• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 5 1142 stories
  • Season 5 1142 stories - 4140 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 5 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - September, 2015
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Total Words: 10,971,926
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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There was another reason why Starlight had created her cutie markless town and hated Twilight so much. She had met her before, a long time ago.

Finally, a new story!:rainbowlaugh: Cover art by me! I was partially inspired by this amazing story!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Synthetic Bottled Sunlight

A gift for NorrisThePony. Set in the same 'verse as Synthetic Bottled Sunlight, you have to read it to understand what's happening here and it's really good anyway. Why haven't you read it yet? There's some spoilers in here too.

Celestia is writing a book and won't let Nightmare Moon read it so Nightmare Moon decides to annoy her as much as possible.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Someone Still Loves You

While editing Someone Still Loves You for Jowijo, I've suggested a couple different alternate scenes that didn't make it into the final product. I'm kind-of attached to these scenes, so I've decided to post 'em here.

Context is kinda necessary for understanding these, so go and read the original, if you haven't already. Also, make sure to show Jowijo some love in the comments!

Next chapter posts after SSLY completes.

If you liked these, please consider checking out my other stories:

My Sister Fluttershy: Fluttershy's older sister tells of Fluttershy's childhood and disappearance.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: Single-mother Pinkie Pie tries to raise her three triplets on her own.
For the Good of Equestria: Princess Celestia tells of her battles with Discord and King Sombra.

Chapters (4)

War had ravaged Equestria, forcing it back into the Dark Age. Nations fight for power while killing themselves in the process.
New technology is the way forward, and new tactics are the future, but the more forwards they go, the more closer they are to extinction.
This universe is doomed, ever since a rainbow maned filly was struck by a dimension hopping maniac during a race.

"Some worlds flourish, and others are left for dead."

Follow Rainbow Dash, Flash Sentry and Soarin as they live through the horrors of the great Equestrian war.
(This story is my idea of how the "doomsday" timeline in the season 5 finale came to be.)

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Journey through Demon Land

After four extraordinary events ('Season 4 Episode 25 & 26: Twilight's Kingdom', 'His Light, Her Darkness', Rainbow Spark Rocks and Journey through Demon Land), Twilight Sparkle and her friends embark on new adventures, along with their Mystic Ponies. They even faced new villains and lessons to learn...

Chapters (31)

After her reformation, Diamond Tiara thought her life could only get better. Unfortunately, she forgot to factor one vengeful mother into the equation. This is what happened next, in her own words.

Warning: Graphic descriptions of abuse to be found within.

Chapters (1)

Starlight went a little too far when she traveled through time for revenge, but she had no idea it was a dangerous crime. Starlight ended up getting arrested by the Quantum Order, an organization that arrests time-traveling criminals. After getting booked, Starlight is assigned one lawyer to help her in the trial. Starlight has one shot to clear her name in court. If Starlight is found guilty, she will face a deadly punishment.

Chapters (1)

The war has been over for months and yet it still lingers in many. Not a day passed by without them remembering the horrors and sadness the war was brought.

Major Rainbow Dash, national hero and renowned soldier of the Equestrian Army, is praised by ponies no matter where she goes. Her exploits during the last day of the war is a well known story as her face is easily recognized anywhere. Considered as a great icon, somepony who ended the war and saved thousands, she is looked up upon by many and adored by the entire land. But for her, she just wishes to be left alone. The parties, the speeches, the praises, she would trade that for the lives of those she lost or for a chance to join them in their eternal sleep.

When this war hero finally snaps from all the strains she had to go through, she is sent to Ponyville for the long awaited rest she wanted. Having trouble finding quiet and peace in the large cities because of her fame, the small quiet town of Ponyville seems like the perfect place for her stay and get away from it all.

But with the memories of the pass always shrouding her, would she finally be able to make peace? Or will she continue to suffer and wage war in her mind, even after the last shot was fired.

Chapters (11)

After the events of Crusaders Of The Lost Mark, Pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara have a little conversation. Surprises are shared, secrets are learned, and a scheming best friend is up to something...

Chapters (1)

The Crystal war has been going on for 4 years, for 4 years, Sombra has been keeping three prisoners in his dungeon. Now the war will finally come to an end, this is the story of Rainbow, Pinkie and their comrades. They have been there since the first days, now they will be there, when Sombra's army falls. This war has cost everypony something, whether it's a limb, a friend, or a family member. Hardened by this war, they grown numb to the idea of death.
Equestria can finally at long last live in peace. Yet, in order to end the war, Celestria must do something she considers deplorable.

Image taken from Google
Edit) A few fixes have been made and a character's name changed.

Chapters (1)