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    Created by Sgtns
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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Trees shorter than they should be, buildings smaller than preferred, a world filled with creatures bigger than him, yet others are near microscopic from his perspective.

Trying to find out where he should fit in is hard, because he is not too small, but most definitely bigger than most. Once he connects to the dominant civilization, a whole new world of opportunities is revealed before him.

He will walk as a giant. He will walk with giants. He will walk alone.

Edited by Newbiedoodle, CheesewedgeFTW, Immortan Joe, and Silas

Chapters (10)

FURY. A disease that had swept across the planet with horrifying speed and efficiency. It eats away at a person's brain, leaving only the frontal lobe. It also enhances bodily functions and causes the host to turn to cannibalism. The result? A highly dangerous, highly lethal hunter that is out for human flesh. The transmission criteria? Direct body fluid contact.

James Cole, a survivor in this apocalypse, has been wandering since the disease first reached his hometown. Having barely survived initial contact, he has been trying his hardest to avoid the Infected. He has gone so far as to avoid "healthy" humans on the prospect that they may be infected and not be showing symptoms. That and the belief that they would kill him for his food and ammo.

Ending up in Equestria, he finds that a piece of that hell has come with him. With the language barrier being the least of his problems, can James keep FURY from spreading to this garden world? Or will he watch it burn?

Based on The Remaining by D.J. Molles. Good book, give it a read.

Chapters (4)

When the Fourth of July arrives, Celestia prepares for her annual battle against George Washington to prevent the end of Equestria as we know it. But when Twilight interrupts their battle, the Element of Patriotism must join his enemies to save the world, lest it all go up in flames.

Big thanks to the editing help of Titanium Dragon and prereading from Skeeter The Lurker!

Entry into The Most Dangerous Game under the prompts Human in Equestria and a Seventh Element of Harmony.

Cover art found at the powerfully patriotic artist known as SharpWriter.

Chapters (4)

You know those stories of a guy going in costume to one place or another and having an essential missing piece to their outfit discovered? Yeah, well, this isn't exactly the norm. Ornstein is what our hero goes by, for he doesn't remember...well, much of anything. In this tale, one will follow his journey through Equestria, his memories, and his legend, all to find one simple thing...himself. But given a choice, will he return to his home, or will he remain in Equestria as the Old Dragonslayer?

Cover art is by Dawnweaver13. Used without permission. If they don't want it on this story, I'll remove it at their request. And if you, good sir or madam, are reading this, I'd like to say that this is an excellent piece of art!

Chapters (3)

When the online famous youtuber, CaptainSparklez, receives a message about an Easter egg within the Divine RPG mod, he decides to make a stream video to show it. But as soon as he completes the crafting recipe and uses it, everything goes black. After waking up, he discovers that he has somehow been transported to the land of Equestria, and that the only way to get out is to find some Elements of Harmony amaduhicky, to create a portal back home.

Oh, did I forget to mention, that he looks like his own Minecraft Avatar? All I can say is. "Well shenanigans will happen."

Chapters (18)

^^^ Cover image is temp, and from google images...

In the world of Minecraftia, an evil spirit lies locked away in The Nether...

Soon, our hero finds himself in Ponyville after trying to escape from that very spirit. Only to fall...

Set after Season Three.

NOTE: We have a story group now! Ponycraft!

Rated [GORE] for violence and stuff: blood, wars, battles, wounds, evil and more... That is, of course, when the time is nigh. Also contains swearing! :P

Rated [SEX] for sex themes...

Chapters (15)

Everything changes for Twilight Sparkle and her friends when a mysterious extraterrestrial ship crash lands in Equestria. When Twilight messes around in the ship's systems with her magic, she ends up transported to an alien world unlike anything she imagined: a box canyon in the middle of nowhere.

To get home, Twilight must enlist the help of the eccentric Red and Blue soldiers that live there... if she can get them to stop bickering first! Additionally, she finds herself being pursued by the enigmatic military agency known only as Project Freelancer. Back in Equestria, all is not well for Twilight's friends as forces involved with the crashed ship make themselves known. Reds, Blues and ponies will all have to work together to discover the mysterious connection between Equestria and Project Freelancer.

A crossover with Red vs Blue. Written with the intention for the story to be followable without having watched the series. (just don't expect to get all the references).

Now with editors! BradtheBrony and Rough_Draft.

I made a blog post explaining things. You should read it.

TvTropes Page.

Chapters (38)

It was a few days after Pain's devastating attack on the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
Half of the town was completely wrecked, but eventually Pain was stopped, and luckily there were no casualties.
This was thanks to Naruto Uzumaki, now hailed by the townspeople as ‘Hero of the Leaf’.
Things were really looking up for him, finally being respected, rather than shunned and hated by the citizens.
However, all this becomes meaningless when a mythical creature appears at his doorstep, and somehow kidnaps him into another universe.

Now a stranger in a world full of colorful ponies, Naruto tries to conceal his identity until he can find a way to get back home.
But with a millennium old evil soon making its return, he might find he plays a much bigger part there than just an unintentional visitor...

Please review after you read it! Constructive criticism is always welcome!

AU tag is there for a reason, even though it is not obvious at the beginning.

Many thanks to SkittlesJesus for providing me with (yet another) epic cover art!!!

Many thanks to my editor Viper Redbird!!!
The story is currently undergoing fixing of mostly grammatical and punctuational errors.

Chapters (36)

One year has almost passed since a mysterious entity invaded Anon's mind and forced him to turn against his friends and terrorize the ponies of Ponyville. Though he was eventually freed from it's influence, Anon's attempts to return to his life in Ponyville have thus far failed.
Because even though he was said to be forgiven, no one can forget the fear and dread they felt during that time, least of all Anon himself.
Tormented by nightmares of his actions and the silent condemnations of the ponies around him, Anon is feeling his life spiraling out of control again, driven to shut himself off from the world as he is haunted by deeds that were not his own.
Now, his former friends must look inside of themselves and see if they can find it in their hearts to truly forgive and forget and if the bonds of friendship can be reforged... Before Anon is lost forever.

[03-02-2015] Holy crap! Featured!

This is an unofficial sequel to Hurt by Brainhorn. (Warning! Do not read if you are disturbed by graphic depictions of rape.)
PLEASE NOTE that this story does not contain any scenes of rape or sexual nature, but they will be referenced and hinted at. (Also, spoilers for "Hurt" if you plan on reading it first.)

Also, though the main characters name is Anon, this is not like most Anon in Equestria-stories. It is not written in a 2nd-person perspective but the main character instead has a personality of his own, and though I've left much of his appearance vague, he is not the green faceless man he's usually depicted as. The only real reason he is even named Anon is because that was his name in "Hurt", and it would feel wrong to change that into something else. I say this as a heads-up to both those who like or dislike AiE-stories.

Cover art is made by TetraPony. It's mostly a placeholder until I can get something more fitting.

Chapters (7)

So get this, several friends of mine thought it would be a good idea to go to Comic Con. Now, I'm not one for large gatherings like these, but they offered to have me go as my most favorite character of all time, Ral Zarek. How could I refuse when they're paying for just about all of it?
In the end I should've, I'm forced into some strange new land filled with murderous, backstabbing miniature horses. All the while I have to hide among them just to stay alive!
There's one thing I am certain though, and that's that I will be- no... I am the greatest mage that this world will ever know!

Currently doing a do-over for this story to make it more interesting, and it'll be in chronological order now! Hope LoHAV is still a thing, looks kinda dead though... Tags will be added when they come.

Chapters (2)