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When Celestia decides Spike is finally ready to learn about his true dragon heritage, the young dragon is introduced to a whole new side of himself.

This side, unfortunately, includes an incredibly stupid surname.

In order to have it changed, he must embark on a perilous adventure through the dangerous world of civil court bureaucracy.

Chapters (4)

With Adagio home sick, Aria and Sonata find themselves competing for a cash prize at the Sisterhood Social. They might have had a chance too, if they had known the event was hosted by one of the girls who ruined their lives.

Chapters (2)

Double Diamond always felt most at home on the snow-covered slopes of Equestria. But lately, he's had trouble feeling at home anywhere.

While on a skiing sabbatical in northeastern Equestria, he runs into a mysterious unicorn mare who claims to have the answer to his troubles...

Cover art by mercurycraft7.

Chapters (1)

Spike the dog approaches Sunset Shimmer with an important question. A question she simply must find the answer to for the sake of Equestria's future.

Part of the MAD verse.

Thanks to Nova Quill/Firimil, and
Steel Resolve for their edits and suggestions!

Wonderfully serene picture by fizzy-dog!

Chapters (1)

Takes place directly after School Raze, so SPOILERS. After being joined in imprisonment at Tartarus with his pen-pal Cozy Glow, it isn't too long before Tirek finds himself on the run again. The question is though, is he safer free, or in a steel cage?

That remains to be seen.

Chapters (2)

It's been a week since Zephyr Breeze graduated, and he shows no sign of leaving his parents' house. Fluttershy takes it upon herself to find him a job where he can apply his newfound skills, and a Bearer of Harmony certainly has connections at her disposal.

Of course, said connection may not be so happy about some fancy college colt twice her age flapping on her turf.

An entry in Aragon's Comedy (Is Serious Business) contest.

Chapters (1)

Coco Pommel's pulled out all the stops for her first Nightmare Night with her adopted daughter Babs Seed, and she's ready to throw the best holiday party she can. But, as she soon realizes after a poorly-timed bathroom break, leaving three foals alone with a cookie cake is never a good idea.

A fluffy Halloween oneshot from the If You Give a Little Love universe. Takes place before Act II of the parent story (before S5 in MLP), and can be read on its own. Art by naoki.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Birthday Built For Two

(It is highly recommended you check out Birthday Built For Two and Starlight and Sunburst's Misadventures in Flurry Sitting first. Takes place after "Rock Solid Friendship" for obvious reasons. Proofread on DeviantArt by Smity1038.)

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich have been a couple for some time now, and their long distance relationship has seen its fair share of challenges. But Cheese has finally come back to Ponyville, looking to settle down for a while and take a break from party planning.

Of course, this temporary rest gives Pinkie the perfect opportunity to finally introduce Cheese to her big sister, Maud, now living in Ponyville adjacent.

But Cheese Sandwich has never met Maud before, he's only heard about her from Pinkie's letters and they haven't told him much. And he's very concerned about what she might have to say about him dating her younger sister. What if he can't get Maud's approval?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Electra Complex

Shining Armor is awoken by his daughter bearing a surprise for him.

Shining Armor is wary of surprises from his daughter.

Edited by ChappedPenguinLips (added because I didn’t realize he was joking when he said he didn’t want his name on “a filthy fic of this nature”. Sorry bro.)

Chapters (1)

Chiffon Swirl just wants to be noticed as an up-and-coming baker. Entering the Ponyville Baking Competition seemed like a good idea, at least until it involved making carrot cake. Nopony likes carrot cake.

Carrot Cake just wants to be noticed by a certain blue mare. Entering the Ponyville Baking Competition seemed like a great way to make that happen. If only he knew more than one recipe.

A special thanks to BlazzingInferno for the title and the long description.

This story is finished, and I will post a new chapter every Tuesday and Thursday.

Chapters (7)