• Member Since 9th Nov, 2015


I like reeding and gaming but mostly ponys [] edit .... and memes

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This story is a sequel to World of Ponies: The Rise of Change.

Three years have passed since Castus and his humans fled from Canterlot. In that time, they have grown and learned; living at peace in a wide open plain. But forces begin to move, that now push Equestria and the Humans into a war in which both sides are not fully prepared to face.

Awsome Cover Art is thanks to Sipioc and KickassKing. Thank you dudes, you guys are awesome. I'm honored that my story has inspired fan art :)

Chapters (30)

When a human from Earth, by an unknown set of circumstances, ends up in a world upon a separate path of history and evolution, not only must he survive the different species that call it home, but the change in which his species, humans, are seen and treated.

But as he moves day by day, he will find he will play a role in the future of the world of Equestria, one that will determine the fate of both ponies and humans.

((Inspired by MadMaxtheBlack))

Chapters (19)

It was a few days after Pain's devastating attack on the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
Half of the town was completely wrecked, but eventually Pain was stopped, and luckily there were no casualties.
This was thanks to Naruto Uzumaki, now hailed by the townspeople as ‘Hero of the Leaf’.
Things were really looking up for him, finally being respected, rather than shunned and hated by the citizens.
However, all this becomes meaningless when a mythical creature appears at his doorstep, and somehow kidnaps him into another universe.

Now a stranger in a world full of colorful ponies, Naruto tries to conceal his identity until he can find a way to get back home.
But with a millennium old evil soon making its return, he might find he plays a much bigger part there than just an unintentional visitor...

Please review after you read it! Constructive criticism is always welcome!

AU tag is there for a reason, even though it is not obvious at the beginning.

Many thanks to SkittlesJesus for providing me with (yet another) epic cover art!!!

Many thanks to my editor Viper Redbird!!!
The story is currently undergoing fixing of mostly grammatical and punctuational errors.

Chapters (36)

In a world where ponies and humans coexist in what can hardly be classified as harmony, Canterlot's daily regime is interrupted when one of these controversial creatures falls out of the sky and, to his surprise, doesn't die. This man seems to be the same as the rest, and calls himself "George Trestale". However, through a complete accident, George discovers he's developed magical abilities far beyond anything he could imagine. Unfortunately for him, almost none of them work correctly, and on top of that, he has no idea who he is or where he came from.

Thinking himself to be a god, and wanted by Celestia on the sole pretense of being human, our main character is tasked with running from the authorities, finding out what sort of power he's supposed to have, and most importantly, discovering who on earth he even is. Such begins the story of George Trestale, the unluckiest "god" in Equestria.

Rated Teen for some violence and language.

~ Edit From the Future! ~
This was my first remotely successful story, and as a result it's not exactly all that good, nor is it representative of my current writing ability. You can of course read it if you want, just expect things to be somewhat sloppily executed.

Chapters (28)

At the height of war against Atlas Corporation, Gideon and Jack Mitchell are sent with a team of Sentinel operatives on a covert ops; shortly after their R&R.

However, things went sideways, and they were thrust headlong into a peaceful world filled with multicolored talking ponies. In the aftermath of the events, the Sentinels realize that they have no way to return home.

But when a new war threatens their new home and friends, the Sentinels are called forth once again to do what they do best...

A CoD: Advanced Warfare and MLP: FIM crossover.
Call of Duty belongs to Activision and MLP: FIM belongs to Hasbro (or else I'd be bathing in money now:ajsmug:). And any videos or pictures belong to their rightful owners or companies or etc.

I own nothing, aside from the story itself. :pinkiesmile:

And comments of why you like or dislike this fict are greatly appreciated.:twilightsmile:


Chapters (23)

Twilight has ascended into an alicorn, and with that ascension comes new dangers and threats. What better way to hold back those threats than with a new body guard. But Twilight wasn't expecting her new protector to be a wolf, and neither were her friends.

Chapters (57)

Applejack was on her normal day like always.

Until came the newspapers.

Two ponies are now infamous around Equestria for robbing banks and such others. The mane six however try to put peace between the two. But gets worse.

Will they befriend the thiefs of thiefs or will they have a war?

Chapters (26)

20-year-old Ryan Burbank is living with his girlfriend in their woodland home when he is struck by a mysterious infection seemingly out of nowhere. To everyone's horror, his sickness spreads quickly throughout his body, shutting him down one piece at a time. The doctors are at a loss of what to do about this new form of bacteria. Ryan and his loved ones choose to keep fighting until either a cure can be discovered...or the pain becomes too much.
At the height of his suffering, he discovers a happy little show while watching television in his hospital room. The bright colors and happy attitudes of the cartoon equines provide him with a much-needed escape from the daily pain of being killed from the inside.
Eventually, the pain becomes too much and he decides it would be better to go out surrounded by his family, in the embrace of those who kept him company throughout his short life. Just as he starts to fade, his eyes wander to the screen of the hospital room television and the cartoon ponies who adorn it. Something strange begins to occur...almost like the screen is pulling him in. Tunnel vision, maybe?
No, that can't be it...why can he hear his name being called by a very familiar voice? And why is she...crying? Who is this crying, familiar voice and why does she seem to know him?



Rated "Teen" for language and the "Sex" tag is for all of the sexual humor and suggestive situations. If I decide to up the suggestive stuff in the future, I'll change the tags and rating to fit that change.

Cover by enamis.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia's Newest Arch Enemy

After successfully defeating both Princess Celestia and Luna on his first day as super villain, the colt known as Bad Dude sets his sights on much larger projects. Namely, the creation of Equestria's first ever super villain group known as The Coalition of United Terrible Evils. Or C.U.T.E. for short.

But were villains ever truly meant to play nice with one another?

Artwork by Shadow Bolt.

More Bad Dude art by TurnWrongattheFork. HERE!

Chapters (30)

When a colt named "Bad Dude" storms into Celestia's personal study and declares himself as her latest arch enemy, the Princess can't help but nearly gush from the sight. As perhaps the cutest villain Celestia has ever encountered, she hurriedly calls for Luna to meet him as well.

But is there more to "Bad Dude" than his cute exterior would suggest?

No. No there is not.

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Chapters (2)