• Member Since 9th Nov, 2015


I like reeding and gaming but mostly ponys [] edit .... and memes

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This is a sequel to my other story, A Tale of Two Mares. Read that one first.
Anyhow, Vinyl Scratch and her trusty new wife Octavia are living in San Franciscolt, trying to make a decent living, raise a foal (or two), and not drive each other the neighbors crazy.
Some old favourites, and some ponies that are notorious for being awful, will come to make their lives a little easier(?) and some new ponies as well, for better or for worse.

Oh my Celestia, I just made that sound like the most boring story ever. You'll just have to read the first one.

And, the awesomely adorable cover pic is by my trusty (me gusta the word trusty, it seems) brony friend, RainbowShy1241. He's a very good artist (obviously) and he made that for me! Yay!

Chapters (16)

Equestria have just repelled the Changeling Invasion and Chrysalis is reeling over her loss. With the nation at high alert and the guard mobilized. The Royal sisters are preparing for what appears to be war with the Changelings, but unbenkownst to them, far across the lunar seas, a certain Western European nation was transported from our world to theirs. Whether the ponies like it or not, the arrival of this nation is definitely going to change their entire lives. (Currently undergoing a major rewrite)

(A serious France in Equestria ISOT. Because the US is too OP and the UK is too bland)

(This is my first fic ever, constructive criticism will be met with open arms :twilightsmile:)

Shout out to Silentwoodfire for proofreading my chapters, thanks man

Chapters (16)

Humans had barely been spoken of by Ponykind since hundreds of years ago. The Ponies did not believe in such beasts, not even Princess Celestia who only heard of them in songs and tales of old.

But, the Human race was very old. They were know to be frightening, strong, and ruthless only fighting for what they believed in being true. But, still the ponies did not believe in such a race. Celestia being skeptical did make a promise that if she ever found a nation of human's she would conquer it immediately since the humans are seen as a threat to her ponies. Her skepticism might just pay off as she soon finds out of a nation in the Northern half of the continent near Equestria. Will the humans be able to defend their nation against Celestia's aggression? (American Civil War Scenario Side: Union) (This Story will start somewhat similar to that of Facing Southern Thunder but will ebb out as the story progresses) (There will be battles don't worry)

Also read my other story:

Facing Southern Thunder

(Author's Note: I am a huge Civil War Buff. But, this story will not focus on the political issues during Civil War but instead focus on the presidents, generals, and their armies during the Civil War.)

Chapters (13)

No one ever wants to fight for the Rebels during reenactments of battles from the Equestrian Civil War; they're the bad guys, and they always lose. When Spike is placed on the Rebel side yet again so that Twilight can continue to win, he enlists the help of Starlight Glimmer and several thousand other ponies in launching a protracted reenactment conflict which will finally allow him to prove his worth and triumph over Twilight and the rest of his friends. This story is complete with enough Civil War humor to make Fredricksburg look like Sharpsburg.

A soft Teen rating for tobacco/alcohol use.

Inspired by a wallpaper commission I got from the very talented mourning-dreams (mourning-dreams.deviantart.com).

UPDATE: Featured on front page of Fimfiction, 5/19/16! Thank you all so much!
UPDATE: 3k+ Views! Thanks so much, and remember to check out the sequel, General George S. Dragon!

Chapters (2)

A millennium ago, give or take, Princesses Celestia and Luna were nearly defeated by the most powerful villain that they had ever faced, Grogar, the dreaded lord of Tambelon. Thanks only to the whims of random chance, the two princesses survived that encounter, but have been forced to live in fear of the time of his inevitable return. That time is now...

...But whatever revival was intended has gone a little... wrong. Behind the wheels of Grogar's body is the spirit of a slightly extremely eccentric human. Equestria would have been lucky to survive the real Grogar, but will the ponies fare any better with this loon ruling Tambelon?

Sex Tag For Sexy Times Reasons, Gore Tag For Gorey Time Reasons.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Chapters (13)

A noble earth-pony family, fallen somewhat on hard times, is killed in a mining accident. They leave behind a single male heir, who is in sore need of a guardian, and of protection. Celestia takes the young pony under her wing and delivers him not to ponies - not earth, unicorn or pegasus - but to a dragon, an ambassador, an old friend of hers.

Playing a game which may just be deadly to the uninformed, the dragon decides that the one path open to him to ensure the safety of his charge and to carry out his sworn duty, is to adopt.

Chapters (23)

Seven years after an incedeint with Spike. The mane six, the CMC and the princesses take a ride on a galleon. Which is soon taken over by an enemy ship. They take the ponies in board and plan to hold them captive for ransom, leaving the crew on small rowing boats. It seems there dates are sealed. Until a Drake, his ship and crew board the ship. It will be a very interesting week's ride home.

Proofread by StarBrony3

Chapters (6)

Spike had given up on dragons, considering them all to be delinquants after he met with some of them during the great dragon migration.
But one night after getting into an argument with his friend Twilight, he began to have strange dreams where a strange being would talk to him claiming to be a dragon spirit of a long lost race of dragons with beyond extraordinary power and that Spike himself may be one.
Now Spike is in danger from the very Ponies he called his friends and may even re-awaken a war without end, the eternity war is threatening to return and Spike is the only dragon with the power to stop it.

Chapters (4)

Ten years ago: the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle, the goddess of knowledge and power occurred. One year later, Spike the Dragon disappeared. Twilight Sparkle was broken. With the help of her fellow princess and bearers, as well as all of Equestria, she seems to have accepted the loss of her best friend.

On the nine year anniversary though, she, three other Bearers and Luna make a trip to the Western Badlands. Their mission? To get to Blackwater City, and arrive at an international political convention. However, things are turned upside down when they find out that their escort across the Badlands is the "Dragon Outlaw", Spike. However, he is not the same innocent child as before. Even though he is still biologically a child, the harsh world of the Badlands has forced him to grow up fast. Can Twilight help bring him back to her, or have the Badlands claimed his life as it has so many others? After all, once an outlaw, always an outlaw.

Chapters (4)

Life's a game full of decisions, and most of us don't have the power to change the rules. All we can do, is make our choice, and hope it was the right one, because in the end, no matter what anyone else says or does, we choose our own destiny. I don't know an awful lot about life, how to cheat at it, for instance, has always eluded me, but I do know that what I say is true.

If I've truly learned anything worth knowing, leading the life I do, it's that all are equal in death. The legacies we each leave behind, that is what truly determines the worth of someone.

So with that in mind, I've got just under 70 cycles to carve my name into history, 'fore I bite it that is.

Time's a wastin', let's get crackin'.

When a House of Winter Fallen dropship is reduced to a smoldering wreck of twisted metal by a Vex Cyclops, Skell-Rook, a dreg who's reluctant to accept his lot in life as a pirate, does all he can to survive the encounter with the murderous Vex.

He makes a decision that will forever change the course of his life.

Join Skell-Rook the Fallen dreg in his last-ditch effort to survive, an endeavor that will take him to a place he never imagined possible, free of the myriad of warring species he once knew all too well. A place where no one knows what a "Fallen" is, where no one judges him for what he is. A place where he can start over.

A place, called Equis.

A big thanks to all my pre-readers who helped me refine and shape this story into a tale that is worth your time.

Santa Shaxx
That One Hunter

Author's Note: Eliksni = Fallen, its the proper name for Skell-Rook's species.

Chapters (4)