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Nightmares are inherently awful, but sometimes they inspire words one has forgotten to say over the years.

Sunburst is about to find this out.

Coverart by Vector-Brony

Chapters (1)

After being told off by their children, Stellar Flare and Firelight discuss some hard truths and revelations from that conversation over tea together, and support one another through it.

Title inspired by the song of the same name by Lizzo.

Not Romance.

Warning: Slight mention of death.

Chapters (1)

A lot has changed since Tirek's first reign of terror, and he didn't have time to absorb the culture last time he was free.

He's still not sure he can absorb it now.

Chapters (1)

Cozy Glow adopts a kitten. Grogar may not necessarily approve of this.

Translated to French by Acylius: https://www.bibliotheque-de-canterlot.fr/fictions/cozy-glow-adopte-un-chaton-by-acylius

Chapters (1)

After the events of the episode 'She's All Yak', Sandbar has something very important to ask Yona. Can he find the words though? And what will she say?

Chapters (1)

"Are all these... yours?" Fluttershy asked Ember about the dragon eggs. "No... none of them are!" she denied. But what if this wasn't just a lie, but a BIG lie...?

Takes place straight after the episode Sweet And Smoky.

Featured from 29/5/19 to 30/5/19

Chapters (1)

In this alternate version of She's All Yak, Prince Rutherford turns up as a special visitor to the party just as the new-look Yona makes an appearance. What do you think his reaction will be? Clue: not great.

Chapters (1)

Torque Wrench does a favor for Kerfuffle in her hour of need. Not that it means they're friends or anything. Just a little engineering project, don'tcha know.

A little story that takes place before the Mane 6 arrive in Hope Hollow for the events of Rainbow Roadtrip. (The first Kerfuffle or Torque story on Fimfiction!)

Edited by Tranquil Serenity.

Featured on Equestria Daily, 13th September 2019

Highly Recommended, PresentPerfect Fic Recs
4* (Recommended), Louder Yay
9/10, My Little Reviews & Feedback
Pretty Good, PaulAsaran Thursday Reviews

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rock Solid Approval?

(It is strongly recommended you check out Birthday Built For Two first, in order to better understand some things. But familiarity with it is not a necessity. Takes place prior to "School Raze". Proofread by Smity91 on Fanfiction.net.)

Cheese Sandwich has been on the road for a long time and despite the letters, there's much about Pinkie's life he hasn't been aware of.

But now the party pony finally finds himself with some free time, coincidentally it's on the anniversary of the day he and Pinkie agreed to enter into a relationship.

When Cheese comes back to Ponyville, he's surprised to learn that Pinkie Pie is now a professor at Twilight's school of friendship. And so he decides to do what he does best, surprise the pony he loves more than anything.

But how will the students react to the knowledge that one of their teachers is in a long distance relationship with a pony they've never met before?

Chapters (1)

Spike has helped in looking after Flurry Heart before, but never by himself. But, when all others become unavailable, he finds himself alone with that responsibility, and so does his best to look after the little Princess.

Chapters (1)