Liches, Lord of the Dead, and Fabulous Rainbow Magic User

Golden Graces, Headless Headaches

I Will Hunt You Down

A Thousand Tortured Souls Scream My Name

Gravity of the Situation

Land of Friendship and Magic

And Then There Were 10… Er… 67

Son of Invention

Ten Against One

Time Ticks On

Let's Just Say That Umbra Really Needs to Put a Lock On His Diary



Chapters (23)

Nightmare Moon was indeed banished. Where to was another matter entirely. Through an unfortunate series of events poor wittle Woona ends up sealed away inside a young boy living on an entirely different rock. Then one fateful day, on the verge of death, the boy gets to meet his inner self. He certainly wasn't expecting a little blue horse intent on snuggling him the rest of the way to death.

With the ninja exams quickly approaching, the boy needs help. And the ever-helpful Woona knows exactly who to ask. Ponies of course, cause ponies are always nice and helpful! That's what big sister says! Now armed with the power of the pony summoning contract, the boy attempts to summon a pony able to teach him something, anything, other than the absolutely deadly 'death-by-snuggles' technique.

Naruto crossover. Yet another one of my stories that will explode violently if taken seriously. Handle without care. Leave your sanity at the door. You have been warned.

Featured 4 - 6 June 2014. I'm not even entirely sure how, but many many thanks for all the interest and support that made that possible! You guys have double-double-doubled the fun!

Chapters (6)

Everyone has that one friend that they've known since childhood, that one friend that they'd do anything for, that one friend that means the world to them. For me, that friend was Luxurious Locks, the mare that runs the most prominent hair-care product company in Maretropolis. We were the best of friends since childhood, and whenever one of us was down, the other would be there to help out.

But I guess some things don't last forever.

Luxi has disappeared, and she's been missing for over a month. To make matters worse, a deranged mare named the Mane-iac has been attacking the city with no clear motive.

Little did I know that she was looking for someone, too...

This is an HiE Anthro one-shot taking place in the Power Ponies universe, so the Mane 6 are not the Power Ponies. It also goes without saying that this is not related to any of my previous stories.

Now with an Act 3.5 written by Naughty_Ranko! LINK
Pre-reader/Creatve Consultant: Zamairiac

Cover art by me.

The deleted comments were made by me and Zam during the story's development stage, so don't worry about it.

Featured on 5/28/14! SQUEE!

Chapters (1)

It was just a normal return from the Grammys. Daft Punk just finished their performance and were proud of their grammy. However, things changed when they were sucked into a magical mirror that teleported them into the world of colorfully skinned high schoolers. With a music festival coming close, are Daft Punk the only ones able to help Canterlot High win? Will there be love? Jealousy? Strobe lights? We'll see.

[Takes place after Equestra Girls and before (shudder) Rainbow Rocks. I own nothing.]

Chapters (8)

The Battle of the Blanks is over, the Blood Hooves are no more. The curse has been lifted and Equestria is safe once more. Or is it? Konrad Ford has survived the battle but is now the "Last Human" in Equestria. As the ponies have mistakenly thought he perished, he shows up once more, attracting more than just the attention of the ponies. Soon everypony will want answers about Humanity's past and knowledge, all expecting Konrad to tell them the great secrets of Humanity, a lot of which he'll have to lie through his teeth.

With all the attention on him, isolation from his home, and more renegade approach than what ponies would consider acceptable, will he integrate successfully into Equestrian society? Will he continue to win the heart of Luna or another mare, Humanity's biggest fan...Lyra. Or will he fall to chaotic influence of Discord and forget the lessons of the show he loves so much?

The aftermath may prove to be a great beginning for Equestria or perhaps it's demise.

Chapters (16)

Naruto Uzumaki is lost to Konoha when he vanishes durring an attack on his life. He winds up in the magical land of Equestria in under the care of a certain Zebra. But this is only the beggining as much larger things are in story for are young traveler. Watch as he grows and faces numerous challenges caused by his past and his future.

Chapters (6)

Anonymous is a human who's been in Equestria for a few years, normally he'd have no job and no prospects but thanks to a unique piece of engineering, he's now a part of Equestria's finest sky racers. But new rules and new revelations about his teammates may cut his time short. If he doesn't end up splattered on a mountainside first.

Chapters (19)