Favourites 597 stories
  • Favourites 597 stories - 3330 unread chapters
    Created by Sgtns
    - October, 2014
Found 333 stories in 55ms

Total Words: 28,210,799
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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Albert Arlington has suffered a lot recently. He had been sentenced to life in Alcatraz Prison, betrayed and murdered by his allies, and sent to Hell to relive the failure of his escape while simultaneously fighting off a zombie outbreak that just seemed to get stronger and stronger by the minute. He may have escaped the dreaded cycle of purgatory that he had gotten far too used to, and enacted revenge on the men who had put him there in the first place, but he is still forced to suffer. He wakes from his incarceration in the demonic Alcatraz in none other than Tartarus, guarded by none other than Cerberus himself. Al has developed a skill for coming up with ways to escape seemingly endless torment. The only question he asks this time is what will be waiting to torment him next. Because whenever Al thinks that he is out of the woods at last, there is always a thorn in his side.

Chapters (3)

Twilight ends up in Karakura Town and befriends Ichigo. Her element manifests as a zanpakutuo, with the powers that implies. How will this effect events?

Chapters (5)

(This fic is now officially cancelled. Maybe I'll come back to it in the very distant future if I ever get back into Starcraft, but for now, it's up for adoption.)

Remember the Protoss ship from Starcraft Heart of the Swarm? The one from the "Enemy Within" mission? The one that started with sneaking? Niadra (the broodmother that eventually infested the place) lost contact with the Queen of Blades more than fifty years ago. Since then, the Zerg aboard that ship have flourished... until one day when they came across an unknown planet and were pulled in. The atmosphere did little to the ship, but the crash did.

The horrific Zerg within, Niadra included, perished... all save for one little Drone. Free of any control, this Drone has only three directives: multiply, infest, thrive.

(Please, for the love of all that is tobzahs, leave a comment. I enjoy hearing feedback, ideas, all that shtuff. It motivates me, really.)

Featured 9/4/14, apparently.

Chapters (9)


Kris Brandii had an exciting life on Earth, before he was sent to the moon. He had friends, family, a dog, and many things to live and be there for. Soon enough, the Earth was completely deprived of all of it's natural/important resources. Water, Fresh Air, Plant life, healthy animals? All gone, we weren't sure what had caused all of this, but shortly after us Humans realized this, we were at a loss. The military soon had been forcing people to be sent to the moon, not as punishment, for testing. We were equipped with Astronaut suits, and other special equipment. After we had arrived, it took a whole month to find what was classified as Heel-3. This substance can be made into realistically anything. Later after the discovery of Heel-3, we were forging heel-3 suits, to further increase the time we can spend outside, in the black space. Kris Brandii was just a miner, in a small place named "M00NT0WN" on the moon, clever name, right? But there was a bizarre accident in the mines that put him in a place where he wasn't just a miner.

A "Crater" crossover. You don't need to read the book to understand the story.

Rated "Teen" for language, and blood.

Chapters (1)

Discord finds himself in need of a friend. He also knows the perfect dimension to find one. A dimension like no other, one with more Chaos and Disharmony. A dimension filled with chaotic "things" called humans. Lucky for Discord the only other thing that knows of this dimension wore a hat with jingle bells, and Discord hasn't seen that that guy in eight-teen years! Alas, when Discord goes to this dimension in search of a friend, he returns with something better... He returns with a son.

Featured on 2/3/2015 at 6:36! Thank you! :D

Chapters (9)

After his death, Sam has been chosen by none other than Discord to introduce humanity to Equestria. However, this samurai is not planning on being used as a pawn by anyone. He has set some new goals while stranded in this strange land inhabited by ponies, and he's going to need their help getting back home.

However, they are reluctant to help-with a bloody history trailing behind him, can Sam's lifestyle and philosophy be accepted by ponies? And what does Discord really want with Sam?

(Takes placeafter S3)

My utmost thanks towards JBL and (former) Whiter Penmanshipfor becoming my proofreaders/editors!

Chapters (13)

The Sun and Moon; both powerful symbols of magic. This is a constant that seems to hold true across many worlds. When a conjunction of the two brings the power they represent to bear and the walls between worlds is breached as a result, one young man's life is changed. Having fallen from his own world, he lands in a realm of magic and populated by creatures he once considered fictional.

Now fate has left him with the expectations of adapting to this new world and the trials and complications that come with it. Amid it all, his passage stirs up old memories that some would rather have left lost and forgotten, while the world itself is left with the scar of his arrival.

While it is true that coincidences are common and not every event is an omen, the line between the two can be paper thin.

Chapters (19)

There are people who live life and enjoy it's ups and downs;
regardless of how high or how low their journey takes them.

Vasili Anatolyevich Maksimov is not such a person. He has lived an exceptional life in a very short time in every sense of the word. It has been both exceptionally traumatizing and exceptionally rewarding. He rose from the depths of an abusive childhood that has left him in possession of a brilliant, if not deeply broken mind to touch the much valued reward of invention and comradeship. Only to find such treasures ring hollow in his jaded world view as his past is always on the tail of his today filling his life with pain.

Events beyond his understanding have trapped the broken misanthrope to a world so much like his own and tie the disaster he considers his life to those of six mares, each one loyal, kind, generous, honest and full of laughter; whose inherent nature may have the magic needed to mend his damaged self once and for all.
Now with Editors! From Chapter 2 Forward!

Open Author's Letter
Finding Home, Discovering Life is an HiE (Human in Equestira) story, the ponies are Anthropomorphic just to let you know. Despite my description of Vasili "Vas" Maksimov above, you will notice the sad tag has been left out, that's because it is my goal to make this a story about hope and healing triumphing over inner darkness and deep emotional scars; it's also why I left out the tragedy tag. The Sex and Gore tags are there because I want to take the story into adult situations that will deal with everything from Vas's child abuse to an exploration of a budding relationship across species and the very real issues that may arise. Finally, while at this time there is no fate of the world adventure planned for this story yet it still has the Adventure tag, I for one can't think of any greater adventure than discovering a whole new world.

The story is a challenge to myself. An exercise in character development, world building and vocabulary. As always I don't have an editor, but I love feedback positive or negative, so feel free to leave it.

I hope you enjoy "Finding Home, Discovering Life"
P.S. Cover Image is by the very talented SuperSheela over on Deviantart.
Great Buffalo of Mark Ruffalo! Featured day one! Thank you all! Your awesome! I hope I can keep you entertained!

Chapters (6)

The adventures of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria. This story is full of whacky jokes, dated references, corny moments and even a few songs and plenty of randomness to delight fans of MLP: FiM, Dan and all things related to them.

This is an episodic story written and updated weekly on Saturdays over the course of a nine-year period. Written by Barro the Broadcaster with help from some friends.

Chapters (440)

This story is a sequel to Stardust

Twilight has finally returned home from the harrowing challenge that Discord set upon her, and the residents of Ponyville and the Elements especially look forward to having their dear friend returned to them.

Twilight, however, has changed. Still suffering from her injuries, almost incapable of using magic and haunted by the memories of her time on Earth, she becomes increasingly withdrawn from those who were closest to her. Will her frustration at her current state and her friends inability to understand her experiences cost her what she valued most before Discord's bet?

(Sequel to Stardust, familiarity with this is recommended!)
(Proofread by Arzoo!)
(Coverart commission drawn by the amazing KairaAnix!)
(Crossover with XCOM: Enemy Within, though the crossover and human elements are minimal)
(Featured 4/28/2014, thanks folks!)

Chapters (1)