• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 5 1142 stories
  • Season 5 1142 stories - 4140 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 5 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - September, 2015
Found 1,042 stories in 75ms

Total Words: 10,971,926
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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Starlight Glimmer is a complicated mare with a storied past. She founded a town, brainwashed and enslaved her town, and took revenge on the pony who ended her reign by changing the past and destroying the future.

Few ponies know what she did, the full extent of her crimes.

But she does.

Chapters (6)

The Realm of Chaos. A bewildering, distorted mess of a place, where black is white, up is down, short is long, and the laws of physics sometimes forget to exist. Someplace only the bravest, boldest of ponies would dare to go. And yet, this pony not only goes there, but does so so frequently it has become routine. This is just one of their many, many journeys.

Chapters (1)

What if instead of waiting in Twilight's throne room like some cheap, one-dimensional villian, Starlight decided to play it smart? What if she decided to strike at Twilight when she off guard? And what if instead of sending her through time, she decided to do something abit more drastic to the princess of friendship?

An What-if story for The Cutie Remark that came to my mind when I saw this picture. This story main theme is brainwashing and hypnosis.

Rating may change to mature.

Chapters (1)

In this followup to Wind Rider Goes Drinking, Spitfire pays a visit to Wind Rider after he is arrested for drinking as a result of being discharged from the Wonderbolts and admonishes him for his actions.

Chapters (1)

Sugar Belle is just a normal pony in Our Town. She likes baking, and hopes that Mr. Right Stallion will come along soon. Until then, she attempts to live every day to the fullest. Of late, however, she has become disillusioned, and is looking for a way out.

Now if only these new ponies to town weren't so rude.

1st-person, slightly experimental writing. Slight unsettling tones, but only within the level of what was already seen in The Cutie Map episodes.

Day 4 of my Self-Imposed 31 Fics in 31 Days Challenge.

Chapters (1)

It's impossible to change the past.

For many years Apple Bloom and co have put up with merciless bullying from Diamond Tiara, and, now that she's stopped, it's time to get some things straight. Neither of the fillies ever expected to be speaking to each other with a drop of kindness, but it's happening. Both of them make the most of it.

Chapters (1)

After he is discharged from the Wonderbolts for attempting to frame Rainbow Dash, Wind Rider gets drunk and makes a complete idiot out of himself.

Chapters (1)

Following the events of "The Mane Attraction," Coloratura has decided to give up on her "Countess Coloratura" persona for good and focus on her tenure as a singer/songwriter. However, she is visited by her former manager who begs for her forgiveness.

*Continuation of Saint Luna

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara has had it up to here with her mother, and her father's apparent refusal to do anything about her behavior! Unwilling and unable to put up with such nastiness any longer, Diamond does the unthinkable and runs away from home, leaving her trusty tiara behind in the process!

The filly moves into Carousel Boutique with Rarity, despite the surprise and protests of not only Rarity herself, but also Sweetie Belle. However, it seems nothing can change Diamond's mind. Reluctantly, Rarity agrees to let the troubled filly stay, for a while.

But when Diamond is kidnapped by the diamond dogs while on a gem hunt with Sweetie Belle, she will be surprised by the pony who comes to her rescue.

(Takes place after "Applejack's 'Day' Off" but before "Spice Up Your Life". Proofread by Smity1038 on Deviant Art, and proofread and edited by deadpansnarker on FimFiction.)

Chapters (1)

In another timeline, created by the meddling of Starlight Glimmer, Nightmare Moon's plot to return and overthrow Princess Celestia has succeeded. Now Rarity is at her mercy, and finds that the lonely banished princess has taken a liking to her beauty and fighting spirit. Rarity must fight with every ounce of her mental prowess to retain her independence and her sanity.

Rated T for torture and suggestive dialogue

Chapters (1)