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Most things had returned to normal following the Festival of Friendship, but Tempest felt there was still one matter to be settled. It had been no easy feat convincing the pirate captain to travel with her, much less alone and unaware of the destination. But having the Princess of Friendship on your side could do wonders, apparently.

Chapters (1)

Minor spoilers for MLP: The Movie

Her plans are foiled, nopony seems to bear a grudge and the Friendship Festival is in full swing. Tempest isn't in a partying mood and keeps to the sidelines, where she encounters an earth pony mare who knows a thing or two about screwing up your own life.

Takes place before Twilight Sparkle talks Tempest into showing off her horn powers through firework.

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of the Storm King's power play, Tempest Shadow finds herself at a crossroads once again. She hasn't been banished, but no party can change the festering feeling of being out of place. Exploring the caves underneath Canterlot, she stumbles upon an odd, crimson shard, and a spirit of a lost king who promises to mend her broken horn—and while he's at it, to help her get her old life back.

The hornless pony finds the ponyless horn's offer tempting.

Recommended by PresentPerfect here!

Chapters (1)

After being tasked with making a friend by Twilight Sparkle, Tempest is distracted by Songbird's amazing show and goes to compliment her on it.

I wrote this fic after telling my artist friend that if she drew a Tempest x Songbird image(this stories cover image), I'd write a fic for it. She held up her end, so I held up mine. Hope you guys enjoy :)

Rated Teen because I don't know if some parts are 'show-like everyone rated'

Wew. Peeps really seem to want more out of a complete story. MAYBE I'll indulge. If I can figure out how to make this ship work...

Chapters (1)

Twilight's been meaning to ask.

Rated teen for alcohol and dick jokes.

I didn't originally mean for this to be my entry into Aragon and Friends' THE COMEDY (IS SERIOUS BUSINESS) CONTEST, but it worked out perfectly.

Content Warning: wildly waveringly written drunk dialogue. And a pun.
Reading by SNinja! Go support him on YouTube!

Chapters (2)

Following the events of the movie, Tempest decides to leave quietly but is caught before she can by Twilight.

Chapters (1)

Limestone, Maud, and Marble Pie are sisters. Everypony knows that. What catches ponies off guard, however, is the fact that bouncy, loud, and boisterous Pinkie is also a Pie sister. But appearances can be deceiving, and sometimes, family bonds run deeper than first impressions can allow.

Chapters (2)

Warning: spoilers for the episode Father Knows Beast. Having apparently been reunited with his long lost dad, Spike is about to celebrate! Twilight isn't quite so certain though, and decides that's there's only one way to be absolutely sure...

Clue: It involves the 'magic' of science.

Chapters (1)

Maud is the reigning champion of stand-up comedy in Equestria. But, with the discovery of the kirin village comes a new challenger to the forefront: Autumn Blaze.

How will things play out? Not well.

Collaboration with Alex_. Thanks bro!

Takes place after "Sounds of Silence" so, you know, there might be some spoilers.

Chapters (1)

(Takes place after the events of "The Return of Tempest Shadow", slight spoilers for those who haven't read the comics.)

Since the Storm King's defeat Tempest (a.k.a Fizzlepop Berrytwist) has worked to change her image and make amends for her troubled past.

But in order to do so she must apologize to Glitter Drops for being so hard on her, something that is easier said than done.

However, it seems Glitter has some suggestions for her friend, not only about how they can mend their friendship but also how Tempest can (hopefully) find a purpose for herself.

Chapters (1)