• Member Since 9th Nov, 2015


I like reeding and gaming but mostly ponys [] edit .... and memes

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To the far east across the vast sea is the forgotten homeland of the diamond dogs. A land once full of poverty, sickness, and famine has become an industrial super power that threatens Equestrias economic dominance/standing. Can Equestria survive as countless ponies are put out of work from the influx of cheaper and higher quality goods from Britannia or will they be forced into an war against a technologically superior foe? And just who is the Emperor and is every thing they know a lie?

Chapters (46)

Twilight has received a letter from Sunset Shimmer that Canterlot High is almost taken over by Sirens. She and Spike enter the mirror to help out her friend. However, something went wrong. Spike is separated from Twilight and finds himself in a different world called Thedas.

Spike must set aside his own fears and innocents to save a world in peril, with the help of one that will save it.

Second fan fiction story, set during Rainbow Rocks.

I do not own Dragon Age or Equestrian Girls.

Chapters (6)

(No ponies until Ch 5/6)

I am the Hero of Ferelden, and the King as husband to Queen Anora, officially, the title is Prince-Consort but everyone calls me the King and treats and thinks of me as such, I made a lot of world affecting choices during the Blight, some for better, some for worse, since I ended the Blight and helped Amaranthine and House Dace, life was looking up, apart from one

thing... the Calling, this is the call all Wardens get after 30+ years to go to the Deep Roads and end your life throwing yourself at the Darkspawn beneath, I don't plan to end that way, so now I am on the road seeking something that may not exist, just like with the Sacred Ashes.

But something happens to me and Barkspawn when we find a relic that could help, something that would change our, and every other Wardens lives, forever, when we end up somewhere foreign, with no idea of what to expect, what will we do? how will we cope? will we survive? one way to find out...

My name is King Regnier Therin Cousland, and this is my codex...

Chapters (7)

Due to a combination of blood magic, an ancient elven artifact and the well placed punch of a golem, the Commander of the Grey and several of his fellow Grey Wardens find themselves in the magical land of Equestria.

Coming from a land that not only has magic, but fears and mistrusts those who use it, how will they react to see land of ponies who depend on magic to keep their lives in perpetual harmony? How will the ponies react to the strange creatures coming from a land of bloody conflict, demons and magical intolerance?

A Dragon Age crossover.

Chapters (43)

The Well of Eternity a place lost to time, is the birthplace of Equestria's various deities. King, a mortal man from Earth slips between the cracks that separate worlds. Landing in the unforgiving badlands of greater Equestria, he aimlessly wanders through the unforgiving terrain. Eventually enslaved by diamond dogs, for ten long years he labors under their cruel whips, eventually escaping his captors only to become lost in the depths of Equestria's vast underworld. Dying of thirst, the man spies the Well of Eternity and drinks his fill. Its waters more than quench his thirst; a metamorphosis occurs and changes him, for good or ill none can tell. What fate shall befall this man, the Great Slave King?

Book one of four, book two can be found at The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

TV Tropes Page: The Great Slave King: Special thanks goes to gentlereader Abstract Indigo

Cover art by PoisonSt.

Chapters (32)

This story is a prequel to Little ray of Sunshine

VERY heavy spoilers for Undertale
No, seriously.
You should play the game first then come back.
Okay? Okay.

Young Sombra fell into the dark bottomless hole, expecting to die from the impact. What actually happens is what he never expected. Sombra finds himself in a heart-warming home with a loving mother, father, and brother.

He starts to care for them, wanting to do what's best for not only them, but all monsters.

By destroying the ones who sent them down here in the first place. And he will do anything to complete his new goal.

A prequel story to Little ray of sunshine

Based on the PWNY stories from Tatsurou, check them out if you haven't.

Cover art made by Sakura

Chapters (3)

After the fight with the human, Sans was finally was brought down. Ready to accept his defeat he dropped down and was ready for death to overtake him...However, before he could pass three unlikely characters are in need of help and Sans is the only one who can do so. Despite his wounds and his lack of seriousness, he crossed over into a world where more humans reside with magic. Now far from home he and his new friends will have to get acquainted, while Sans tries to fight an old enemy of his dreams.

Chapters (11)

Derpy was on her regular mail route when a sudden crash caused her to meet the most peculiar creature. A little creature called Temmie. Now, she finds herself promising to help the little guy get home. Little does she know, the creature has a charm that will make anypony want to befriend the lovable little guy.

This is a MLPXUndertale crossover. May contain minor spoilers to Undertale.

I would like to thank Brony Dragon for the cover art!

Featured on Fimfiction's main page on 1/24/2016!

Chapters (6)

I hope that you’ve opened this particular tome looking for a guide to the life of a traveling hero, presented through the story of a young unicorn rising up to defeat the disembodied spirit of a powerful and evil archmage.

If you’re not interested, you’re in the wrong section of the library for cookbooks, and for the record, I’m very sorry for the life you must live.

My name is Mortal Coil, and this is the beginning of the most important story in the history of Equestria.

A Price of Loyalty story.

Chapters (54)

In the ninth century, the renowned and feared viking, Alrik the Strong, had finally set sail back to his home in Scandinavia. After a successful expedition in the Americas, Alrik and his men felt invincible, capable of taking on the vast seas like their heroes, but that illusion of grandeur was torn away from their minds when a furious and wrathful storm capsized his ship, sending his crew into the loving arms of the All-Father in Valhalla.
He was walking, with his men, through the doors of Valhalla, but the being of the highest power denied Alrik's entry. He pleaded, and nearly wept, to go into the promised land of nords, but it would seem that Odin had other plans for the shipwrecked captain.
Plans of conquest.

I have returned to writing this. After the abysmal writing I had in the middle chapters all those years ago, I have returned to reclaim my story and reclaim my shame. I will no longer hide, for I am truly back.

Chapters (18)