• Member Since 7th Mar, 2013


Silly Aussie who has a few story ideas in the pipes, but nothing solidified just yet.

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Five of the youth of House Path are abruptly whisked away by the enigmatic Doctor Whooves, and they find themselves in a Ponyville that they can scarcely recognize. A tyrant queen rules Equestria, alliances were never forged with Griffonia and the Changeling Hives, and three of the group had never been born! Someone has changed history, and it's up to them to figure out when, how, and who did it, or Equestria will suffer, and the rest of the world along with it.

This is the direct sequel to "The Growing Years" and "A Different Perspective", and I advise reading those stories first.

Chapters (22)

My name's Chris Scott, and I used to be a (somewhat) normal guy. That is until I decided to go to Power Morphicon dressed as a Psycho Ranger. Or maybe I should blame the shady vendor.... Either way, I'm now stuck in a war-ravaged Equestria. Apparently, King Mondo decided to make his new vacation home here. The locals didn't take it very well. Did I mention the ponies here are anthropomorphic? On the upside, I have a new roommate....

Hey, guys. So, I've decided to join the Displaced community. I hope you enjoy this new Displaced Fic. Also, gore tag for possible future events.

Chapters (31)

First off, I have no idea what is going on. I was having a massive boon in my writing thanks to MLP and the latest film that has been released and you'd think i'd be happy right?  Wrong! One minute i'm writing down some gibberish because of a strange voice in my head and the next i am back in Highschool!

I wouldn't mind as much if it weren't for the fact that i reverted in age thanks to a certain sun Princess, who ALSO robbed me of my knowledge of all things pony and left me with only the knowledge of my mission!!  God i hate freaking highschool...

(The events depicted take place after the movie and there will be spoilers, reader discretion is advised  
PS- I do not want to come off as a jerk when i say this, but if your going to dislike it without reading it GTFO. Either read it or don't, you don't have to if you don't want to but don't spoil it for everypony else by bombing it, i put a lot of work and time into this one as i do with all my fics and it would be greatly appreciated.
PSS- Sex will be implied and not shown but just in case i'm putting the tag there. )

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to Friendship Kita!!!!

Warning, spoilers for Friendship Kita, you have been warned.

It was just supposed to be a straight forward summit between the Princesses and leaders of other countries, that Jack and Bobby had to attend for some reason. Then, an old student of Celestia's named Sunset Shimmer steals the Element of Magic, assisted by a Zodiarts, and escapes into a portal to another dimension. Naturally, Twilight and Jack go to get it back. However, on the other side is a place that Jack knows quite well, Amanogawa High.

Time to settle things 2 on 2.

Chapters (2)

After being purged of Nightmare moon, Luna returns to the moon to purge herself of the lingering memories of being trapped there. However, what she does not expect to find is a strange building that wasn't there before, along with a strange being, who wants to be her friend.

Kamen Rider Fourze Displaced
Rated Teen for mild language

You asked for this, now you got it.

Chapters (13)

A thousand years ago, Prince Grey Ghost lost his parents and in a fit of grief, placed himself into exile. Now a thousand years have passed and he has returned home, only to find that he has been utterly forgotten. Lost in a world that left him behind, Grey Ghost must adapt to the trials of modern life and overcome the grief that still eats at his soul.

This story is a collab between myself and Duskshadowbrony. Be sure to check out our other stories.

Chapters (3)

Isaac and his friends didn't expect to end up as digimon in a land of talking ponies, but here they are, forced to play protector. Follow their adventures as they battle the forces of darkness and try to find a way home.

-A reworking of an old story into something new. A displaced story so, read at your own risk--Co-authored by thunderclap--edited by m2pt5-

Chapters (24)

Peace has returned to Canterlot High School and nobody fears Sunset Shimmer since the Battle of The Bands, but a new threat know as Decepticons, lead by Megatron, wants to conquer Earth and the rest of the Universe. Now Twilight Sparkle and the Rainbooms must join with Optimus Prime and the Autobots in their galatic civil war that last eons. Will the heroic Autobots prevail and bring peace to the Universe or will the evil Decepticons win this war and conquer Humankind?

Chapters (29)

Some Ponies in Equestria secretly protect this world from the chaos.
Their existanse is only rumored in underground stories and metropolitan legends...
But they are real...

Kamen Rider with Mlp crossover, as such it will involve heavily different story from the canonic one, be warned.
This story involves The Ponies (from the mare 6 to the princesses) becoming the equestrian equivalent of Kamen Riders, so it will involve much odd things, hi-tech, unknown magic, new creatures and many other things that you can see in a Tokusatsu Show.

P.s.: In every chapter a different rider's story will be told, and little by little, their stories will connect into a story itself. Wait and see :raritywink:

Chapters (3)

In Kamen rider ooo x Kamen rider Fourze movie war megamax, instead of getting turned into medals and switches, the legendary seven kamen riders are transported to Equestria. Now not only do they have to find a way back home but they must also defeat the forces of Foundation X that is also there in this world.

Chapters (6)