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“Why do we get gifts every year?” said Dinky. “For Hearth’s Warming, I mean.”

This seems an easy enough question, but Ruby Pinch never had it easy. Trying to find out the real reason for all this gift-giving, she confronts the odd bond between the energetic Dinky and the reserved Amethyst, the simple-minded approach of her hapless cousin Piña Colada, and, on top of that, her beloved "Auntie" Berry, who's a confusing trial all on her own.

And then there's Ruby herself. For, sensible young mare as she thinks she is, she has her own growing mistrust of the answers she seems to be getting. Especially when it comes time to find her own gift.

Proofreading provided by Sunset_Sparkles of The Proofreader Group.

Inspired by, but not involved in, The Obselescence Memorial Jinglemas Twinglemas Secret Santa Sendoff: Part 2 Edition!

Chapters (7)

Moondancer is looking forward to some uninteruppted studying. She is therefore surprised--and angry--to find that not one, but several of her fellow classmates have decided to stay over the holidays. And none of them are thrilled about it.

Chapters (1)

It started over tea. Twilight and Starlight agreed to each invite one friend; and then the conversation turned to the question of what if the world around them was nothing but a work of fiction?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's son learns that unexpected surprises may come from those we underestimate. A story on father/son bonding.

Updated with self-drawn/colored coverart.

Chapters (11)

Rainbow Dash is a mare of many talents, among them incredible passive observation skills. Once she no longer worried about getting her chance to ride the most amazing roller coaster that ever was like any proper Wonderbolt, she could take the time to process everything her brain noticed while she was busy.

That's when the family resemblance hit her.

Then some other things.

This is going to be awkward.

Rated Teen for frank discussion of the production of Trixie.

Chapters (1)

Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen The Perfect Pear. After hearing the story of Applejacks parents, Twilight decides to surprise them with a special spell she took weeks to learn. Now the apples and Grand Pear get to see some long gone family.

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie does not like surprises. Stage shows are all about not having a single surprise. Everything is safe, everything is normal, and nopony is ever at risk of being hurt.

When Trixie goes to Las Pegasus to visit her father, Jack Pot, she gets the surprise of a lifetime when she is also confronted with the knowledge of who her mother was.

Keywords for search: Trixie Lulamoon Jack Pot Tantabus slice of life sol slice-of-life 3rd person third first 1st person alternating view

Art by Badumsquish.

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (1)

No person's an island; if your bridges burn, than a dog can swim.

A short and quite literally 'slice of life' story about the Apple Family, seen from Winona's perspective. This is a more personal story, based on my own experiences, so don't expect anything dramatic.

Chapters (1)

A certain individual tries to sell Granny Smith novelty steaks, but doesn’t expect the old coot to have some tricks up her sleeve.

Chapters (1)

Gabby and Gallus go on a quest to find something to eat. Unfortunately for them, citizens of Ponyville seem to have a completely different ideas about food.

A comedy of a culinary variety.

Contains mild gore, absolutely no vore, only about 6% of fat. Gluten-free. May contain trace amount of peanuts.
Preread by hawthornbunny (truly the right bunny in the right place) and Cinder Vel.
🇺🇦Translation🇺🇦 by FoxcubRandy, edited by ColdSky.

Chapters (1)