• Member Since 9th Nov, 2015


I like reeding and gaming but mostly ponys [] edit .... and memes

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The Apple Family decides to plant wheat this year and end up with a surprise house guest.

How will the Apple clan handle having a wolf in their home? Let alone, a Wise Wolf that's obsessed with sweet, succulent, juicy apples?

Yep, Spice and Wolf crossover. Wish me luck I'm gonna need it. If you like it, tell me why. If you don't like it, tell me why.
Artist for image is roshichenAll copyrights belong to their respective owners.
Feature Box Achivement Unlocked on the 23rd of December, 2012!

Chapters (13)

Once, I was a simple human. I spent my days living my life and enjoying as the days slowly ticked past. I had a girlfriend who loved me and who I loved in return.

That all changed one day when I went to a costume party dressed up as the character Amaterasu from the game Okami.

Now I don't even know what I am anymore.

I have the powers of a god, but what am I supposed to use them for?

Edited and Proofread by Courage Fire and tytyvm starting from Fourth and Fifth Howl.

Chapters (7)

Sup, the name's Mark. Or was Mark, anyway that's not to important anymore. Just know that while I lived on Earth, I was constantly under pressure to follow the rules and fit a mold that didn't fit well with me. My life was constantly controlled by a system I despised.

Well since getting sucker punched into Equestria by a goddess those days are over. Being the one and only Winged Wolf in the known world is a huge help to being able to make my own rules. I'm finally free to do what I want, when I want, and how I want and that's exactly what I'm planning on doing.

Set in the same universe as The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog and Griffin the Griffin.


I did get permission from both Rust and BlackWing to use the same setting as their characters. Go read both of their stories. They're awesome. Reading them is what made me want to write this story in the first place, so if you liked this, you'll fall in love with those stories.

Added the Dark tag just in case. There will be a decent amount of violence later on. Will add character tags as they become important to the story.

Chapters (22)

Dragons. Beasts of Fire and Fury. Of course, two things obviously come to mind when you think of these creatures. First, They're completely fantasy. Second, if they were real, then you would have to end up running away from them if you don't want to become their next meal. However, that's not quite the case for me, and I have a big friend who could say the same thing.

My name is Ken. You may see me as just an ordinary guy, but I'm not quite exactly what you may consider as "normal". I'm a Scalebound and I now made a pact with Revaan, the last dragon of his kind. From he knows of course. Now, we stick together and try to survive against huge monsters, manage my new life with a few friends from other dimensions and get along with the local population in a new world that I just happened to wake up in.

Oh, and another thing. That "population" I was talking about happens to be a massive group of ponies and various other species. Some who aren't as warm or receptive to seeing us as others are. Let's just hope we don't get on there bad side.

No promises.

Oh come on, Revaan! Seriously!?

What? It isn't my fault that I'm the size of a small building. I'm just glad that I didn't squish anything... or anyone for that matter

You and me both, my friend.

Displaced story based on the concept behind the Xbox One Exclusive; Scalebound by Platinum Games. With some added elements to it. The first few chapters might be... well, hard to understand everything going on, but once you get past that, things begin to clear up. Trust me...

Credits to everything shown
MLP belongs to Hasbro
Scalebound belongs to Platinum Games and Hideki Kamiya
Takes place midway through Season 5 around the time episode 14 takes place. The narrative is first person and mostly takes place from Ken's Point of View. I want to thank Gale and a couple of other authors in the Displaced community who helped me come up with this. You guys are awesome.

This story will update when I have the motivation and time to get to work on it. I want to clear my to-do list of things to work on before we get there.

Chapters (48)

This story is a sequel to The Diamond Dog's Guide to Engineering

Part of the Observations Universe!

Everyone knows her as Daring Do, the Adventuring Mare of Mystery, but when the revolving doors of her various nemesis' ambitions seems to stop, she suddenly finds herself with far too much time on her hooves.

Through an anonymous source curiously identifying themselves as Daring Do's Number One Fan, she receives a set of coordinates that seem to point to nowhere. Taking her chances on what could either be a trap, a dead-end, or one of the greatest discoveries in her field, Daring must come to terms with the fact that even she, an expert in the field of ancient history, might not know where to draw the lines between myth and legend on this adventure.

Chapters (16)

Aaron was just on a hike to get away from work for a while. Or so he thinks, as there are a few holes in his memory. One thing's for sure though, after a chance encounter with the local Diamond Dog population, he's found himself outmatched in every way but one: Diamond Dogs are dumb to dangerous degree.

Takes place in the Observations Universe! Because of this, it is highly recommended that you start with Observations.

The sequel can be found here: Daring Do and the Throne of Ouroboros.

Caution! There may or may not be spoilers in the comments.

Chapters (17)

There are three of them, all Alicorns living to the desert land south of the Everfree Kingdom, which is the land that will one day be Equestria. They are a family of three: an elder sister and the younger kin she raised long before Celestia and Luna had even been born.

Elinora of the White Flame rules wisely, alone until the others are of age and get their marks. Hasad is charismatic and an excellent mediator. Stellaura is nervous, paranoid, and wants nothing more to be like her brother and please everyone, including herself by overcoming her inferiority complex. All of them have their own wishes for the world.

Only one of them will have their wish fulfilled.

Major spoilers in the comments and groups! The cover art is by turnipberry but was edited by me. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to How to Hug a Five-Hundred-Foot Tall Dragon

It was supposed to be a routine flight over the desert, just a relaxing trip to stretch his wings out. He'd done it a thousand times before.

This time, it wasn't so routine.

Sex tag is for innuendo. No clop.

Part of the Hellpiercer 'verse, but knowledge of that story is not required. Reading the direct prequel How to Hug a Five-Hundred-Foot Tall Dragon is advisable, however.

Chapters (13)

Okay so when we were younger my brother would never leave me alone and follow me around like a lost puppy all the time. Well being his awesome older sister who can blame him. Though I got sick of it and told him to back off, but him being a little kid at the time he didn't listen to me at all. He was so annoying.

Well he was.....

It seems that I did finally get my wish after all. Now I think I might....no, I know I didn't really mean that. Lately he hasn't really spent much time with me in years as he use to. Often times I find myself talking to an empty room with out him. It's been way too long since we did anything together, so tonight we're going to do something. And if he doesn't want to I'll force him.


Spike is the younger brother of Rainbow Dash not Twilight. They are human and they are in a similar lifestyle as teen living with their parents.

Third person point of view told in present tense.

Limited gore does not pertaining to the main character nor what actually happen to them.

Atrist: http://sakuranoruu.deviantart.com

Written for the Fifth SpikeDash Competition: Alternate Universes.

Chapters (1)

The kerbals have discovered a mysterious wormhole past the orbit of Jool. They sent probes through and discovered an inhabited planet at the center of a seemingly impossible Geocentric solar system. And what better way to learn about it and its inhabitants than by sending Bill, Bob, and Jebediah Kerman? What will the kerbals think about the colorful ponies, and vice versa?

Author's Note: Characters will be added as they appear. I added the human tag because kerbals are humanoid and anthro-pony stories have the human tag too. If a mod feels I shouldn't have it though, just tell me and I'll remove it. I'm working on a better cover rt, expect it to be done soon.

Disclaimer: Kerbal Space Program is owned by Squad. MLP: FIM is owned by Hasbro. This story is non-profit.

Chapters (3)